Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Speaking of content...

Content is videos, images, presentations, and text documents – among others – which can be used in training sessions and classes.

Content may be:

  • public: public content is available for use in training sessions and classes by all users;
  • private: private content is only available to the user who registered it.

The types of content that can be registered are:

  • image (gif, jpeg, bmp and jpg, png files);
  • videos (with wmv1, avi and mp42 extensions, or YouTube, Vimeo and Kaltura videos registered from their URL);


    1 → Currently the vwm extension is only supported by Internet Explorer. As of Google Chrome version 45 and Mozilla Firefox version 55, the NPAPI plugin that generates that view was inactivated.

    2 → Except for encoded mp4 files in H.263, XVID or Divx formats.

  • audio (with mp3 extension);
  • file (txt, pdf and Microsoft Office extensions);
  • link to external content – URL – such as videos, pages, articles, etc.;
  • SCORM 1.2.

Only content with the extensions GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, WMV1, AVI1, MP41, MP3, TXT and PDF and SCORM content can be viewed in the internal viewer. All other contents are downloaded when viewed.

1 → These extensions have some limitations. More details in “Which video formats are supported as content?” and “Why is content with AVI extension not shown in the Chrome and Firefox browsers?”

SCORM 1.2 refers to a compressed file that must contain an XML file named “imsmanifest.xml” in its root directory, known as the “manifest” file. The “manifest” file contains all information required for content presentation. The manifest divides the training or content into one or more SCORMs.

SCORMs can be combined in a tree structure that represents the content or training, known as activity tree. The “manifest” contains a structure, in the XML file, representing the activity tree, as well as information on how to launch each SCORM and, optionally, metadata describing the training or the content and its parts.

Contents is registered by users who have permissions to manage content, that is, users that have permission to create, change, delete, or view, or users that have full permission.

Content management actions are:

  • create/change content: this type of permission allows registering new content, editing both the managed content and the content set as public;
  • manage all content: this permission allows users to create and edit public/private content from other users;
  • delete content: this permission allows users to delete content that is no longer used;
  • view content: this permission only allows users to view available content, but they cannot perform any other action on such content.

Image Added

View contents


01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.

02. Click Manage.

03. View available content.

Add content


01. Click New, in the upper left corner of the window.

02. Enter the required content information.


Required information:

Name of the content being added.

Keywords related to the content. Words must be separated by space.

Description of the content being added.

Set the content for private use of the owner
When checked, the content is available only to the user who registered it.

03. Click the Upload tab (to add content from a local machine) or the URL tab (to add a link to external content).

04. If you clicked the Upload tab, then click Load file.

05. Find and select the content of your choosing.

To delete an added file, simply click Delete.

06. Define the remaining information, if relevant to the uploaded content.


It is SCORM content
When checked, the type of added content is SCORM. Only the 1.2. version is currently available for use. To view the content structure tree, click View SCORM tree.

Do not validate SCORM content
When checked, the added SCORM content structure will not be validated.


When checking this option, if the added content has any inconsistencies, no warning messages will be sent. And, if the content has inconsistencies, they will compromise viewing quality, resulting in failure to properly run the training course that uses such content.

Therefore, do not check this option if you want to be warned when there are inconsistencies.

07. If you click the URL tab, enter its web address.


You can enter URLs of YouTube and Vimeo videos in various formats.
For example:

If it is a Kaltura video, enter its full URL.
For example:


PARTNER_ID, UICONF_ID, UNIQUE_OBJ_ID are Kaltura parameters.

The videos stored in these three platforms are displayed in their own internal player when viewed in training courses. The other URLs are displayed in a new tab.

08. Click Save; or Cancel to quit adding the content.

Edit content


01. In the Content window, find the content to be edited.

02. Click the Edit icon, located to the right of the line corresponding to the content.

03. Change the information of your choice. For more details about the displayed fields, see the alternative path Add content.

04. Click Save, or Cancel to discard the changes made.

Download the content


01. In the Content window, find the content to be downloaded.

02. Click the Edit icon, located to the right of the line corresponding to the content.

03. Click Download file, located next to the name of the file corresponding to the content.

Delete content


01. In the Content window, find the content to be deleted.

02. Click the Delete icon, to the right of the line corresponding to the content.

03. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm deletion of the content, or Cancel to cancel the action.

Preview content


01. In the Content window, find the content to be previewed.

02. Click the Preview icon, located to the right of the line corresponding to the content.

03. View the selected content. To close the preview mode and go back to the main content window, click Close preview.

When previewing, Office suite files are downloaded automatically, as they are not rendered by fluig’s internal viewer.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.3 – Snowflake update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.