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Enter Quantity in the customer’s measurement unit

Select it to display the quantities entered for the sales order in the customer measurement unit, provided item parameters are set to assume the customer measurement unit CD0504. You can set the parameters for this information in the User Permissions Maintenance - CD0821 program. The Sales Order will receive it automatically.

Show available stock balance of item

When checked, it defines whether the program, when an item is entered for the order, should display the stock balance in the Available Quantity field and column. 

Round item quantity to multiple of batch

When checked, it indicates that the system will automatically round (showing a message on screen) the quantities entered in the sales order to the multiple quantity of the item when it is parameterized to use Multiple Sales Batch in the program Item Maintenance for Billing - CD0903. You can set parameters for this information in the User Permissions Maintenance - CD0821 program. Sales Order - PD4000B parameters will receive it by default.

The quantity will be rounded even if the user (CD0821) has permission to enter different quantities from the multiple batch.

Keep reference on item inclusion

When checked, indicates that, in the inclusion of items that are controlled by reference in Sales Orders, the last informed reference will be automatically brought to the order item to speed up the implementation process. 

Keep item on item inclusion

When checked, indicates that, in the inclusion of the Items, the last informed item will be automatically brought into the order to speed up the implementation process. 

Multiply Component Qty by Composite Qty

When checked, it defines whether the component quantity (secondary items of the structure) should be multiplied by the quantity informed for the configured/composite product. You can set parameters for this information in the User Permissions Maintenance - CD0821 program. Sales Order - PD4000B parameters will receive it automatically.

Assign Total Price of Components to Composite

When checked, it defines whether the total price of the components will be attributed to the price of the composite product.

Update Partially Serviced Items/Deliveries

When checked, it indicates that partially served items will be updated. Every change to the Sales Order header (example: delivery date) that gets exported to the order items and affects the price list will recalculate or not the partially serviced items, depending on this field's parameter settings. 

Reopen Quotation when Canceling Orders

When checked, it indicates that the sales quotation will be reopened if the sales order is canceled.

Operation Nature Update

The options available are:

  • Do Not Update Items: When checked, it indicates that, when the sales order operation nature changes, it will not be updated in the order items.
  • Update Items with the Same Nature: When checked, it indicates that when the nature of the operation changes, all sales order items that have an operation nature equal to the original one will be updated.
  • Update All Items: When checked, it indicates that when the nature of the operation changes, all order items will be updated with the new nature. 

Update Message Code

When checked, the message code will be updated when the nature of operation changes. The message code is registered in the Operation Nature Maintenance - CD0606 program.

Update End Consumer

Check this field to handle the “Destination of Goods” field; that is, whether to keep its contents or not (end consumer or industrialization/commerce).

If checked, the field specified above displays contents in accordance with the new operation nature. If not, regardless of whether the nature of the operation changes, the contents of the “Destination of Goods” field will be maintained as previously entered. 

Auto-generate Expenses

When checked, it indicates that order expenses will be generated automatically, searching them in the expense x customer relationship.

This button is enabled only when the user tax country is United States.

Update Delivery Location Field

The options available are:

  • Do not update Items: When checked, indicates that the Order Items will not change if the Sales Order Delivery Location changes.
  • Update items with the same location: When checked, indicates that, when changing the delivery location in the Sales Order header, items that have a delivery location equal to the original delivery location in the sales order will be updated.
  • Update All Items: When checked, it indicates that, if the delivery date is changed in the sales order header, all order items will be updated with the new one. 

Update Delivery Date field

The options available are:

  • Do not update Items: When checked, it indicates that, when the sales order delivery date changes, it will not be updated in the order items.
  • Update Items with the Same Date: When checked, it indicates that, if the delivery date is changed in the sales order header, all order items with the original delivery date will change to the new one entered.
  • Update All Items: When checked, it indicates that, if the delivery date is changed in the sales order header, all order items will be updated with the new one. 

Price List Update field

The options available are:

  • Do not update Items: When checked, it indicates that, regardless of the price type of the order, any change in the price list in the order header will not influence the items in the order. Only the price list in the order header will be changed.
  • Update items with the same list: When checked, it indicates that, regardless of the price type, only items that have the same original price list as the order header will be changed. If the order has the price type "entered", only the item's price list will change; otherwise, the items' original price list and price will change. This rule also applies to the "Update all items" parameter.
When changing the price list in the order header, if you enter a price list that does not contain all the items in the order, the following message will be issued for each item: "5285 - Item not registered in the Price List" This message will only appear if the price type is other than "entered". This rule also applies to the "Update all items" parameter.
  • Update all items: When checked, indicates that, regardless of the price type, all items will be changed, even those that do not have a price list.

Update Price List Discount

When checked, indicates that, regardless of the price type of the order header, when updating the price table, the value of the "Discount Price List" field should be changed according to the new list entered.

