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This routine generates the magnetic file referring to the Monthly ICMS Information Form (GIM) of the state of Piauí, in compliance with the Ordinance GASEC 301/97, dated from November 24th, 1997.


To whom it is applicable


To taxpayers of the Brazilian Value Added Tax (ICMS) in the state of Piauí, registrants of CAGEP under the regular payment regime.




 To report operations and/or provisions accounted monthly by the taxpayer in the ICMS Tax Accounting Ledger.


Delivery Term






State - Piauí


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®



Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority





 Ordinance GASEC 301/97, dated from November 24th, 1997.

Types of Records Created

3W record

A single 3W record type is generated for each State Registration, according to determination and ICMS inflow and outflow transactions in the processed month.

Additional Information

  1. Some information presented in GIM-PI considers the ICMS Calculation period as a basis. Therefore, the ICMS Calculation must be performed in the same period the routine will be processed, before the magnetic file is generated.

Generating GIM - PI

To generate GIM - PI:

1. Copy GIMPI configuration file to the SYSTEM corresponding directory.

2. In Normative Instructions, the system displays the routine's description screen.

3. Click Parameters.

The routine parameters are displayed.

4. Observe the following data:

Start Date?

Enter the initial date for processing the Normative Instruction.

End Date?

Enter the final date for processing the Normative Instruction.

Normative Instruction?

Enter the configuration file's name without the .INI extension. For this Normative Instruction, enter GIMPI.

Target File?

Enter the destination file name where the information is generated. The file name must be GIM2W, followed by the order number of the statement to be delivered with the .TXT extension. Example: Gim2w1.TXT.

The validation application imports the files with other names with the .TXT extension. We present the information of name generation to comply with instructions provided by the Finance Department layout.


Enter the directory's name where the text file created is saved.

5. Check data and confirm.

6. After confirming the generic parameters of the Normative Instructions, GIM-PI specific parameters are displayed.

7. Click Next and check out the following data:

Type of GIM

Choose the Form Type to generate: 1- Regular or 2-Rectifying (to rectify a delivered statement).

Primary Tax CNAE

Enter the code of the Brazilian Classification of Economic Activity - Primary.

Secondary Tax CNAE

Enter the code of the Brazilian Classification of Economic Activity - Secondary.

Initial Inventory Value

Enter the value of the goods inventory in the beginning of the period of GIM-PI generation.

Inventory Date

Enter the date of the inventory position informed in the previous question.

8. Confirm the parameters and finish to start the process.

After importing the magnetic file, you must manually enter, in the "Declare" validation program, the income code corresponding to the Tax Payable calculated for the period.
