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This routine enables generation of magnetic files to deliver ISS invoices in the municipality of Indaiatuba. Magnetic file must be monthly sent, using city hall DEISS system (Statement of Tax on Services).    

To whom it is applicable

Companies acquirers and/or providers of services in the municipality of Indaiatuba/SP.


Generate a file presenting Statement of Services Provided and another file presenting Statement of Services Acquired.

Delivery Term



Municipal – Indaiatuba – São Paulo.

Application provided by tax authorities


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®

Where to find the application provided by tax authorities


Generated Files

Provided Services Statement File – DEISS_PRESTADOS


  • R = ISS Withheld by third parties, when the field A2_RECISS from Table SA2 is filled out with Yes for collecting ISS;
  • I = Exempt, when the invoice is exempt;
  • N = When the invoice is regular.

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