Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

<div id="main-content" class="wiki-content group">
		<strong>5.1. Objective</strong>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western">
		<span><strong>Fluig</strong>(ECM) should be able to call zooms
			in <strong>Datasul Metadata</strong> for cases where the data entry
			form was developed by <strong>Fluig</strong>. </span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western">
		<span>In a Fluig form, when there is a field that represents a
			<strong>Metadata zoom</strong>, by clicking on it Fluig should
			perform an HTTP call sending a URL with the parameters for opening a
			new browser window containing the <strong>zoom</strong>. On Fluig, a
			Javascript with the <strong>Window.open()</strong> command will be
			used, according to instructions in the document: “<strong>Reference
				Guide Card Index Customization.pdf</strong>” in ECM, item: <strong>External
				Zoom</strong>. On Datasul, the URL sent by Fluig will open the Metadata zoom
			using the Framework <strong><em>External Call</em></strong>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western">
		<span><br /></span>
		<strong>5.2. Programming Guide</strong>
		Below are the steps required to create a field in a process form and
		associate it to a <strong>Zoom</strong> from <strong>Datasul</strong>.
		As an example, we will use the Parent zoom from the CRM application,
		according to the following figures.
		<img class="confluence-embedded-image image-center"
	<p style="text-align: center;">
		<strong>Figure 4.2.a</strong>
	<p style="text-align: left; margin-left: 30.0px;">
		<strong><br /></strong>By clicking the <strong>"..."</strong> button
		next to the <strong>Country</strong> field on the form in Figure
		4.2.a, the window in Figure 4.2.b opens and the user can select a
	<p style="text-align: left; margin-left: 30.0px;">
		<img class="confluence-embedded-image image-center"
	<p style="text-align: center;">
		<strong>Figure 4.2.b</strong>
	<p style="text-align: left; margin-left: 30.0px;">
		<strong><br /></strong>After selecting a country and clicking the <strong>Select</strong>
		button, the zoom window will be closed and the process form will
		receive the data from the selected country. A script in the HTML form
		will be responsible for receiving the record data and presenting the
		country name in the corresponding field, as shown in Figure 4.2.c.
		<img class="confluence-embedded-image image-center"
	<p style="text-align: center;">
		<strong>Figure 4.2.c</strong>
	<h3 style="text-align: left; margin-left: 30.0px;"
		<strong>Creating a Form</strong>
	<p style="margin-left: 30.0px;">
		<u><strong>A.</strong></u> Through <strong>Fluig Studio</strong>,
		create a new <strong>Dataset</strong> to store the information on
		Datasul server connection and user credentials. This Dataset can be
		used by several forms from different processes that have associated
	<p style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		From a <strong>Fluig project</strong> in <strong>Fluig Studio</strong>,
		select the <strong>datasets</strong> folder, right click and select
		the <strong>New</strong> option. Then, select the item <strong>Fluig
			Customized Dataset</strong>, as shown in Figure 4.2.d.
	<p style="margin-left: 30.0px;">
		<img class="confluence-embedded-image image-center"
	<p style="margin-left: 30.0px; text-align: center;">
		<strong>Figure 4.2.d</strong>
	<p style="margin-left: 60.0px;">Next, inform the parameters as
		shown in Figure 4.2.e.</p>
	<p style="margin-left: 30.0px; text-align: center;">
		<img class="confluence-embedded-image image-center"
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span>Type the following code in DatasulServerDS:</span>
	<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;">
		<div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
			<pre class="theme: Eclipse; brush: javascript; gutter: true"
				style="font-size: 12px;">function createDataset(fields, constraints, sortFields) {
    var newDataset = DatasetBuilder.newDataset();
    // Creates the columns
    // Creates the records
    newDataset.addRow(new Array('', '8080', 'framework', 'ZnJhbWV3b3Jr='));
    return newDataset;
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span>This dataset will be used by all <strong>forms </strong>in<strong>
				Fluig</strong> that have access to <strong>zooms </strong>in<strong>
				Datasul</strong>. The dataset must be customized at the client to contain the
			Datasul server and port, the integration user and password. The
			password must be provided in Base64. In order to code the password
			for Base64, use the following Javascript function:
	<pre>        var pwd64 = btoa("framework");</pre>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span>After creating the dataset, right click it and select the
			option </span><span><strong>export</strong></span><span> to send the
			dataset to <strong>Fluig</strong>, as shown in Figure <strong>4.2.f</strong>.
