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  • Outgoing Documents - MATA461 - Billing - P12

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The outgoing documents are prepared to finalize the dispatch process for goods and/or services provided, i.e. the different documents such as Invoice, Price Complement, ICMS Complement, IPI Complement, Purchase Return, and Processing, as set in the Sales Order.

To issue Outgoing Documents, sales orders must be released by the customer Credit Analysis and Stock Release routines. This last one validates the quantity available in stock of the products sold.

When the released quantity is entered in the sale order, the System does not check the stock, and the orders are released based on the quantities set.

When generating an outgoing document, the System performs the following transactions:

  • Calculation of due dates based on payment terms;
  • Calculation of taxes (IPI, ICMS, and their variations and other taxes);
  • Calculation of unit and total prices considering discounts and adjustments;
  • Update of trade note portfolio with the implementation of the generated bills;
  • Update of balances in stock;
  • Update of sales orders;
  • Item storage in the Sale Transactions file for later issuance of statistics, tax books, cost calculation, and accounting entries;
  • Update of customers' financial data;
  • Commission calculation using the information contained in the Sales Representatives and Sales Order files;
  • Booking;
  • Booking of Tax Records.


Parameter MV_DCSSPD indicates the type of Outgoing Documents series to be generated in block F100 of PIS/COFINS SPED. If the parameter is empty, no outgoing document is generated in the Billing module.

Use the screen parameter Conversion Ref. Dt. to choose the reference date for conversion of the currency used in the Sales, Outgoing Document, and Telesales assistance. In this case, enter a date different from the base date and with a currency 2 value entered in the Currency Register.

For the system to convert the values of the sales order registered with currency 2 and generate an outgoing document correctly based on the parameter Conversion Ref Dt, it is mandatory to set a conversion rate for currency 2 to System's base date.

Mental Map

In this diagram, the data refer to the features of the routine: 

On the main page of the routine, the following options are available:

Deck of Cards
labelPreparation of Outgoing Documents

After confirming the parameters, the system displays all existing outgoing documents, and their status is identified by the following caption:

  • Sales Order Released
  • Sales Order Finished
  • Sales Order with blockage

Click this option to view the parameter setting screen with the following questions:



Show Accounting Entries?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

This indicates whether to display accounting entries when the modality is online.

Group Entries?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

This indicates whether to group entries with the same accounting definition.

Online Accounting Entries?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

This indicates if accounting entries must be generated in the online modality.

Book Cost Online?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

This indicates if the cost is booked online. The users that use the average cost re-calculation routine must not activate this feature.

Adjustment in the same Invoice?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

ICMS deflation rate?

This field is not currently in use

Financial increment calculation method?

Currently, this field is not in use due to the removal of the legal requirement (ICMS deflation)

Vist unit prc. rounding?

This question is currently disabled. Its feature is met by the parameter MV_ARREFAT.

Aggregate release from/Aggregate release to?

This indicates the initial and final code/number of release aggregator to be considered.

Group Equal Orders?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

This indicates if sales orders for the same customer are grouped (items added) in the same invoice, respecting parameter MV_NUMITEN.

When set to Yes, differences between order types, readjustment formulas, payment conditions, or type 9, carriers, and vendors will be ignored.

Minimum value for billing?

This indicates the minimum value to be considered to generate the Invoice (total value by Invoice).

From Carrier/To Carrier?

This indicates the initial/final carrier code to be considered.

Update Customer x Product?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

This indicates whether to update the Customer x Product binding register.


Use the down arrow beside the field to select between:

·   Invoice

·   Tax Coupon

·   DAV

This indicates whether to generate invoices or tax coupons.

To issue/enter Nota Fiscal Paulista (Invoice from the State of São Paulo): Select TAX COUPON and enter the customer's SSN/EIN. After the printout of the tax coupon, the EIN/SSN is registered in the field F2_CGCCLI; however, if no EIN/SSN is informed on the screen, and the Cancel option is selected, the EIN/SSN is not printed on the Tax Coupon.

