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The fields highlighted with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Deck of Cards

When the selected type is SOAP, the fields to be filled are:

  • Name: to this field, add a name for the service to be registered.
  • Description: to this field, add a description for the service.
  • URL: to this field, add the URL of the webservice to be used.
  • Bindingfile: The binding file will only be used for services created using CXF API. To add it, simply click Choose file in the Binding File field and add it.
    For more details about binding, see our technical documentation on  Integration with External Applications

When the selected type is REST, the fields to be filled are:

  • Name:in this field, add a name for the service to be registered.
  • Description: in this field, add a description for the service.
  • Swagger: in this field, add an address for a JSON file.

The Swagger field will only be filled when the type of created service is REST. The swagger path of the API to be used will be added to this field.

  • Domain: in this field, add the service domain.
  • Authentication type: in this field, select the type of authentication: None, Rest oauth 1, Rest oauth 2, Custom, Basic.
    For more details on how to properly fill out the authentication settings, see the Fluig API technical documentation.
  • URL for service test: in this field, add GET endpoint for provider authentication test.

When the selected type is JDBC, the fields to be filled are:

  • Name: to this field, add a name for the service to be registered.
  • Description: to this field, add a description for the service.
  • Driver: in this field, select the driver of your choice: MySQL, SQLServer or Oracle.
  • URL: to this field, add the URL of the webservice to be used.
  • User: database access user.
  • Password: database access password.
