Páginas filhas
  • TESINT - Smart TIO - Tax Management - P12

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • For Smart TIO registrations that do not have defined rules, the system will consider the record of a generic Smart TIO. In other words, it will use the record where only the fields Operation Type and Inflow/Outflow TIO are filled in.
  • If you have more than one generic record for the same type of operation, the system will return the first record within the type of operation entered according to the order: FM_FILIAL + FM_TIPO + FM_PRODUTO + FM_CLIENTE + FM_LOJACLI + FM_ID
  • The FM_REFGRD field has Product Grid Reference information, and the FM_DESREF field will have the description of the reference selected in the FM_ REFGRD field.
  • The FM_GRPTI field has the code of the Smart TIO Group, which can be entered in the Product record using the B1_ GRPTI field.
  • The FM_ORIGEM field ("Product Source") is only enabled if the MV_A410OPE parameter is set to T. and for products that have bound Batch and Sub-Batch.
  • The FM_TIPOMOV field will be applied only in the outgoing operation taking into account the type of transaction reported in the Sales Order (C6_TIPO).
