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  • Financial Management View - FINA271

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This register enables you to view the financial managerial views based on the Nature register, so you can add, view, edit and delete.

The Financial Managerial View makes the Financial Nature register more flexible, enabling the same information to be displayed in several different formats. Each Financial Managerial View corresponds to a different analysis of data in the company Financial department.

Through the Financial Managerial View, you can summarize the financial natures as follows:


Example of financial nature register:

Image Added

Example of financial management view based on the above example of nature register:

Image Added


Procedures to create a financial management view:
1 - Click Add
Image Added
2 - Fill out the fields and click Save:

Image Added
View Code (FJ1_CODIGO): - Attribute a Code to the View
Man. Ent Descr (FJ1_DESCRI): - Management View Description
Note (FJ1_OBS): - Field for Free Use
The financial The header of the financial management view register (FJ1) is created and a management view screen is displayed to create the data that composes the view.
Image Added
3 - Clique the Add icon
 Image Added
A tab opens on the right for you to add the data. Fill out the fields:

Image Added
View Code (FJ2_CODIGO): The View Header code is already included.
Manag.Entity (FJ2_CONTAG): Enter a Code for the Entity to be a reference within the view, to be used as an entity superior (Summarized) to other entities (Summarized or Detailed) or if it will compose the balance of a superior entity (Summarized).
Order (FJ2_ORDEM): Enter the order in which this entity will be displayed in the view, in relation to other entities.
Class (FJ2_CLASSE): Enter whether this entity is  Summarized or Detailed (if Detailed, you must also fill out the frame below with data on the Natures that will compose the balance of this entity).
Super.Entity (FJ2_CTASUP): Enter the code of the superior entity of this entity (where it will compose the balance of the superior entity).
Man Ent Descr (FJ2_DESCCG): Description of entity (to be printed on report/query).
Reg Cond (FJ2_NORMAL): Whether the Entity Balance is regularly Debit or Credit, so if the balance is different, the system understands it as a negative balance.
Column (FJS_COLUNA): Use it to set the quantity of columns for indentation when printing the description of each entity. Example 
      . 2           - EXPENSES (0 Columns)
      . 2.01      -    ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (3 Columns)
      . 2.01.01 -       LEASES (6 Columns)
Use the next 4 fields for Selection to format the Report / Query of the summarized entities View.
Bold - Enter whether this line will be printed bold.
General Total - Every summarized entity will be a totalizer of its child entities. It will only not convey the total of a summarized entity if you configure it as "Without Value" or "Dash". Therefore, it is already preset when the class is equal to Summarized.
Without Value - Specifies that the entity described in this line is for documentation purposes in the report / query of the view, without any value associated to it.
Dash  Identifies - Identifies the entity described in this line as a dash to be printed in the report / query of the view, also without any value associated to it. By selecting this option, the entity description is filled out with "-".
Resul.View?(FJ2_TOTVIS): Define  Define a single summarized entity, totalizer of the entire view. It will sum the values of all detailed entities, including those configured not to be displayed (Ent. View = No). 
You must not register the totalizer entity as superior to another entity and not fill out its superior entity field.
Ent. View.? (FJ2_VISENT): In  In this field, enter whether the entity (detailed or summarized) must be included in report / query. It may be temporarily omitted or used as simple documentation in the view.
Ent. Factor? (FJ2_FATSLD): Enter whether to keep the value of detailed entity or to invert it (for example: become negative) in report / query of view. Summarized entities are totalized in compliance with the configuration of this field.
4 - Click Image Added  to finish adding / editing
If the entity is summarized, its registration ends here.
In the case of a detailed entity, click   Image Added in the composition tab of the account (found in the lower right-hand corner of the screen), as illustrated below:

Image Added
The Fields:
Man Ent Descr Descr (FJ3_DESCCG): The description of the entity entered in management account tab is repeated (on the top right-hand corner of the screen)
Reg Cond Cond (FJ3_NORMAL): The regular condition of the entity (debit or credit) entered in management account tab is repeated (on the top right-hand corner of the screen)
Class Class (FJ3_CLASSE): The classification of the entity (summarized or detailed) entered in management account tab is repeated (on the top right-hand corner of the screen)
Line Line (FJ3_LINHA): Field not editable, controlled by the system, because to each detailed entity you can associate various natures or intervals of natures, which do not need to be sequential. To do so, click the downward arrow and continue associating as many natures as you need in multiple lines.
Ini Nature Nature (FJ3_SEDINI): Enter the code of the initial nature that composes the entity.
Fin Nature Nature (FJ3_SEDFIM): Enter the code of final nature that composes this entity (if only one nature, repeat the information from the previous field in this one).
Formula Formula (FJ3_FORMUL): Enter a formula to adjust the balance of natures of this entity's line, which may take 3 forms, the first two of which perform the same operation:
      . "ROUTINE=" + a number to be multiplied by the balance of this entity's natures. Ex ROUTINE=20 - the balance is multiplied by 20.
      . "FACTOR=" + a number to be multiplied by the balance of this entity's natures. Ex FACTOR=20 - the balance is multiplied by 20.
      . "BALANCE=" + a number that will be the balance of natures of this entity's line, substituting that which the system calculates. Ex BALANCE=20 - the balance is 20. 
Identific Identific (FJ3_IDENTI): Enter whether the natures entered in this line are added to or subtracted from the balance of the entity.
5 - Click   Image Removed to Image Added to finish adding / editing
As you add more Entities on the right, the structure is assembled on the left so you can see how it will be displayed.
Image Added



  • FJ1 - Management View
  • FJ2 - Structure of View
  • FJ3 - Management Views

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