Páginas filhas
  • Operations (MATA630 - SIGAPCP)

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Changes have been made in Machine Load to serve companies that want to enter occupation time after the allocation of a resource (fixed time regardless of amount) in their operation scripts. Thus, the resource remains allocated after its actual occupation (setup time + standard time). Hence, the occupation fixed time is considered in the allocation of resources in machine load processing.


If the field Final Time does not exist or if it is blank, the post-operation occupation time is considered as zero (0).

Type of Operation

Type of operation influences the calculation of allocation time in Machine Load. The following types of operation can be registered: 

Regular Time: A rule of three is applied to define the operation duration time.

Example: If it takes a unit an hour to be manufactured, it will take two units two hours to be manufactured.     

Fixed Time: Fixed time is applied regardless of the amount to be produced.

Example: Time period is determined in two hours to produce 1,000 units.     

Unlimited Time: Like the operation of Fixed Time, a time period is applied regardless of the amount to be produced.

Example: Time is determined in three hours to produce 5,000 units.      



 Minimum Time: Minimum time is applied for each amount entered as standard lot.   

Example: If the registered lot is 100 and the operation time is an hour, it may take a production order of 110 units two hours to be produced, as well as a production order of 200 units. It happens because the minimum time was defined to produce 100 units. As 110 units were produced, the minimum time was changed, that is, the same time period that would be spent in a production order of 200 units was used.                         

3. Check data and confirm them.

Image ModifiedTip:

The option Excel® Exp. enables you to export data displayed on the screen to Microsoft Excel® Worksheet.


See Also

To know the integration available in Microsiga Protheus®, see the topic Drummer APS Integration.