Generate Bill?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

Enter whether to generate a bill payable for the Tax Substitution ICMS when this is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

Print Payment Form?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

Enter if you must generate the ICMS Tax Substitution Payment Form when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document. The system displays a screen for you to enter the information needed for generating the Form.

Generate Local ICMS Bill?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

Inform Yes, if it is necessary to generate a bill payable for Local ICMS when this is calculated in the document, and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

Generate Local ICMS Form?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

Enter Yes if you must generate the Local ICMS Tax Substitution Payment Form when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document. The system displays a screen for you to enter the information needed for generating the Form.

Generate Local ICMS Bill?

Generate Local ICMS Form?


Check the configuration data to calculate Local ICMS in the Customers, Nature, and Product files:

F4_ICM = Yes


Conversion ref. dt?

This question allows you to choose the reference date for converting the currency used in the Sales Order, Outgoing Document, and Telesales service; according to "ORDINANCE No. 25 OF 11/27/2008 FOREIGN TRADE OFFICE - SECEX PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE IN PAGE 00236 ON 11/28/2008".

If it is blank, the current date is used.

Generate Bill by Product?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

Enter whether to generate a bill payable for the Tax Substitution ICMS by Product when this is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

Generate form by Product?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

Enter if you must generate the ICMS Tax Substitution Payment Form by Product when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

Generate targ. Stat. compl. ICMS form?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

Enter if you must generate the ICMS Tax Substitution Payment Form for the Target State when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document. The system displays a screen for you to enter the information needed for generating the Form.

Generate FECP form of Target State?

Use the down arrow beside the field to select Yes or No.

Enter if you must generate the ICMS Tax Substitution Payment Form related to the Anti-poverty Fund in the Target State when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document. The system displays a screen for you to enter the information needed for generating the Form.

labelView Documents

Access using Other Actions/View Documents

Configure the changes and confirm.

Adjust the information according to the instructions described in Main Fields.

See also the features available in Other Actions.


Access in Other Actions/Search

Allows the use of filters to order data based on the index selected, considering, for example, branch+code.


Other Actions/Order

When you select this option, the system displays the outgoing documents preparation screen.

To confirm, click OK; or, to exit, click Cancel.

See also the features available in Other Actions.

labelDocument reversal

Other Actions / Document reversal

The system displays a message that prompts the confirmation of the release reversal.

To continue, click Yes; or, to exit without reversing, click No.

See also the features available in Other Actions.


Access in Other Actions/Caption

  • Sales Order Released
  • Sales Order Finished
  • Sales Order with blockage

Other Actions/Waybill
When you access this option, the system displays a screen for the preparation of outgoing documents - Waybill.

On this screen, you can view the entity and the identification data.

See also the features available in Other Actions.

Deck of Cards

When an Outgoing Document is generated for a Sales Order that uses an advance in its Payment Condition, the System performs the following validations:

At least one advance is associated with the Sales Order

The payment is performed, and the advance is processed in the first installment of the Outgoing Document.

No advance is associated with the Sales Order

The system displays a screen that allows you to associate the advance with the Sales Order used in the Outgoing Document.

If nothing is associated, this Sales Order will not generate the Outgoing Document.


Deleting or canceling the bill paid in this process can only be done if the Outgoing Document is deleted and, if other payments exist for this bill, they can be manually deleted. Only the payment related to the Outgoing Document generation cannot be deleted or canceled by the Financial module.

labelPrinting Outgoing Documents

To print, it is necessary to develop a printing program in AdvPl syntax used as a User Function, in which the criteria are developed for printing the outgoing documents of each company, including layout and invoice size, form, printer, and exceptions.

