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To allow generation of incoming documents of goods to be nationalized.

Screen goal:

This feature generates documents pending for the Receipt module.If the items to be received have series and batch number, this information is requested when you generate the Incoming Invoice.

From the generation of documents, the consistencies/procedures made are identical to those practiced by the Receipt routine.

In routine Receipt, in addition to the Inbound Invoice regular data, enter/confirm data on additional Import expenses.

In trade notes, besides supplier/value of material, the confirmation/input of suppliers of additional import expenses and their respective values.

In value variation consistencies, the entered purchase order expenses are also taken into account.The nationalization also generates trade notes in receipt when:

  • The nature of the operation entered in nationalization generates trade note for the material.
  • The expenses of entered shipment are imposed on the trade note.

The system automatically generates the import tax, using the rate entered in the item quote. The calculation base value is the value of the material, plus the import expenses imposed on the item. The import tax is not generated when:

  • The import tax rate entered in the quote is equal to 0.
  • The item is set to be exempt from import tax in its parameter.

The item parameter is set through the Function Items Registration For Comex (CD2510).

  • The nature of the operation must be set to be exempted from import tax in its parameter.

The nature of operation parameter is set through the Function Operation Natures Maintenance (CD0609).

  • The supplier must be registered in import parameters.
  • The supplier parameter is set in the Import module through the Function Import Parameters (im0000).

Trade notes pertaining to expenses and taxes are generated as described in the Rules Concept for generation of trade notes for taxes and import expenses.

Value Added Tax (IVA) Rate is generated for the quotation item, taking the following parameter settings into account:

When an import regime is entered in purchase order quotation:

Function Country of Origin Maintenance x Rates (CD2578), when Special IVA is selected:When you enter the nature of an operation and you do not enter a rate for the regime, the quotation rate is used.

When you do not enter the nature of an operation and a rate for the regime, the quotation rate is used.

Function Country of Origin Maintenance x Rates (CD2578), when Special IVA is not selected, the import regime is not used for the tax and the quotation rate is used.

When no import regime is entered in the purchase order quotation, no regime is assumed, so the quotation rate is used.

If the shipment has items with stock control by serial number, batch or reference, routine IM0100A is executed.

Other Actions/Related Features:




When activated, it generates an incoming document in accordance with the international receipt information.

Weights and Cubage 

When activated, the Items Update - Weights and Cubage (IM0100C) window is displayed, which shows data on the weight and cubage of the items found in the shipping order.


When activated, it generates a report for you to check the information.

Main Fields and Parameters:




Enter the shipment number related to document generation


Enter the site related to the shipment entered. This field is automatically filled out when you fill out the field Shipment.


Enter the code of transaction issuer. This field is automatically filled out when you select the Shipment through the search program.

Transaction Date

The date of transaction on receipt document. This field is automatically filled out with the current date when you access the program.

Issue Date

Enter the date of document issue. This field is automatically filled out with the current date when you access the program.

Doc No.

Enter the document number.


Enter the series of the transaction. The rule to display the series onscreen is the same one valid for Receipt: if in RE0103 the field "Use Series" is deselected, it cannot be viewed onscreen.

Operation Nature

The code of the nature of the operation of the transaction.

Fiscal Establishment

The code of the fiscal establishment of the transaction. This field is automatically filled out when you select the Shipment through the search program.

Currency Quotation Date

Enter the date of the currency quote of the transaction. The current day is suggested.

Import Declaration

Number of import declaration of transaction.


The field will be disabled if selected to generate a document of type parent invoice of simple shipment.

ID Date

The date of import declaration issue.

Suspense Account

The code of the suspense account of the transaction. This field is automatically filled out when you select the Shipment through the search program.

Suspense Subaccount

The code of the suspense subaccount of the transaction. This field is automatically filled out when you select the Shipment through the search program.

Billing Invoice

Define whether the generated receipt document, when updated, will generate a definitive bill or an estimate bill in financial.


Enter, if needed, a text on the generation of goods inflow documents. The program automatically records in field Note of invoice, the following information: "In Accordance with ID xxxxxxxx of Shipment xxxxxxxx". As well as, when updating the Receipt invoice, in Accounts Payable, the number of the invoice and ID is recorded in the note field of the bill.

Invoice Branch

Image Modified
Enter the number of the branch of the invoice entered.

Sales Outlet

Image Modified
Enter the number of the sales outlet of the invoice entered.


Image Modified
Enter the Stamp number of Paraguayan law for nationalizations

Due Date

Image Modified
Enter the date when the aforementioned Stamp is due.