This field is only disabled when the "Do not update items" option is selected. 

Use Item x Customer Relationship

Enter whether to use the item and customer relationship defined in CD0504.

Customer X Item Generation

  • Auto-generate: When selected, it indicates that if there is no item x customer relationship already implemented, it will be done automatically in the sales order implementation.
  • Do not generate: When selected, it indicates that, if there is no item x customer relationship already implemented, it will not be generated automatically in the sales order implementation. In this case, the user must implement this relationship later using the Customer Items Update - CD0504. You can set the parameters for this information in the User Permissions Maintenance - CD0821 program. The Sales Order will receive it automatically.

Update Business Unit

The options available are:

  • Do not update Items: When checked, indicates that, if the business unit is changed in the sales order header, it will not be updated in the order items.
  • Update items with the same business unit: When checked, it indicates that, if the business unit is changed in the sales order header, all order items with the original business unit will change to the new one entered.
  • Update All Items: When checked, it indicates that, if the business order is changed in the sales order header, all order items will be updated with the new one.


Save to user preferences and keep the changes when adding orders until you make a new change.




Customer Order No.

Displays the customer's order number, which you can change on the Select a Template screen.


Abbreviated name of the customer.

Order Total Value 

Display the total value calculated for the order.

Total Estimated Weight

Estimated total weight of all items in the order.

Serviced Est Weight

Estimated weight of items serviced.

Est Weight Pending

Estimated weight pending. 

titleOrder Weight Information:
Display the estimated total weight of the items serviced and the estimated total weight of all items in the order. To calculate the weight, information from the billing item register Billing Items - CD0903 register is used. The calculated weight is the gross weight of the items.
To update the order weight total, the user must calculate the order.
Items with status canceled are not used in the weight calculation.
The weight of items with status equal to serviced or partially serviced is used in the information “Serviced Estimated Weight”. The other items are used in the information “Total Estimated Weight”.
When the item status is partially serviced, the calculation of the information "Serviced Estimated Weight" uses only the serviced quantity of the item.
The weight information is defined as “estimated” because it does not use the weight of packaging, a weight already used when loading the order.


Press this button to hide/show some information onscreen, gaining space to better view item data. 




Quantity Billing MU

The desired quantity of the item and the measurement unit of this request. 

Quantity Requested

Quantity in the measurement unit the of item in stock (internal). When the measurement unit of the quantity (Billing MU) differs from that of the stock, it is converted to this MU, as shown in this field. This quantity is used internally for allocations and stock check out. The conversion factor for converting from the customer unit to the stock unit is initially taken from the item x customer x mu relationship - CD0504 and later from the relationship between item and measurement unit - CD0247.

Billing MU

Unit of measure with which the invoice is issued. You may enter an MU different from the stock one to service certain customers (CD0504).

Measurement Unit

Measurement Unit of item stock.

MU by Pckg

Display the unit of measurement information of the business family CD0206.

Qty by Pckg

Display quantity information per package in the business family unit.

The quantity per pack value comes from the calculation "ttOrderItemSearch.qt-por-emb = ITEM.ft-conv-fmcoml / exp(10, ITEM.dec-conv-fmcoml)." CD0903 fields: Coml Family Conf Ft and number of decimal places of the business family conversion factor.

Quantity Available

The available quantity of the item in stock.

This information will only be displayed for finished product warehouses and if the Show Item Available Stock Balance field of the "Parameters" folder is checked. Check details in the Check Stock Balance field in User Permission Maintenance - CD0821.

Quantity Available in Quotas

The quantity of the item available in the Quota Management module.

Displays the quota always available in the order item's measurement unit, not the unit tracked in Quota Management.

Quantity to Allocate

Display the quantity (physical or logical) allocated for the item during the sales order deployment/editing process.


If you have to allocate the item before confirming the order, select the field Release Stock without Evaluation found in the Customer Credit Information - CM0102 program, but the final allocation will be made only after the sales order has been confirmed.

To allocate items manually, when deploying/editing the order, the user must have permission registered in the User Permission Maintenance - CD0821 program and the parameters of the Sales Order Parameters Maintenance - PD0301 program must be selected: Online, Manual. In this case, you can view the allocated quantity only after manually allocating the items in the sales order header.
To allocate items automatically when deploying/editing the order, the parameters of the program Sales Order Parameters Maintenance (PD0301) must be selected as: Online, Automatic. In this case, you can view the allocated quantity after confirming the item. 




Original Price

The original price of the item when the price type of order items is "Entered". If the sales order price type is “Deployment Day” or “Billing Day”, this field is not enabled, displaying the price in accordance with the selected sales table selected.

