Páginas filhas
  • Control of Checks Payable - Localized (FINA090 - SIGAFIN)

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During the automatic bill write-off posting through the Automatic Write-off Posting option, the control of checks payable is made through the parameter Automatically Generate Check ?. When writing-offposting, the system generates the records in the check file for further grouping, if filled in with Yes. If it is filled in with No, it only generates the write-off post and the update of bank transaction depends on Table of Reason for Write-offPosting.

In Generation of Checks, the checks generated through automatic posting can be viewed along with their status (printed, not printed, grouped, to be grouped or cancelled).



Through the option Checks Release the system allows the checks generated to be release with the filling of the parameter MV_LIBCHEQ. If its content is Y, the checks are released automatically; if N, they must compulsorily go through this option.
