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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Once you have defined job, functions, evaluation factors and vacancies definition, Resume Register can be used as a base during the candidate selection. Through registered data, you can schedule tests, interviews, and group dynamics among others.

This routine allows you to perform the maintenance of candidate data - as professional background, courses, qualification and performed evaluations. When candidates perform selecting tests, their data are updated in the Evaluation folder, displaying all questions and answers. In the case of essay questions, the evaluator can check the answers in order to inform the approval score of each question.

Resume Registry is also used in research - when candidates can participate of internal selection.

When a candidate is approved, resume data will be transferred to Employees Registry through Admission routine, and classified according to status and configuration of RSPDEPA.TXT file, as informed in topic RSPDEPA File in Admission routine, with MV_RSPDEPA parameter.


Image AddedNote:

To see tests data in Candidate Report, you must fill in the fields Vacancy (QR_VAGA) and Date (QR_Date) properly.



To register a resume:



 In Resumes, select Add option.

The system shows you a screen to inform name and document numbers. It also verifies if this resume is already in the system.



Inform data and confirm it.

The system shows add screen, subdivided in folders.

Professional Background


Resume Data

In Related Features/Knowledge are available the files sent by the candidate, via Candidate Portal. Select the file and click Preview or Open.

To dissociate the file from a candidate, select Related Features/Delete. This action dissociates the candidate, but saves the file in the server.

To permanently delete, click in Related Features/Knowledge. find the file by name and Related Features/Delete. Confirm the operation.

Professional Background




3. When all folders are filled out, confirm it.



In the menu, you will have the options:





Select them according to your necessities and follow help instructions.





  • Employees Register


  • Admission


  • Candidate Form