The original price, when informed, must contain the financial additions and ICMS included if the company has the value of the ICMS added to its prices.
If the Configured Value Management Module is in force, it updates the price of the item. The valuation is described in Item Valuation Configured by the Configured Value Management Module.

Billing MU Original Price

The price of the item in the measurement unit in accordance with the MU entered in the "Billing MU" field, when an MU different from stock is entered, is converted to the price of the customer's measurement unit. 

List Price

Price from price list.

Net Price

Net price of the item, displayed when editing the item after adding it.

Price List

The number of the price list used for the item sequence. This list is entered on the sales order main screen and can be changed for the order item. 

Price List Discount %

Discount percentage by quantity of items sold, set in function CD1508.

Use Discount Table

When checked, it indicates that the discount table will be used to search for discounts to be applied to the total value of the item. See details in the Discounts Applied to the Sales Order Using the Discounts Table concept description in the Discounts and Bonuses Reference Manual CD1558

Entered Discount Value

Enter a discount amount to apply to the sales order item.

Entered Discount %

The discount percentages for the item. You can enter more than one discount percentage, connected by a plus sign. See the description of the concept Discounts Applied to the Sales Order Item in the Discounts and Bonuses Reference Manual and in the feature Discount Tables Maintenance - CD1558.




Operation Nature

Item operation nature. The system allows the you to edit the operation nature entered and also allows issuing invoices with more than one Operation Nature. For the field Operation Nature of Sales Order Items, the system automatically brings the nature entered in the sales order header, but allowing a different nature for that item or sequence entered.

By entering an operation nature that moves the balance held by third parties, processing/consignment shipment type and the primary item parameterized to check out stock, you can enter a configured/composite item for the order.

Tax Classification

Displays the tax classification of the item. See details in the Tax Classification field, Item maintenance Maintenance for invoicing Invoicing - CD0903.

The tax classification of the item is only brought to the order item when the item is Direct Debit or when the item has a different IPI. You can edit this information in the order.

ICMS Withheld by Tax Authorities

When checked, indicates whether or not there will be ICMS calculation withheld for the item in the sales order.

See details in the description of the concept Calculation of Taxes, Billing Reference Manual.

ICMS Discount %

The item's ICMS discount percentage, defined in the Operation Nature entered for the item. View details in the Disc % field. ICMS, function Operation Nature Maintenance - CD0606.

IPI Rate

Rate of the Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI), levied on commercial operations of the item deployed, according to the Tax Legislation in effect.

This field will only be enabled for the user if the item has differentiated IPI.

ISS Rate

ISS rate on the sales order item. 

ISS Service Code

Code of the service to be related to the sales order item, so that the search for the withholding percentage of the ISS withheld is performed at the time of the bill's calculation./

Goods Destination

Goods destination (Trade/Industry or Own Consumption/Active) per item in the order sale. The goods destination information can be edited to be different from the header.


The system must be properly configured to enable you to edit this information. In PD0301, activate the parameter in the General - Goods Destination per Item tab. In CD0821 on the Items - Destination Goods Item tab, it is possible to give the user permission to change or not the Destination Goods by Item field in the purchase order.

If the user does not have permission to change but the functionality is active, the information of the destination of the goods will change according to the information of the nature of operation if it is changed in the inclusion of the item, if the nature is not changed in the inclusion of the item it will assume the destination of the header goods.




Customer Purchase Order

Number of the customer's purchase order.


The customer’s purchase order installment number.

Business Unit

The business unit of the sales order item.


The business unit code is only enabled when the parameters “Business Unit” found in  Distribution Parameters - CD2000, and "Business Unit" found in the maintenance of User Permissions - CD0821 are selected.

Initially, the business unit that comes from the site's relationship to the sales order item is suggested in this field.

When parameterized to use a business unit, this field must be filled in.

When you enter the business unit and add the order, the system validates the following:

  • If the logged-in user group has transaction permission on the entered business unit.
  • If the sales order site has access to the entered business unit according to the expiration dates of this relationship.
  • If the cost center of the ledger account of the order item has access to the entered business unit.

CRM Campaign

When the CRM module is enabled, you can enter the CRM Campaign data into the order.

Service Site

This field is only enabled when the Sales Center is enabled in the Order Parameter Maintenance - PD0301. It suggests the Service Site parameterized in the Service Site Relationship Registration - CD2018. If the user has permission in the User Permission Maintenance - CD0821, the service site can be edited.

Ledger Account

Enter the cost ledger account for the direct debit items. See details for direct debit items in the "Control Type" field, Items for Stock feature, Information Preparation process, Stock Reference Manual.

Cost Center

Cost center for direct debit items. See details for direct debit items in the "Control Type" field, Items for Stock feature, Information Preparation process, Stock Reference Manual.

Ledger Cost

Enter the accounting cost value of the direct debit item.


Notes for the sales order item, if necessary.
