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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Deck of Cards
labelParameters (F12)
titleParameters (F12)



Online Booking?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to book transactions online; that is, one at a time (adding a bill, posting, generating a check, deleting, etc.) or offline, with all entries not made online booked in one batch process.
Example: No

Display Acctg. Entry?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to display accounting entry when booking online.
Example: Yes

Group Entries?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to group accounting entries of apportionment in a single line, if accounts, cost center, item and value class are the same in the entries.
Example: No

Cons. Ded./Add.?

Select Yes or No to consider the addition and deduction values, entered onscreen after selecting payment terms, in the composition of the total value of original bill posting.
Example: No

labelSettlement - step by step
titleSettlement - step by step
Totvs custom tabs box
tabsStep 01, Step 02, Step 03, Step 04, Step 05, Step 06

Exemplification of step by step via browser. 

Totvs custom tabs box items

Bill to be settled.

Totvs custom tabs box items

Screen 1 - Setting the parameters for filtering bills. 

titleBranches Button

Click button Branches to select the branches from which the bills to be settled will be selected.
If not used, by default, the process only considers bills from the current branch.

Totvs custom tabs box items

Selection of filtered bills

Totvs custom tabs box items

Interest and Discount Screen 

On the bills selection screen, place the mouse cursor on desired bill and access Other Actions - Edit


  • The rate entered on this screen affects only the bill selected and the value to be settled.
    If you change it, the values onscreen are updated.

Totvs custom tabs box items

Screen 2 - Payment term and information on installments to be generated.


  • In field Currency Rate, enter the rate contracted for the bills generated by the settlement process.
  • If you do not enter a rate, the quotation of the day is assumed.
  • The contracted rate entered in this step does not affect settlement process values, requiring no recalculation of the value to be settled.
Totvs custom tabs box items

Final Result

We have:

  • The settled bills posted (red caption)
  • The bill generated by the settlement process pending (green caption) 

  Âncoracomposition-deck-samplescomposition-deck-samplesParameters (F12)






Online Booking?


Select Yes or No to indicate whether to book transactions online; that is, one at a time (adding a bill, posting, generating a check, deleting, etc.) or offline, with all entries not made online booked in one batch process.Example: No


Display Acctg. Entry?


Select Yes or No to indicate whether to display accounting entry when booking online.Example: Yes


Group Entries?


Select Yes or No to indicate whether to group accounting entries of apportionment in a single line, if accounts, cost center, item and value class are the same in the entries. Example: No


Cons. Ded./Add.?


Select Yes or No to consider the addition and deduction values, entered onscreen after selecting payment terms, in the composition of the total value of original bill posting.Example: No

Settlement - step by step







  • The rate entered on this screen affects only the bill selected and the value to be settled.If you change it, the values onscreen are updated.



  • In field Currency Rate, enter the rate contracted for the bills generated by the settlement process.
  • If you do not enter a rate, the quotation of the day is assumed.
  • The contracted rate entered in this step does not affect settlement process values, requiring no recalculation of the value to be settled.

Final Result
We have:

  • The settled bills posted (red caption)
  • The bill generated by the settlement process pending (green caption) 



The settlement routine (FINA565) disregards the IRRF value for calculation when it is configured to be withheld at bill posting (A2_CALCIRRF = 2) and has PCC calculation when bills are issued. (MV_BX10925)


Add two bills with Nature and Supplier that calculate PCC at issue and IRRF at posting.

 1 Bill

 SE2-> VALUE := 5,000.00

 SE2-> IRRF := 75.00

 Do not generate PCC because the minimum value was not reached. (MV_VL10925)

 2 Bill

 SE2-> VALUE := 4,535.00

 SE2-> IRRF := 75.00

 SE2->E2_PIS := 65.00

 SE2->E2_CSLL := 100.00

 SE2->E2_COFINS := 300.00

Settle bills of type Invoice. Bill values are added reaching the sum total of BRL 9,535.00 because PCC bills were generated at issue, their values being deducted. Generating a new bill, and bills 1 and 2 are posted.

Post the new bill generated.

 3 Bill

 SE2->E2_VALOR := 9,535.00

 SE2-> IRRF := 143.02

 Value Paid := 9,391.98

Note: The IRRF value is calculated based on the value of generated bill 9,535.00.


You can book bills generated by this routine through standard entry:
