Árvore de páginas

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Speaking of folders...


Folders are used to organize the documents posted on several levels and provide access to specific users only.


By using the drag and drop feature, it is also possible to create a folder structure based on a compressed file (.zip). To do so, you only need to drag and drop the field in the file Drop a .zip file to create a file and folder structure. The structure in the compressed file will be created in the document browsing and will inherit the security, approval, and properties of the parent folder.

The drag and drop option to create folders can be limited by the browser used. You can find information on the features supported by each browser under Browser compatibility for Drag and Drop of files.

Image Removed

View folder

Access folder


01. From the main menu, click Documents.

0201. Find and click on the name of the folder you wish to access.

0203. View it's content.


A folder can contain other folders, as well as various types of documents, such as videos, images, external documents, forms, articles, among others. 

Add folder


Provided that the user has write permission for the selected location.

01. In the location where you wish to create a folder, click on New folderand select the Folder option, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.



When pressing Enter, the folder is created and posted in document browsing, provided that the user has write permission for the selected location.
By default, the folders created through the simplified form are configured so that its documents allow the user to download and print and use the platform internal viewer, that is, they have the following fields checked (found in the Inherited Properties tab): "Allow Download and Printing?" and "Use Internal Viewer?".

To cancel the folder creation, just press the Esc key instead of Enter.

Add folder – drag and drop


Provided that the user has at least write permission for the selected location. The drag and drop option to create folders can be limited by the browser used. You can find information on the features supported by each browser under Browser compatibility for Drag and Drop of files.

01. In the location desired for the new folder, drag the desired folder from its location and drop it in the frame Drop your files here, which is shown during document browsing when executing the drag and drop feature.


After dropping the folder in the indicated place, the file posting and upload begins, provided user has at least write permission.The . The folder created inherits the security, approval, and properties of the parent folder.

Progress can be monitored at the bottom of the window. The option Cancel all cancels the creation of the new folder. To view process details, click the arrow on the upper right corner of the progress window.

In case of inconsistencies during the upload, users can click on Show details to check the description of the event.

Add folder – advanced


01. In the location where you wish to create a folder, click on More New, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.

02. Click on New Advanced folder (advanced).


Clicking on this option opens the window in which you can add a folder in advanced mode, i.e., which allows you to define the folder properties. For more information, see Folder (advancedAdvanced).

Rename folder

01. Find the folder that you wish to rename.


03. Click Confirm.

Rename folder


You need to have modify permission for the folder to be able to rename it.

01. Find the folder that you wish to rename.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the folder name.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can rename the folder. For more information, see Rename folder or document.

04. Enter a new name or description.

05. Click Rename.

Edit folder properties


01. Find the folder for which you wish to edit the properties.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the folder name.

03. Click on Properties.


Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can edit the folder properties. For more information, see Edit folder or document properties Folder (Advanced)

Copy folder


01. Find and select the folder that you wish to copy to another location.
