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  • Automatic Routine ATFA060 - Assets Transfer

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Automatic Routine ATFA060 - Assets Transfer



User Function MyATFA060()

Local aDadosAuto    := {}  // Array with data to be sent by MsExecAuto() for automatic recording.

Local aParamAuto    := {}

Private lMsHelpAuto := .F. // Determine whether help messages must be directed to log file

Private lMsErroAuto := .F. // Determine whether any inconsistency occurred when running the routine in relation to the parameters entered


//³ The example below was considered using only ledger account and cost center data. If ³

//³ needed, transmit the fields related to accounting items and value classes. ³


dDatabase := cTod("08/02/2010")

aDadosAuto:= { {'N3_FILIAL'  ,ALLTRIM(xfilial("SN3")),Nil},; // Code of branch

               {'N3_CBASE'   , "0000000002"          , Nil},; // Base code of asset

               {'N3_ITEM'    , "0001"                , Nil},; // Sequential Item of asset base code

               {'N3_TIPO'    , "10" , Nil},; // Asset Type 

               {'N4_DATA'    , dDatabase             , Nil},; // Asset acquisition date

               {'N3_CCUSTO'  , "123"                 , Nil},; // Cost Center of Expense

               {'N3_CCONTAB' , "123"                 , Nil},; // Ledger Account

               {'N3_CCORREC' , "123"                 , Nil},; // Asset Correction Account

               {'N3_CDEPREC' , "123"                 , Nil},; // Depreciation Expense Account

               {'N3_CCDEPR'  , "123"                 , Nil},; // Accrued Depreciation Account

               {'N3_CDESP'   , "123"                 , Nil},; // Depreciation Correction Account

               {'N3_CUSTBEM' , "123"                 , Nil},; // Cost Center of Asset Account

               {'N3_CCCORR'  , "123"                 , Nil},; // Indexation Correction Cost Center

               {'N3_CCDESP'  , "123"                 , Nil},; // Depreciation Expense Cost Center

               {'N3_CCCDEP'  , "123"                 , Nil},; // Accrued Expense Cost Center

               {'N3_CCCDES'  , "123"                 , Nil},; // Depreciation Correction Cost Center

               {'N1_GRUPO'   , "GR01"                , Nil},; // Asset Group Code

               {'N1_LOCAL'   , "LOCAL"               , Nil},; // Asset Location

               {'N1_NFISCAL' , "NF001"               , Nil},; // Invoice Number

               {'N1_NSERIE'  , "SERIE"               , Nil},; // Invoice Series

               {'N1_TAXAPAD' , "999999"              , Nil}}  // Default Rate Code  
               {'TPN_CTRAB'  , "CT01  "              , Nil},; // Asset Operation Center, used only when integrated to SIGAMNT

               {'TPN_POSCON' , "150"                 , Nil},; // First Asset Counter, used only when integrated to SIGAMNT

               {'TPN_POSCO2' , "100"                 , Nil}}  // Second Asset Counter, used only when integrated to SIGAMNT


//³ If you want to transmit values to the fields, Group, Location, Invoice/Series, Default Rate, consider ³

//³ how the example above uses the corresponding fields of table SN1. ³


// Question parameters of routine atfa060

aAdd( aParamAuto, {"MV_PAR01", 1} ) //Question 01 - Book it ? 1 = Yes ; 2 = No

aAdd( aParamAuto, {"MV_PAR02", 2} ) //Question 02 - Display Accounting Entry ? 1 = Yes ; 2 = No

aAdd( aParamAuto, {"MV_PAR03", 2} ) //Question 02 - Group Entries ? 1 = Yes ; 2 = No

// You can set the fourth parameter with the following states.
//.T. = Mirror.
//.F. = Update.

MSExecAuto({|x, y, w, z| AtfA060(x, y, w, z)},aDadosAuto, 4 ,, .F.)

If lMsErroAuto

    lRetorno := .F.






In accounting transfer, the Execauto call for each asset must be done separately, because the automatic execution is prepared for transferring one asset type at a time.


#Include 'Protheus.ch'

#Include 'Protheus.ch'

#Include 'tbiconn.ch'

User Function MyATFA060()

Local   aDadosAuto  := {}   // Array with data to be sent by MsExecAuto() for automatic recording.

Private lMsHelpAuto := .F.  // Determine whether help messages must be directed to log file

Private lMsErroAuto := .F.   // Determine whether any inconsistency occurred when running the routine in relation to


//³ The example below was considered using only ledger account and cost center data. If ³

//³ needed, transmit the fields related to accounting items and value classes.                    ³


dDatabase := cTod("08/02/2010")

aDadosAuto:= {{'N3_CBASE'        , "TRANSF    "           , Nil},;    // Base code of asset

               {'N3_ITEM'        , "001 "                 , Nil},;    // Sequential item of asset base code

               {'N3_TIPO'    , "10"                       , Nil},; // Asset Type 

               {'N1_FILIAL'      , "D MG 02 "             , Nil},;    // Asset Destination Branch

               {'N4_DATA'        , dDatabase              , Nil},;    // Asset acquisition date

               {'N3_CCUSTO'      , "         "            , Nil},;    // Cost Center of Expense

               {'N3_CCONTAB'     , "101010100           " , Nil},;    // Ledger Account

               {'N3_CCORREC'     , "                    " , Nil},;    // Asset Correction Account

               {'N3_CDEPREC'     , "201010100           " , Nil},;    // Depreciation Expense Account

               {'N3_CCDEPR'      , "101010300           " , Nil},;    // Accrued Depreciation Account

               {'N3_CDESP'       , "                    " , Nil},;    // Depreciation Correction Account

               {'N3_CUSTBEM'     , "         "            , Nil},;    // Cost Center of Asset Account

               {'N3_CCCORR'      , "         "            , Nil},;    // Indexation Correction Cost Center

               {'N3_CCDESP'      , "         "            , Nil},;    // Depreciation Expense Cost Center

               {'N3_CCCDEP'      , "         "            , Nil},;    // Accrued Expense Cost Center

               {'N3_CCCDES'      , "         "            , Nil},;    // Depreciation Correction Cost Center

               {'N1_GRUPO'       , "    "                 , Nil},;    // Asset Group Code

               {'N1_LOCAL'       , "      "               , Nil},;    // Asset Location

               {'N1_NFISCAL'     , "         "            , Nil},;    // Invoice Number

               {'N1_NSERIE'      , "         "            , Nil},;    // Invoice Series

               {'N1_TAXAPAD'     , "      "               , Nil}}     // Default Rate Code



//³ If you want to transmit values to the fields, Group, Location, Invoice/Series, Default Rate, consider ³

//³ how the example above uses the corresponding fields of table SN1.                 ³


// You can set the fourth parameter with the following states.
//.T. = Mirror.
//.F. = Update.

MSExecAuto({|x, y, w, z| AtfA060(x, y, w, z)},aDadosAuto, 4, aParamAuto , .F.)

If lMsErroAuto    

    lRetorno := .F.   









12.1.6 and higher

Operating Systems Supported


Compatible with the following Databases


Source Program