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span><img class="confluence-embedded-image"
			data-image-src="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/81789187/Screen03.png?version=2&modificationDate=1380909280000&api=v2"><br /></span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western"
		style="margin-left: 60.0px; text-align: center;">
		<strong>Figure 4.2.f</strong>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span><br /></span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span><u><strong>B.</strong></u> Create a new form by right
			clicking the folder <strong>forms</strong> at Fluig project. Then
			select <strong>New > Other > Fluig > Form Definition</strong>, as
			shown in Figure 4.2.g.<br /></span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western"
		style="margin-left: 60.0px; text-align: center;">
		<span><img class="confluence-embedded-image image-center"
				4.2.g</strong><br /></span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span><u><strong>C.</strong></u> For the name of the form,
			inform <strong>ClienteForm</strong> as shown in Figure 4.2.h.<br /></span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western"
		style="margin-left: 60.0px; text-align: center;">
		<span><img class="confluence-embedded-image image-center"
				4.2.h</strong><br /></span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span><u><strong>D.</strong></u> Rename the form to <strong>DatasulForm.html</strong>
			(only the form. Keep the name of the folder as <strong>ClienteForm</strong>)</span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 60.0px;">
		<span><u><strong>E.</strong></u> Substitute the form code with
			the following code:</span>
	<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;">
		<div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
			<pre class="theme: Eclipse; brush: html/xml; gutter: true"
				style="font-size: 12px;">&lt;html>
      &lt;script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/webdesk/vcXMLRPC.js">&lt;/script> 
      &lt;script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js">&lt;/script>
      &lt;script src="Datasul.js" language="javascript">&lt;/script>
         var server;
         var user;
         var password;
          * Starts the form and obtains data from 'DatasulServerDS' dataset.
         function loadForm() {
            try {
               // Obtains the data from DatasulServerDS
               var dataset = DatasetFactory.getDataset("DatasulServerDS", null, null, null);
               server = dataset.values[0]["server"] + ":" + dataset.values[0]["port"];
               user = dataset.values[0]["user"];
               password = dataset.values[0]["password"];
               var zoomAppletTag = '&lt;applet' +
                                   ' code="com.totvs.framework.md.zoom.fluig.ZoomApplet"' +
                                   ' id="dsZoom" height="0" width="0"' +
                                   ' codebase="http://' + server + '/datasul/applets"' + 
                                   ' archive="datasul-framework-mdablscript-java.jar"' +
                                 &#160; ' MAYSCRIPT>&lt;/applet>';
               document.getElementById("zoomApplet").innerHTML = zoomAppletTag;
            } catch(e) {
          * Opens a Zoom Metadata form.
          * @param server
          * @param user
          * @param password
          * @param title
          * @param program
         function callZoom(program) {
            var portNumber = document.dsZoom.getPortNumber();
            var url = "http://" + server + "/josso/signon/externalUserAuthentication.do?" + 
                      "josso_cmd=external-login&amp;type=md&amp;program=" + program + 
                      "&amp;viewtype=view&amp;zoomMode=true&amp;userid=" + user +
                      "&amp;password=" + password +
                      "&amp;zoomCallBackPort=" + portNumber;
            try {
               window.open(url, "Zoom" ,"width=800,height=600");
            } catch (e) {
   &lt;body onload="loadForm()">
      &lt;form name="customForm">
         &lt;input type="hidden" name="hidden">
         &lt;div id="customForm">&lt;/div>  
         &lt;div id="zoomApplet">&lt;/div>      
	<p style="margin-left: 30.0px;">
		<strong>Note The previous code does not need to and must not
			be altered.</strong>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 37.4333px;">
		<span><u><strong>F.</strong></u> In the <strong>ClienteForm</strong>
			folder, right click and select <strong>New</strong> > <strong>File</strong>.
			Add a file named <strong>CustomForm.html</strong> and then replace
			the content generated for it with the following code. The form fields
			are created in this file, according to the process it will use.</span>
	<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;">
		<div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
			<pre class="theme: Eclipse; brush: html/xml; gutter: true"
				style="font-size: 12px;">&lt;h2>Client&lt;/h2>
      &lt;td align="right" width="150" class="Labels">&lt;b>Code:&lt;/b>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td class="Normal">&lt;strong>&lt;input type="text" size="6" name="A1_COD">&lt;/strong>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td align="right" width="150" class="Labels">&lt;b>Name:&lt;/b>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td class="Normal">&lt;strong>&lt;input type="text" size="40" name="A1_NOME">&lt;/strong>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td align="right" width="150" class="Labels">&lt;b>Trade Name:&lt;/b>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td class="Normal">&lt;strong>&lt;input type="text" size="20" name="A1_NREDUZ">&lt;/strong>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td align="right" width="150" class="Labels">&lt;b>Address:&lt;/b>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td class="Normal">&lt;strong>&lt;input type="text" size="40" name="A1_END">&lt;/strong>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td align="right" width="150" class="Labels">&lt;b>City:&lt;/b>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td class="Normal">&lt;strong>&lt;input type="text" size="40" name="A1_MUN">&lt;/strong>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td align="right" width="150" class="Labels">&lt;b>State:&lt;/b>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td class="Normal">&lt;strong>&lt;input type="text" size="2" name="A1_EST">&lt;/strong>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td align="right" width="150" class="Labels">&lt;b>Country:&lt;/b>&lt;/td>
      &lt;td class="Normal">&lt;strong>&lt;input type="text" size="15" name="A1_PAIS">&lt;input value="..."
