Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


The Document environment offers features such as:

  • Add new folder: a feature used for organizing files posted in document browsing;
  • Add new document: a feature for posting documents, for example, via the Load files in Document Browsing button or by dragging and dropping the file on the browser window;
  • Add new form: an option for posting HTML forms used for filling out standardized information. The posted forms can be linked to processes;


  • Social Actions: options to socialize documents on the platform, such as comment, support and share;
  • Platform ❙ Document view: it allows users to view the content of the documents posted in document browsing. It requires Fluig Viewer to be installed and configured by the administrator;
  • Platform ❙ Connect: an application for Windows that allows you to access the folders and documents in Document Browsing and the notification center directly from the operating system's desktop.

Document browsing


In document browsing, the main folder (root) stores the folders created automatically during the installation or configuration of the platform — such as My documents and Fluig Forms — and also the folders that are created by users, respecting the security settings for their display.


All the actions that can be performed in the root folder of document bowsing can also be performed in one of its children folders – with the exception of the addition of documents other than forms and of a folder download. For more information about these actions, see Folder.

Information about forms – which can be posted in the root folder of document browsing – can be found in Form.

Other resources


Version control and approvals
All document changes create a new revision or a new version, and you can restore the version if necessary. In addition, you can configure an approval flow so that the document is required to be evaluated by key people before being published.