Nationalization/Incoming Docs Gen - Simple Remittance Folder



Simple Remittance Invoice

When selected, it determines the invoice to be generated is of simple remittance, to be identified as parent or child.

Parent Invoice

When selected, it determines that the invoice to be generated is the parent invoice. You need to enter the investment account to be used for booking. The parent invoice is only used to update accounts payable, with the value of goods and expenses.


The parent invoice is booked as follows:

1) Update of incoming invoice in Stock (document update in Receipt module):

a) Stock Update in receipt:

  • Debit: Investment account entered for the invoice items;
  • Credit: Account entered in program Nationalization/Incoming Document Generation (IM3100)

Child Invoice

When selected it determines that the invoice to be generated is the child invoice. The child invoice is responsible for updating the data pertaining stock and purchases. It also updates Accounts Payable with tax values.


The child invoice is responsible for booking the item in stock. It posts the balance generated by the parent invoice, debiting the item balance account and crediting the investment account entered for the parent invoice.

The child invoice is booked as follows:

1) Update of incoming invoice in Stock (document update in module Receipt - Stock):

  • Debit: Item balance account (in this example, the item goes directly to the company stock);
  • Credit: Account entered in program Nationalization/Incoming Document Generation (IM3100) - this is the investment account that received the cost of items in the parent invoice update, and now it is set to zero.

Simple Remittance Invoice Investment Account

Select the investment account to be used for booking the parent invoice of the simple remittance.


Initially, this field shows the investment account set as default for the site, as previously set through the program Import Parameters Maintenance (IM0000).The account selected must met the following requirements: Its type must be equal to Asset, Liability, Expense or Revenue, as well as be be of system and not generate entries in stock and of requisitions.

Simple Remittance Invoice Investment Cost Center

Select the investment cost center to be used for booking the parent invoice of the simple remittance.

Shipment Items - IM0100A

Screen goal:

This window is displayed when you press the Execute button, found in the window Nationalization / Incoming Docs Gen., when the item is controlled by batch or reference.


Main Fields and Parameters:




Display the code of the item related to shipment.


Display the purchase order number of the item related to shipment.


Display the purchase order installment number of the item related to shipment.


Enter warehouse of item.


In the case of a drawback item, the system suggests the drawback warehouse registered in CD0140 - Items Maintenance x Materials Site. If the warehouse is not registered in this program, it seeks the drawback warehouse registered in CD0138 - Material Items Maintenance.

When the drawback item lacks registered drawback warehouses or the item is not a drawback item and parameter "Send Goods External Warehouse" is selected, the system suggests the external warehouse registered in CD0140 - Items Maintenance x Materials Site. If the warehouse is not registered in this program, it seeks the external warehouse registered in CD0138 - Materials Maintenance.

If the situations described do not apply or if no warehouses are registered, the system suggests the default warehouse of item.


Enter the batch or series of item, when it has one of these controls.

Batch Vali Date

Enter the date of batch validity, when it has control by batch.


Enter the reference of item, when it controls by reference.


Enter the quantity of item in internal measurement unit.


Display the item measurement unit used internally by the company.

Supplier Qty

Display the quantity of item in supplier measurement unit.

Supplier Un

Display the item measurement unit used by the supplier.

Entered Total

Display the total linked quantity of item in shipment.

Remaining Balance

Display the total quantity of item balance for linking to shipment.

Nationaliz Items - Weights and Cub - IM0100C


Other Actions/Related Features:



Confirm Item Edits

When activated, changes to the weight of shipment items are confirmed.

Reload Item Information

When activated, it displays the window IM0100F, which asks the user what information must be reloaded. The weight calculation of the items is performed again with data from the items register.

Main Fields and Parameters:


Main Fields and Parameters:



Sequence Number

Displays the Sequence Number. This field is editable, and composed of the last 6 numbers of the "Import Declaration" entered in IM3100.

Verification Digit

Display the Verification Digit. This field is editable, and composed of the 9th digit of the "Import Declaration" entered in IM3100.


Enter the date of import declaration. The same date entered in field "ID Date" of IM3100 is displayed, which can be edited.


Display the customs code related to the import declaration. This field is editable, and composed of the 3rd and 4th digits of the "Import Declaration" entered in IM3100.

Image Modified

Display the code of the customs agent related to the import declaration. This field is editable, and composed from the 5th to the 8th digit of the "Import Declaration" entered in IM3100.

Import Declaration

Display the same declaration code entered in IM3100. This field is comprised of the last 2 digits of the date, the 2 digits of the Customs code, the 4 digits of the Agent code, the Verification Digit, and the 6 digits of the Sequence Number.

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