Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


The Knowledge Base of Protheus is a bank of generic information, stored in files. This information can be in the form of pictures, texts, worksheets or any other type of file containing information relevant to the system.

For example:

In Carriers File, it is possible to save images of the trucks that do the transporting.

In the Customers File, it is possible to link the sale contract of the industrial machines.


When a file is added to the Knowledge Base, the system backs up this file. This way, if a file added is deleted from its source directory, the system does not go through any changes.

To store the files, the system can create two different paths, from the directory where Protheus is installed. When SX2 is shared, that is, system with a single branch, one directory Shared is created and when there are more branches, a directory is created for each branch.

Example for one branch:


Example for two branches:

\Protheus10\DIRDOC\CO99\BR01 (Branch 01)

\Protheus10\DIRDOC\CO99\BR02 (Branch 02)

In which:

Protheus10 – Directory where Protheus is installed.

DIRDOC – Directory created by the system as defined in parameter MV_DIRDOC.

CO99 – Directory that defines the company for which the system functions. (CO = Company and 99 = Company code).

Image Removed

Image AddedImportant:

These files are automatically created by the system and must not be altered.

The backup copies stored by the system must not be edited. If this happens, the system may be damaged.

In need to alter a file of the Knowledge Base, use the following options Save As and Update.

When Microsiga Protheus 11.5 is being executed by remote SmartClient-HTML, the file manipulation functions of Invoicing module do not execute reading or recording operation in Customer local unit.

Thus, during the execution of HTML the Knowledge Base screen cannot be open. The following message is displayed: Routine not available when executed from Internet Browser.

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