To issue the Outgoing Documents, TOTVS sends a file, e.g. NFEXAMP._PRX, developed for adjustments when deploying the environment in each company.

label4% ICMS for foreign products

According to the Federal Senate Resolution no. 13/2012, the 4% (four percent) ICMS rate is charged in the interstate operations with foreign products and issued as of January 1st, 2013, whether in Financial and/or Tax Records modules by this Outgoing Document routine.

The following procedures are necessary:

  • In the Customers File, enter a customer and, in the Person Type field, enter the state registration.
  • In the Inflow/Outflow Types File, enter a TIO with the following details:
  • Field Consumption Material = N – Indicates that it is not a consumption material.
  • Field Calculate ICMS = S – Indicates that ICMS is calculated.
  • Field Tax Stat. = 00 or = 10 or = 20 or = 70 or = 90 – Indicates that the tax must be calculated.
  • In the Products File, enter a product with the following details:
  • Field Person Type = 1 or = 2 or = 3 - Indicates that the product is foreign.
  • Tax document issue from 01/01/2013.
labelHandling of Taxes

For handling taxes in the Outgoing Document, check the following parameters:



Parameter MV_RTIPESP has 6 positions considering the following structure:

The configuration of parameter MV_RTIPESP is connected to parameter MV_RTIPFIN.

Each parameter position represents the apportionment of the respective tax, where:

  • 0 - respects the configuration of parameter MV_RTIPFIN;  
  • 1 - the financial taxes are apportioned in all installments;
  • 2 - the taxes are attributed to the first installment.


When setting parameter MV_RTIPFIN to .T., and parameter MV_RTIPESP to 000000 or 111111, in the Outgoing Document, the taxes will be apportioned in all installments.

If set to 222222, the taxes will be attributed to the first installment.

When setting parameter MV_RTIPFIN to .F., and parameter MV_RTIPESP to 000000 or 222222, in the Outgoing Document, the taxes will be attributed to the first installment.

If set to 111111, they will be apportioned to all installments.

The parameters' content can be edited in all positions, for example:


Parameter MV_RTIPFIN = .T.

Parameter MV_RTIPESP = 012021

Taxes to be attributed:

  • ISS: in all installments
  • IRRF: in all installments
  • INSS: in the first installment
  • CSLL: in all installments
  • COFINS: in the first installment
  • PIS: in all installments

ParameterMV_RTIPFIN  =.F.

Parameter MV_RTIPESP = 012021

Taxes to be attributed:

  • ISS: in the first installment
  • IRRF: in all installments
  • INSS: in the first installment
  • CSLL: in the first installment
  • COFINS: in the first installment
  • PIS: in all installments
labelStandardized Entries

610 Accounting of the outgoing document items

Tables available are the Type of inflow and outflow, product, outgoing document, and Customer or Supplier, according to the document type.

611 Accounting of purchase returns - Document apportionment items (SDE)

Tables of Incoming Document Header, Outgoing Document Header, Incoming Document Item, Outgoing Document Item, and Incoming Apportionment Item are available.

In the Configurator module, observe the content of parameter MV_OPTNFS, which indicates if offline accounting entries are prepared to use queries.

If parameter MV_OPTNFS is enabled, in the default entry 611 registration, you can use alias CTBANFE to identify the outgoing document and the aliases SF1, SD1, and SDE to account for the incoming document. This is necessary because it is not possible to associate these tables with the main accounting query.

620 Accounting of outgoing document

Customer or Supplier tables are available according to the document type.

630 Accounting of outgoing document items deletion

Tables available are the Type of inflow and outflow, product, outgoing document, and Customer or Supplier, according to the document type.

635 Accounting of outgoing document deletion.

Customer or Supplier tables are available according to the document type.

641 Account deletion of purchase return - Document apportionment items (SDE)

The positioned tables are Incoming Document Header, Outgoing Document Header, Incoming Document Item, Outgoing Document Item, and Incoming Apportionment Item.

Main Fields

Indicate if the cost will be accounted for online. The users that use the average cost re-calculation routine must not activate this feature.