       onClick="callZoom('crm1150.CRUDpais')" type="button">&lt;/strong>&lt;/td>
 * Function used by Datasul Zoom to return the selected record
 * for the form in Fluig.
function zoomCallBack(data) {
   try {
      var obj = JSON.parse(data);
      document.customForm.A1_PAIS.value = obj.nom_pais;
   } catch (e) {
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 37.4333px;">
		<span>The contents of file <strong>CustomForm.html</strong>
			should have the form field definitions as shown in the previous
			example. Also, the function <strong>zoomCallBack(data)</strong> must
			be created, which will be called by Datasul after the user selects
			the record on the Zoom screen. This function will receive a JSON
			string with the data from the selected record.
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 37.4333px;">
		<span>In the <strong>A1_PAIS</strong> field that represents the
			<strong>zoom,</strong> the <strong>onClick</strong> event performs a
			call to the<strong> callZoom</strong>() function. This function
			receives the <strong>metadata program</strong> as a parameter to be
			opened in Datasul. This program identification must be the same as
			the form registered in the Datasul <strong>menu</strong>.<br /></span>
	<p align="LEFT" class="western" style="margin-left: 37.4333px;">
		<span><br /></span>
	<p align="LEFT" style="margin-left: 30.0px;">
		<u><strong>G.</strong></u> Once the <strong>DatasulForm.html</strong>
		and <strong>CustomForm.htm</strong>l are created, export them to <strong>Fluig</strong>.
		Right click on <strong>DatasulForm.html</strong> and perform the
		export (file <strong>CustomForm.htm</strong>l will be exported
		together automatically). Then, inform a folder and complete the
		export. After completing this step, the form will be placed in Fluig
		document center below the selected folder.
	<p style="margin-left: 30.0px;">
		<u><strong>H.</strong></u> Finally, change the process that will use
		the <strong>ClienteForm</strong> associating the form to it, as shown
		in Figure 4.2.i.
	<p align="LEFT" style="margin-left: 30.0px; text-align: center;">
		<img class="confluence-embedded-image image-center"
	<p align="LEFT">
		<strong><br /></strong>
		<strong>ABLScript function for FreeForm Forms</strong>
		In the previous example, where we used the Parent page zoom, <strong>it
			was not necessary to implement or modify anything in Datasul</strong>. This is
		due to the fact that we used a metadata form type <strong>CRUDFreeForm</strong>
		as zoom. We can also implement a zoom through a <strong>FreeForm</strong>
		form. In this case, it will be necessary to create an ABLScript code
		on the form to send the record selected by the user to Fluig. Below
		there is an example of a script for <strong>FreeForm</strong>.
	<p align="LEFT" class="western">
		<span>Assuming that on the <strong>FreeForm</strong> form there
			is a button called
		</span><span><strong>Select,</strong></span><span> and when triggered
			it should close the Metadata window and</span><span> send the
			selected record. In the “click” event of the <strong>Select</strong>
			button we can have a script similar to the one below:
	<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;">
		<div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
			<pre class="theme: Eclipse; brush: plain; gutter: true"
				style="font-size: 12px;">DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttGrid
   FIELD nom_nacion AS CHARACTER
   FIELD log_suspenso AS LOGICAL
   FIELD nom_mascar_cep AS CHARACTER
   FIELD cod_pais_ibge AS CHARACTER
   FIELD cod_pais_erp AS CHARACTER
   FIELD log_integrad_erp AS LOGICAL.
ttGrid = GETPROPERTY("grid", "selectedItemsCheckbox").
parent pages = JSON-ENCODE(ttGrid).
	<p style="margin-left: 30.0px;">
		The CALL-BACK-WINDOW-OPENER() function sends the selected record data
		to Fluig an then closes the zoom form window. The first parameter must
		be a string with the selected record data in JSON format. The second
		parameter is a <strong>boolean</strong> variable that when set to <strong>true</strong>,
		indicates the function that the zoom window will be closed.
	<p style="margin-left: 30.0px;">Similar to the previous example,
		the CRUDFreemForm zooms return a JSON string to Fluig with the fields
		in the selected record. In Fluig, record fields can be obtained as
	<div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;">
		<div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
			<pre class="theme: Eclipse; brush: javascript; gutter: true"
				style="font-size: 12px;">var obj = JSON.parse(value);
document.customForm.A1_PAIS.value = obj.records[0].nom_pais;</pre>
		<br /><br />