List of parameters applied to FINA340 and its processing
Deck of Cards |
id | Parameters |
effectType | fade |
Card |
default | true |
id | 1 |
label | Questions (F12) |
effectType | fade |
| Question | Description | Consider store? | This field indicates whether to consider the store of the supplier when filtering records to be cleared. Thus, if you select "No", all "PA" bills from all stores are displayed for confirmation of clearing. If you select "Yes", only "PA" bills from the main bill store are considered. | Consider Supplier? | Select option "Original" to consider same supplier of bill in clearing, or "Others" to clear bills between different suppliers. | From Supplier? | Enter the initial code of the range of suppliers to be considered in clearing | To Supplier ? | Enter the final code of the range of stores to be considered in clearing | Cons. branches below? | Enter "Yes" to consider branches of your system, or "No" to consider only the branch you logged on. This question no longer affects the clearing process. Use button Branches to select the branches to be considered when selecting bills to be cleared. | From Branch? | Enter the initial code of the range of branches to be considered in clearing. This question no longer affects the clearing process. Use button Branches to select the branches to be considered when selecting bills to be cleared. | To Branch ? | Enter the final code of the range of branches to be considered in clearing. This question no longer affects the clearing process. Use button Branches to select the branches to be considered when selecting bills to be cleared. | Group Entries? | Enter "YES" to group the accounting entries generated through clearing in a single entry | Display Entries? | Enter "YES" to display onscreen the accounting entries generated through clearing, otherwise "NO" | Clear Bills? | Enter option "Regular" for clearing to consider bills of type NF, PA, NDF, or "Tax" to consider TX and TXA generated tax bills. | Accounts online? | Enter "YES" to book online the entries related to accounts payable clearing, otherwise "NO". | Clear transferred? | Enter "Yes" to allow clearing of bills transferred to bank (Bordereau), otherwise "No" | Clear tax balance? | Define not to zero TX balance when clearing between taxes, leaving the submission of DARF and tax payment pending, the feature of this question is only applied when the question Clear Bills? = "Taxes" | Consider ps of tax. of PA? | Define, when clearing between regular NF x PA bills, if taxes of type TXA of PA have postings, whether these values are used to clear the balance of TX of NF, the feature of this question is only applied when the question Clear Bills? = "Regular" |
Card |
id | 2 |
label | Parameters (SX6) |
effectType | fade |
| Parameter | Description | Default | MV_CTBFLAG | Enter whether to select booking flags of the offline routines in the accounting entry transaction - SIGACTB. | .F. | MV_BX10925 | Define when withholding of PIS COFINS and CSLL taxes are processed: 1 = At Posting or 2 = At Issue | 1 | MV_PABRUTO | Define, at PA generation with taxes, whether 1 = Generate a PA with gross value. 2 = Generate a PA with net value (system default). | 2 | MV_LIBCHEQ | Option for release of bank balance when checks are generated before write-off. | S | MV_PAPRIME | It defines whether, at PA generation with taxes, the INSS and ISS taxes are provisioned in the net PA. 1=Yes 2=No (default) | 2 | MV_CTLIPAG | Control postings payable through filled out release date. If .T., the system checks whether field E2_DATALIB is filled out, otherwise it does not control them | .F. | MV_VLMINPG | Minimum value to post the bill, even if field E2_DATALIB is not filled out and the content of parameter MV_CTLIPAG is .T. | 0 | MV_IMPADT | Define the use of IRRF generation in advance payable |
| MV_SOLNCP | Define the use of Credit Note request routine | .F. | MV_MUNIC | Identifies the code of the finance department of the municipality for ISS collection. | MUNIC | MV_MCUSTO | Currency used to check the credit limit entered in the customer register. | 2 | MV_COMSEIC | Enable integration of service purchase order for Easy Siscoserv. | .F. | MV_ESS0012 | Enable integration of Incoming Document from SIGACOM to SIGAESS. | .F. | MV_ESS0013 | Enable integration of bills generated in SIGAFIN by SIGACOM for SIGAESS. | .F. | MV_ESS0022 | Enable SIGAEIC x SIGAESS Integration | .F. | MV_JURXFIN | Enable integration between modules SIGAFIN - Financials and SIGAPFS - Legal. Disabled by default. |
| MV_PCOINTE | It indicates whether the integration of Planning and Budget Control processes with Entries/Locks processes is active (1=Yes / 2=No). | 2 | MV_BXDTFIN | To not allow postings dated before the date set in parameter MV_DATAFIM (1=Allow, 2=Do not Allow) | 2 | MV_UNIAO | Identify the code given to the Federal Revenue for payment of Income Tax. | UNION | MV_ESTADO | Acronym of the state of the company using the System, to calculate the ICMS (7, 12 or 18%). | SP | MV_PISNAT | Nature for bills related to PIS. | PIS | MV_COFINS | Nature for bills related to COFINS. | COFINS | MV_CSLL | Nature for bills related to CSLL. | CSLL | MV_IRF | Nature for bills related to IRF. | IRF | MV_ISS | Nature for bills related to ISS. | ISS | MV_BP10925 | Define whether to consider the gross value of partial posting or the net value plus taxes. (1=Gross Val./2=Net Val.) | 1 | MV_COMPCP | It indicates whether in an Invoice clearance with a PA, the taxes are proportionated. | .F. | MV_MRETISS | ISS withholding mode in acquisition of services. 1 = when issuing main bill; 2 = when posting main bill | 1 | MV_CPIMPAT | Indicate whether to clear taxes due automatically. 1 - Automatic; 2 - Manual | 2 | MV_AG10925 | Enter whether to combine CCP taxes in one bill only when the three taxes occur in the same bill. | 2 | MV_FINVDOC | Activate control of required documents in routines for releasing bill payable postings/transactions? ("1" = Yes / "2" = No) | 2 | MV_CMTXCON | Indicate whether to generate indexation for bills with rate contracted at CP clearing. T = Generate CM / F = Do Not Generate CM | .F. | MV_CALCCM | Indicate whether to calculate indexation. Valid: "S" - calculate it or "N" - do not calculate it. | S | MV_TXPRCON | Define whether to use the rate entered in clearing in entire process. T = Rt in Process, F = Individual Rt | .F. |
The booking of processes applied to an accounts payable clearing via Financials module is done through the standard entries below:
SE | Taxable Event | ON | OFF (CTBAFIN) |
589 | Cancellation of clearing of accounts payable bills | X | X |
597 | Clearing of accounts payable | X | X |
IMPORTANT! | The booking of clearing will always be made based on the data of the Cleared Bill and it can be any type of obligation: NF, TX, DP, etc. as long as the transfer (SE5) has the following classification: E5_TIPODOC = 'CP' and E5_MOTBX = 'CMP' |
Titulo | IMPORTANT! |
Informações |
Booking of DIC type The booking of DIC type generated by clearing can be done by LP 510 - Addition of Bill Payable, because it is generated through the FINA050 (Accounts Payable) automatic routine.
Booking of taxes generated when clearing. LP 597 - Clearing Payable itself can book taxes generated by clearing, through variables: NPIS340, NCOF340, NCSL340, NIRF340, NISS340. In the other cases, the booking remains unchanged, as documented below: Booking Variables FINA340 |
- SE2 - Accounts Payable Register
- SE5 - Checks Register
- SED - Natures Register
- SA2 - Suppliers Register
- FK2 - Postings Payable
- FK3 - Calculated Taxes
- FK4 - Withheld Taxes
- FK5 - Bank Transactions
- FK6 - Accessory Values
- FK7 - Auxiliary Table
- FKA - Transaction Tracking