Páginas filhas
  • Tables/Standardized Entries (FINA091 - SIGAFIN)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.







  • SA2 - Suppliers File
  • SA6 - Banks File
  • SE2 - Accounts Payable File
  • SE5 - Bank Transaction File
  • SEF – Checks File
  • SI1 - Chart of Accounts File
  • SI2 - Accounting Entries File
  • SI5 - Standardized Entries File
  • SI6 - Batch Totals File
  • SM2 - System Currencies File
  • FJU - Save Deleted Bills
  • FK2 - Postings Payable
  • FK3 - Calculated Taxes
  • FK4 - Withheld Taxes
  • FK5 - Bank Transactions
  • FK6 - Accessory values
  • FKA - Transaction Tracking

Standardized entries

  • 530 - Write-off Posting of Accounts Payable (Write-off Posting with Bordereau)
  • 532 - Write-off Posting by Payment Bordereau (Write-off Posting without Bordereau)