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  • Product Indicators (MATR018 - SIGAFAT)

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Product Indicators (MATR018 - SIGAFIS)
Product Indicators (MATR018 - SIGAFIS)

This report shows data of product indicator register. This concept is applicable when the company needs only some fields of product register to store specific data per branches, and the other fields can store information common to all company branches.



In this report, the following data can be printed: product code, standard warehouse, type of standard inflow, type of standard outflow, amount per package, order point, standard cost, date of the last calculation of standard cost, currency used to calculate standard cost, date of the last purchase, safety stock, safety stock formula, delivery time, type of delivery deadline (days, months, years, etc.), etc.


Generating the list of product indicators:

1. In the generation window of the report Product Indicators, click Parameters and fill out the fields concerning:




2. Check data and confirm them.

3. Click Customize to configure other print resources.

4. Fill out fields according to field help instructions.

5. Confirm them by clicking Ok or Save, if you want to save this file.

See Also
