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  • ICE - Specific Consumption Tax - Bolivia (MATA994 - SIGAFIS)

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  • A formatação mudou.


The table with fees (SFF) is automatically fed by the system, with the default fees published by Supreme Decree No 24053. However, the subsequent maintenance of this table is up to the user, in the event of rate modification or creation of new fees.



1. Tax configuration.

The update of tables Taxes, Inflow/Outflow types and other related tables is carried out automatically by the system and already have content. The creation of this tax is made when you access Tax Additional Conferences, in the menu Tax Books Updates/Files/Tax Additional Config.

After accessing this routine, the system verifies the existence of the ICE tax and creates it, if needed.

After this processing, you can check its configuration in Variable Taxes.

2. Tax Additional Configuration.

In Inflow and Outflow Types, all the TES for transfers are displayed. With tax update, the TES calculating the ICE are added. If a TES is already used for an operation for the ICE calculation, you must edit this TES, adding the ICE tax.


In Tax Additional Config. all the fees and their default configurations are displayed. In the event of need to edit them or register a new fee, the maintenance must be carried out through this routine, by options Edit or Add.


a) All the fees have empty fields of Initial date and Final date, that is, the effectiveness of this fee is undetermined. When you must edit rate, close the fee effectiveness with the previous rate and register a new one with the same code and enter the initial effectiveness date. Thus, a history of rates applied for each fee is maintained.

b) The fields Purchase Tax Code and Sale Tax Code are also blank. That shows that the ICE indicates over any operation (depending only on the entered fee of the product). If the tax only levies on one operation, fill out the code corresponding to the inflow or outflow.


4.  The ICE calculation process is closed with the issuance of the tax document. For this, you must select a TES to calculate the tax, and a product with a valid fee. The tax must be displayed in the tax folder, located in the footer of the tax document screen, as in the example below, which show the calculation in the Inflow and Outflow Document.

Tax Books Report

The IVA (Purchases and Sales) Tax Book report is already updated to consider the ICE value. In the column 8 (TOTAL ICE), the ICE value levied upon each tax document is displayed. This value is also totalized in the lines Total Partial and Total.