Field creation/Fields used
Table SB5 - Additional Product Data
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 9 |
Format | 999999999 |
Title | Cod.Tab.41 |
Description | Code of table 41. |
Definition | Product code in table 4.1 of the guide. |
Example | B5_TAB41 |
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 3 |
Format | @! |
Title | Cod.Tab.42 |
Description | Code of table 42. |
Definition | Product abbreviation code in Table 4.2 of the Guide |
Example | B5_TAB42 |
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 3 |
Format | @! |
Title | Category |
Description | Site category. |
Definition | Site Category Code. |
Example | A1_CATEGOR |
Table SA2 - Suppliers File
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 3 |
Format | @! |
Title | Category |
Description | Site category. |
Definition | Site Category Code. |
Example | A2_CATEGOR |
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 18 |
Format | @! |
Title | State Reg. |
Description | State Registration of the supplier. |
Definition | Tax Replacement State registration of the supplier. |
Example | A2_IEST |
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 7 |
Format | @R AAA-9999 |
Title | Plac.Scanc2 |
Description | SCANC Plate2 |
Definition | Vehicle Plate2 for SCANC |
Example | DA3_PLACA2 |
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 7 |
Format | @R AAA-9999 |
Title | Plac.Scanc3 |
Description | SCANC Plate3 |
Definition | Vehicle Plate3 for SCANC |
Example | DA3_PLACA3 |
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 7 |
Format | @R AAA-9999 |
Title | Plac.Scanc1 |
Description | SCANC Plate1 |
Definition | Vehicle Plate1 for SCANC |
Example | C5_PLACA1 |
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 7 |
Format | @R AAA-9999 |
Title | Plac.Scanc2 |
Description | SCANC Plate2 |
Definition | Vehicle Plate2 for SCANC |
Example | C5_PLACA2 |
Field | <field according to the customer> |
Type | C |
Size | 7 |
Format | @R AAA-9999 |
Title | Plac.Scanc3 |
Description | SCANC Plate3 |
Definition | Vehicle Plate3 for SCANC |
Example | C5_PLACA3 |
Informações | ||
| ||
The fields above are mandatory to generate the files referring to SCANC. |
Creation of parameters on file SX6– Parameters:
Name | MV_SCANC01 |
Type | Character |
Description | SB5 table field containing the product code (according to Table 4.1 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: B5_TAB41
Name | MV_SCANC02 |
Type | Character |
Description | SB5 table field containing the product acronym (according to Table 4.2 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: B5_TAB42
Name | MV_SCANC03 |
Type | Character |
Description | SA1 table field containing the site category (field 12 of Record 20 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: A1_CATEGOR
Name | MV_SCANC04 |
Type | Character |
Description | SA2 table field containing the site category (field 12 of Record 20 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: A2_CATEGOR
Name | MV_SCANC05 |
Type | Character |
Description | SA2 table field containing the Supplier's Tax Replacement state registration (field 04 of record 20 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: A2_IEST
Name | MV_SCANC06 |
Type | Character |
Description | Tax Replacement state registrations that the taxpayer has (Fields 06 and 07 of Record 10 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | The substitute state registrations must be entered as follows: |
Example | 9901SP612000646114/9901SP562000646114 |
Suggestion of content: 9901SP612000646114/9901SP562000646114
Name | MV_SCANC07 |
Type | Character |
Description | Percentage of gasoline type "A" (Field 20 of Record Type 40 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: 75
Name | MV_SCANC08 |
Type | Character |
Description | States that do not adopt PMPF - Weighted Average Price to Final Consumer - when determining the aggregate value margin (field 22 of the |
Content | Enter the States not adopting PMPF, separated by slashes |
Suggestion of content: BA/SP
Name | MV_SCANC09 |
Type | Character |
Description | CFOPs that are not considered in the generation of Record Type 40(Invoice - Scanc). |
Content | Enter the CFOPs to ignore, separated by slashes |
Suggestion of content: 1102/5102
Name | MV_SCANC10 |
Type | Character |
