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  • APUICM - ICMS Calculation - MATA953 - Tax Management - P12

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Calculation Month?

Enter the Month in which the calculation will be performed.



Calculation Year?

Enter the Year in which the calculation will be performed.



Selected Records?

Enter the selected Record for calculating the ICMS. Filled in with “*”, the system uses all tax records to which the ICMS Calculation is referred.


Select the type of period for the calculation among Every Ten Days, Fortnightly, Monthly, Half-Yearly, and Annual.


Choose the calculation period among: 1st; 2nd; 3rd or 1st e 2nd periods

Previous Period File?

Enter the file name previously generated for the system to bring the credit balance of the previous period.

Bill Currency?

Inactive question.

Note: For proper functioning of the routine, we are keeping this question. It will always take into account currency 1, regardless of the value that is entered.

Generate Bill?

Select Yes to generate the bill; otherwise, select No.

When this field and the Generate Payment Form field are set to Yes, the ICMS of the period is calculated in order to check the value to be collected to Fundersul, and the calculated value of the FUNDERSUL is displayed in the Additional Information tab.

Display Accounting Entry?

Select Yes to display accounting entries; otherwise, select No.

Consider Branches?

Select Yes to consider company branches when generating the file; otherwise, select No.

From Branch?

Enter the start branch code for file generation. Leave this question blank and fill To Branch? With ZZZ for the system to consider all branches.

To Branch?

Enter the end branch code for file generation.

Print Payment Form?

Choose the Yes option to have the system automatically generate the National Payment Form.


In addition to the GNR related to the ICMS calculated, the system generates a GNR with the value of the ICMS-Tax Substitution (ST). However, it is important to note that the latter is not necessary as a tax document/form due to the ICMS-ST being already contained in the first GNR mentioned. The system generates this form because it needs to have the ICMS-ST values separate for various treatments, not by legal requirement.

When this field and the Generate Bill field are set to Yes, the ICMS of the period is calculated in order to check the value to be collected to Fundersul, and the calculated value of the FUNDERSUL is displayed in the Additional Information tab.

Generate Credit Incentive? 

This question enables the Generation of Credit Incentive-Manaus in ICMS Calculation.

Print ST Credit?

Use the Yes option for Solidario (Joint) Credit Value in the column By Inflows/Acquisitions or No otherwise, or the Return option to consider only the credit for sale returns.

Consolidation of same State?

Compliance with Art. 121 of ANNEX 5 of RICMS/SC.

This article determines that every transport service provider has to present the ancillary obligations consolidated by the head office, and this consolidation must cover only the companies that are located in the same state of the head office.

Use the Yes or No options.

Generate Complem. ICMS Bill? 

Generate bill for complementary ICMS. Enter Yes to generate the bill, or No to not generate it.

Print Summary Map? 

Used in the obligation of bookkeeping of the record according to the Summary Map.

This question is only valid if the parameter MV_LJLVFIS is set to 2.

Select Branches?

Use the Yes option to select the desired branches, or No to consider only the current branch.

MT Pres. Cred?

This option indicates whether to calculate the MT Presumed Credit.Select Yes to consider or No otherwise.

Delete GNR?

Indicate whether to delete the GNRE (Yes/No).

Group by EIN+IE?

Select Yes to group by CNPJ together with IE, or No otherwise.

Process Agreem. 139/06

Indicate whether to consider invoices for the treatment of Agreement 139/06 (Yes/No).

GNRE/Bill Agreem. 139/06?

Indicate whether to generate the bill for Agreement 139/06 (Yes/No).

Fluig Bill Approv. Initial Req?

If you select Yes

After the tax calculation, a request will be initiated in Fluig.

As long as the request is not approved, the bill is not generated in table SE2 (Bills payable). Bill information is recorded in table CU1 (Fluig Bill Approval) where the approval of the request is stored to generate it.

The remainder of the ICMS calculation process will occur normally, that is, all tables related to the calculation will be generated. After approval of the request in Fluig, the CDH table (ICMS calculation) generated during the ICMS calculation will be supplemented with the information of the generated bill. If the Fluig request is rejected, the bill will not be generated, and the information generated by the calculation will remain without modification.

If you select No: The ICMS calculation will occur as usual without using any Fluig integration, that is, all information (including bills) will be generated as normal.

Important: To use this feature, you must use an environment with the Protheus x Fluig integration configured.

