Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Restore document's version




 Find the document for which you wish to restore an older version.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options,


located to the right of the document name and click on Properties.

03. Access , access the General information tab.

0204Click on Restore version, located below the Version/review field.

0305. In the Restore version window, select the version you wish to restore from the table Document version details.

0406. Click on Confirm.



It displays the window to change the document.

07. Change : in it, you can change the document to the version of your choice and also add a description about the change made to it. 

0608. Click on Confirm.

0709.  View the document with the content of the restored version.