Description | Codes of the products (table 4) that do not have the PMPF - Scanc. |
Content | Enter the codes of the products that do not have the Weighted Average Price to the Final Consumer (PMPF), |
Suggestion of content: 66575/66664
Name | MV_SCANC11 |
Type | Character |
Description | Codes of anhydrous ethyl ethanol fuel that must not be stated in internal transactions. |
Content | Enter the codes of the products that must not be declared in the Scanc according to chapter IV of the Cotepe Act 3/99, separated by slashes |
Suggestion of content: 000001/000002/
Name | MV_SCANC12 |
Type | Numeric |
Description | Enter the percentage of Diesel (Field 20 of Record Type 40 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: 70
Name | MV_SCANC13 |
Type | Character |
Description | Percentage of Gas Type "C" (Field 20 of Record Type 40 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: 75
Name | MV_SCANC14 |
Type | Numeric |
Description | Enter the percentage of Diesel Type "B" (Field 20 of Record Type 40 of the Scanc Guide). |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: 70
Name | MV_SCANC15 |
Type | Character |
Description | TIOs that are not considered in the generation of Record Type 40 (Invoice - Scanc). |
Content | Enter the TIOs that must not be considered, separated by slashes |
Suggestion of content: 001/501
Type | Logical |
Description | Indicates if the net weight defined in the product table) is considered in the quantity composition – Record 40 |
Content | .T. or .F. |
Name | MV_ULMES |
Type | Character |
Description | Date of the last stock closing. |
Content | <last closing day> |
Example | 20031231 |
Type | Character |
Description | Enter the code of the product Gasoline A according to table 4.1 of the Scanc guide. |
Content | According to table 4.1 of the SCANC guide, the content of field B5_COD - Product code in the product complement must be considered, separated by /. |
Suggestion of content: 64300/62006
Type | Character |
Description | Enter the code of the product Gasoline B according to table 4.1 of the Scanc guide. |
Content | According to table 4.1 of the SCANC guide, the content of field B5_COD - Product Code in the product complement must be considered, separated by /. |
Suggestion of content: 64300/62006
Name | MV_PRODIE |
Type | Character |
Description | Enter the code of the Diesel product according to table 4.1 of the Scanc guide. |
Content | According to table 4.1 of the SCANC guide, the content of field B5_COD - Product Code in the product complement must be considered, separated by /. |
Suggestion of content: 66591/66680
Name | MV_PRODIB |
Type | Character |
Description | Enter the code of the Diesel type B product according to table 4.1 of the Scanc manual. |
Content | According to table 4.1 of the SCANC guide, the content of field B5_COD - Product Code in the product complement must be considered, separated by /. |
Suggestion of content: 66591/66680
Name | MV_SCANEP2 |
Type | Character |
Description | The field of the DA3 table to be used to compose the field 15 - Second Plate in record 40, for incoming invoices in the SCANC file |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Example | DA3_PLACA2 |
Suggestion of content: DA3_PLACA2
Name | MV_SCANEP3 |
Type | Character |
Description | The field of the DA3 table to be used to compose the field 16 - Third Plate in record 40, for incoming invoices in the SCANC file |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: DA3_PLACA3
Name | MV_SCANSP1 |
Type | Character |
Description | The field of the SC5 table to be used to compose the field 14 First Plate in record 40, for incoming invoices in the SCANC file |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: C5_PLACA1
Name | MV_SCANSP2 |
Type | Character |
Description | The field of the SC5 table to be used to compose the field 15 Second Plate in record 40, for outgoing invoices in the SCANC file |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Suggestion of content: C5_PLACA2
Name | MV_SCANSP3 |
Type | Character |
Description | The field of the SC5 table to be used to compose the field 16 Third Plate in record 40, for outgoing invoices in the SCANC file |
Content | <field according to the customer> |
Example | C5_PLACA3 |
Suggestion of content: C5_PLACA3
Tables | SM0 – Companies File |
Routines | MATA950 – Normative Instructions |