Páginas filhas
  • Discount Value (FATA080 - SIGAFAT)

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  • Esta linha foi removida.
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Defines a Discount Value in the Discount Rule Header and Items. If the Disc. Vl. field is filled out, the discount Percentage is not considered, and the field concerning this percentage keeps zeroed, and vice-versa, not enabling you to define two fields at the same time.

When the discount by value is configured in the Header, it is applied to the total value of an entry when it reaches a value higher than the Value Range (ACO_FAIXA).

When the discount by value is configured in the Discount Rule Items in the Disc. Vl. field (ACP_VLRDES), it can have two behaviors:

1. If the Vl. Type field (ACP_TPDESC) is configured as By Unit, the discount of Disc. Vl. field (ACP_VLRDES) is applied to each item unit, that is, the discount value is multiplied by the item quantity.


  • ACP_TPDESC = By Unit
  • ACP_VLRDES = 00
  • Item quantity in the entry = 8
  • Value of discount on the item = 80.00

2. If the Vl. Type field (ACP_TPDESC) is configured as In Item Total, the discount of Disc. Vl. field (ACP_VLRDES) is applied to the item total, that is, the discount value is given only once to a certain item, regardless of the item quantity.


  • ACP_TPDESC = In Item Total
  • ACP_VLRDES = 00
  • Item quantity in the entry = 8
  • Value of discount on the item = 10.00

See Also

The Discount Value defined is applied to the routines:

  • Quotation
  • Sales Order
  • Direct Sales
  • Assisted Sales
  • Call Center
  • Transaction