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This routine enables the generation of the magnetic file referring to the DMS - Monthly Statement of Services of the municipality of Sorocaba - São Paulo. This declaration was determined by the municipality of Sorocaba for all ISS taxpayers established in the city.

To whom it is applicable

Providers or acquirers of service in the municipality of Sorocaba must provide the monthly statement, using DMS software.


 Enable the replacement of manual procedures for declaration and payment of the ISS by an integrated management system, providing ease, agility, safety and convenience in the statement of Tax on Services.

Delivery Term

Up to day 25th of the month subsequent to the generator fact.


Municipal – Sorocaba – SP

Application provided by tax authorities

DMS - Monthly Statement of Services

Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find the application provided by tax authorities

Legislation considered by Microsiga Protheus®

 Law No. 7.901, dated September 14, 2006.


Types of Generated Records


2. In Configurator module, option Module/Registers/Parameters, check or create the following parameters:

Data Folder






T or F

Description Folder


Identifies whether the invoice series (excepting tax receipt) is converted to A or remains the series defined in the field F3_SERIE

T= series A;

F= series registered in the field F3_SERIE.

Image ModifiedNote:

This treatment is used only when it is not tax receipt, since in this case the series is already set to F. For the remaining cases, the parameter will be checked first, if T or F, to be filled with the A series, or, ultimately, to be filled with the contents of the field.

Field Folder






<defined  by customer>

Description Folder


Enter the city name where the taxpayer is located.

Image ModifiedNote:

Content example: SOROCABA

Enter the name of the municipality where the tax payer is established, without quotation marks ("") and without accent marks. This name must be exactly equal to the name registered in the City field from tables of Customers and Suppliers established in the municipality of the tax payer

Field Folder







In which:

EE: Company Code with 2 digits.

FF: Branch Code with 2 digits.

To separate configuration groups, use slash (/).

Description Folder


Defines whether the Company's Branch is a Simples Nacional taxpayer.

Image ModifiedNote:

Content example: 9901/9903/9906

This parameter must be used only when the taxpayer branch chooses the Simples Nacional.

Field Folder






Enter the field in table SF1, without alias.

Example: F1_MUDMSSO

Description Folder


Field of SF1 table indicating the SIAFI code of the Municipality where the service is rendered, if it is different from the Company Register. Only used in the Record Type R - Received Invoices

Image ModifiedImportant:

If this parameter is created and filled, the code of the municipality where the service is rendered to be displayed in Record R will be the field entered in the parameter. Otherwise, it will be the Company Register, which will indicate the municipality where the service was rendered. If this specific treatment is necessary, the filling of the field indicated in the parameter must be customized in the inflow invoices processing, that is, it is not automatically filled by the default system.

Field Folder






Enter the field in table SF2, without alias.

Example: F2_MUDMSP

Description Folder


Field of SF2 table indicating the SIAFI code of the Municipality where the service is rendered, if it is different from the Customer Register. Only used in the Record Type E - Invoices Generated

Image ModifiedImportant:

If this parameter is created and filled, the code of the municipality where the service is rendered to be displayed in Record E will be the field entered in the parameter. Otherwise, it will be the Customer Register, which will indicate the municipality where the service was rendered. If this specific treatment is necessary, the filling of the field indicated in the parameter must be customized in the outflow invoices processing, that is, it is not automatically filled by the default system.

Field Folder






Example: A1_CODMUSO

Description Folder


This parameter provides information about the field of SA1 table (Customer Register) which refers to Customer Municipality Code defined in the DMSSO authenticator.

Image ModifiedImportant:

This parameter must be used only when the Municipality code entered in the Customer Register, field A1_COD_MUN, is different from the Authenticator Municipality table.

Field Folder






Example: A2_CODMUSO

Description Folder


This parameter provides information about the field of SA2 table (Supplier Register) which refers to Supplier Municipality Code defined in the DMSSO authenticator.

Image ModifiedImportant:

This parameter must be used only when the Municipality code entered in the Supplier Register, field A2_COD_MUN, is different from the Authenticator Municipality table.

3. In the Product Register, note the configuration of the following field:


4. In the Tax Records (SF3), the field Activity Code (F3_CNAE) will be saved with the activity code in the service provided.

Image ModifiedImportant:

The DMSSO file needs the code of activities the Taxpayer has and the taxpayers can have more than one activity code, depending on the services provided by them. If service provider has more than one CNAE, it must be related to service provided, which means, registered in Table SB1 (Product Register), CNAE field (B1_CNAE).

5. In Customer Register (SA1), the field Simples Taxp. (A1_SIMPLES) must indicate whether the customer is choosing or not the Calculation System of Simples, with 1 corresponding to YES and 2 corresponding to NO.

6. In Supplier Register (SA2), the field Simples Taxp. (A2_SIMPLES) must indicate whether the customer is choosing or not the Calculation System of Simples, with 1 corresponding to YES and 2 corresponding to NO.

Image ModifiedImportant:

  • If the fields A1_SIMPLES and A2_SIMPLES are blank or with content 2-No, it will be considered that the customer/supplier did not choose the system;
  • The fields A1_COD_MUN, A2_COD_MUN and M0_CODMUN must be correctly filled out because they will be considered in the file generation.


See Also