PROTEGE-GO? Bill tab

Indicate whether the bill payable is generated from the contribution values of PROTEGE-GO.

Calc. ICMS Diff. (F4_COMPL) 

From TIO (Types of Inflow and Outflow) must be set to Yes.

Group Solid.

In the configuration of the fields related to ICMS-ST taxation in the TIO File, configure the fields:

 Group Solid., ICM-SY LF, Comp. ICM. MKP set to No to avoid re-taxation of the values in the ICMS Calculation


Enter the percentage of the Presumed Tax Substitution Credit (ST) withheld by the contractor of the transportation service. Legislation of the affected States: Decree no. 20686/1999 (AM)

With the rate increased by 2% and enter 19% or 27% in the field.

The configuration is related to the calculation of the FECOP in the invoices and in the calculation. Pres. Crd.%

Calculate ICMS 

Enter Yes (so that the regular ICMS of the operation is calculated, and the right to a credit is kept);


Identify the code given to the State Secretariat for the collection of ICMS.


Enter 20 (the percentage that should be used for the calculation of the presumed credit);

ICMS Cred.

Enter No, so that the right to the credit of the regular ICMS of the operation is not kept;

Debit (so that the amount retained in the freight is released as a debit payable);


It stores the TIO configuration history, indicating if TIO must credit or debit the Tax Substitution ICMS.

Indicate if the TIO must credit or debit the Tax Substitution ICMS by entering: 1=Credit;2=Not Applicable;3=Debit.

ZFM Cred. 

Value of the Presumed Tax Credit related to interstate acquisitions of the Manaus Free Trade Zone. 

In order to be able to enter the credit value on each of the items in the incoming invoice for further calculation, it is necessary to configure this field manually with the credit value of the item. To facilitate the process of entering the tax document, we suggest that a trigger is created so that the field is filled in in certain situations.

Value of the Presumed Tax Credit related to interstate acquisitions of the Manaus Free Trade Zone of the item.



Where: M->D1_CRDZFM should be M-><name of the field created by the user to include the Presumed Tax Credit of the item>

ST Cred./Deb. 

Define whether the entry was carried out with credit or debit of Solidario (Joint), according to the TIO configuration. 

Set whether credit or debit exists for the substitute ICMS.

Select one of the options: 1=Credit; 2=ST Withheld; 3=Debit; 4= Tax Subst.

Tax Due Date

This field is enabled when a debit balance exists.

016 - Additional ICMS (Tax Rate Differential) 

The tax rate differential must be entered in the ICMS calculations, local operations, in the Other Debts/Other Credits rows if needed. When a debit balance exists, the fields Tax Maturity Date and Collection Agency are enabled. The Notes field is always enabled.


Value of the Solidario (Joint) ICMS that was taxed at the inflow or outflow, allowing the right to a credit in the ICMS calculation record.

ICMS w/o ST  

No (so that the regular ICMS value is not part of the withheld ICMS calculation base);


In the configuration of the ICMS-ST taxation fields in the TIO File, configure the fields Add Solid., ICM-ST LF, MKP. 

Configure this field in situations where ICMS Tax Subst. bookkeeping is required, calculated in the transaction, in the Exempt, Other, or Taxed columns.

Select one of the options: N=No; I=Exempt; O=Other; T=Taxed.
If the treatment of the ICMS ST is the one commonly used, keep this field set to “N”.

ICMS Tax Record

Taxed (so that the right to the credit of the regular ICMS of the operation is kept);

Selected Records?

Enter the number of the record to be used in the calculation.


Never (so that profit margin is not used for calculation of withheld ICMS). 


When configuring the fields related to ICMS-ST taxation in the TIO File, set the fields Group Solid, ICM-ST LF, Comp.ICM.MKP to No for the values not to be taxed again in the ICMS Calculation


Enter the nature of the bills related to the Special Fund to Combat Poverty (FECP) that will be generated in the Financial Module.

Collecting Agency

This field is enabled when a debit balance exists.


Set the prefix of accounts payable bills generated by the ICMS Calculation routine.

Solid. Rem. 

No (the notes column of the official tax records will be assembled according to the calculated values)


It stores the amount resulting from the application of the percentage of presumed credit or the reduction of the ICMS withheld by the transferor/sender of the provision of road freight transport service, entered in the field Presumed ST Credit in the TIO File.
