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  • APUICMS - ICMS Calculation Record

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APUICMS - ICMS Calculation Record




This report issues the ICMS calculation records form under template P9. It is generated using ICMS records released by the Tax Records' entries.


In order to generate the report, it is necessary to check the ICMS calculation routine (MATA953) and, in the Wizard, you should pay attention to the "Reconcile calculation" question.

If the company uses a ten-year calculation and wants to reconcile it, when printing the record, set the "reconcile "question to "YES", "Period" monthly/1st Period.( It is necessary that the calculations of the 3 periods have been made in the MATA953 record).

The MV_APURANT parameter must be set to .T.

To generate the report, it is important to pay attention to the following questions: 
