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Speaking of


influencers search...


It intends to bring the most influential users on certain subjects, when a term is searched on fluig. The Influencers tab displays the users that use that term the most, sharing posts and comments or creating articles and documents, becoming the most influential users on the searched term.


Example: I search for the term financial or #financial and the search returns the information about the searched term. Terms can be searched with or without using hashtags.


The Influencers tab uses the following items as search criteria:


  • Articles: Search for the term in all contents and tags of the article.


Basic path


View influencers


01. Search for the term to be found.

02. Click the Influencers tab.

03. It displays the influential users that share more posts with the searched term.



titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid as of the 1.5.13 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.