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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This routine generates, in magnetic medium, the Map of the Controlled Chemical Products. This file must be monthly sent via internet, using MAPAS software.

To whom it is applicable

To companies performing any operations involving chemical products.


Collecting information about any operation involving chemicals and send them to the Federal Police Division.



Delivery Term


Application provided by tax authorities

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®



Administrative Rule nr. 169, of February 21, 2003, Ministry of Justice.

Where to find it


Types of Records Created

Record type EM – Record company

For this record, the information is generated through the Company Register (SM0) and according to the parameters.

Record type ME – Record month

This record contains information on the registration month. For this record, the information is generated through the Company Register (SM0) and according to the parameters.

Record Type PR – Record products


For this record, the information is generated through the Products File, Products Complement, Inflow and Outflow Transactions Inventory. After importing the text file, it is still necessary to fill out the Additional Information.

Image ModifiedNote:

This record displays initial and final balances for the period. To generate the initial balance, you must close the inventory on the last day of the month prior to the routine processing. To generate the final balance, you must close the inventory on the last day of the month of routine processing.

Record Type PF – Record final product


This registration is only generated when parameter MV_EMPTRAN  is set as T and when the carrier has the name CNPJ No. as the Tax Invoice issuer.


It only generates transactions for products having registered product complement (Table SB5), once information on concentration and density are retrieved from this table.

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