Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Whenever the security settings of a folder or document are changed in the platform, such changes are not automatically applied to users connected to fluig Fluig Connect. To apply the changes, click “Reload fluig Fluig Connect” in order to update all remote directory settings.



List content
When checked, this option determines that the folder or form content will be displayed in document browsing. When this option is not checked, the content can only be accessed from its link, even if the user has read and write permission, as the user will not be able to view the folder or form content. This option is only displayed for folders and forms.

Download and printing
When checked, this option determines that the user can download and print the document or the folder content, as long as the document or folder allows it, i.e., the field Allows download and printing, located on the General information tab – for documents – or in the Inherited properties – for folders – is checked.

All versions
When checked, this option determines that the security level (read, write, modification or total) will be valid for all versions of the folder or document.

Security level
Actions that the user will be allowed to perform on the folder or document. The available options are:
- L: Read. When checked, this option determines that the user can only view the folder or document;
- G: Write. When checked, this option determines that the user can add content inside the folder or to fill out a form; however, the user can't change the properties of the folder or of the form itself. This option is only displayed for folders and forms.
M: Modify. When checked, this option determines that the user can modify the item in question, in addition to the actions allowed under Read and Write. In case of a folder, in addition to being able to view it and write content inside it, the user can also modify its properties. In case of a document, the user can modify its properties and content. However, the user cannot change the security criteria of folders and documents.
T: Total. When checked, this option determines that the user has full permission for the item, i.e., the user can perform all the previously mentioned actions, as well as change the security criteria.

To exclude a user from the permission criteria, click on the bin icon located in the Delete column.
