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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


When trying to delete an Inflow Invoice (MATA101N) with all items with a TIO that  integrate with the stock module (F4_ESTOQUE='S'), the System does not allow it by showing a message : "Parameter MV_ESTNEG set to not accept negative stock will not allow deleting the document!", even if the stock after deletion is zero0.


Invoice routine (LocxNF2.PRW):

  • A change was made in the Function LxMaCacDelF1 to fix the EUA location to fix it.

Totvs custom tabs box
Totvs custom tabs box items
  1. Create a backup of Environment Repository (RPO file).
  2. Apply the corresponding patch to the DUSAL-73.
  3. Validate that the routine in the patch coincide with the mentioned in the "Function" session of the heading or this Technical Document, as well the dates of the files.
  4. In the Purchases module (SIGACOM), go to Updates | Files | Type Inflow Outflow (MATA080).
    •   Configure a TIO (Type Inflow OutFlow), informing the fields: Inf./Out.Tp (F4_TIPO) = "E-Inflow", and Update Stock (F4_ESTOQUE)? = "S-Yes".
Totvs custom tabs box items
  1. In the Purchases module (SIGACOM), go to the Transactions / Inflow Invoice (MATA101N).
  2. Click "+Add" to register an Inflow Invoice.
  3. In the Items:
    • Fill in de product information;
    • Use the previously configured TIO (D1_TES) that integrates with the Inventory module.
  4. Save the Invoice. 
  5. Check that it is positioned on the Invoice that you included. Click "Other Actions/Delete".
  6. Click "Save"  to confirm the deletion of the Inflow Invoice.
