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Economic-Tax Information Document - Espírito Santo

This routine enables the generation of DIEF-ES file related to Economic-Tax Information of the State of Espírito Santo, according to layout SEFA/ES from 04/06/2006. To generate the file, the configuration file DIEFES.INI must be used.


To whom it is applicable


To ICMS taxpayers registered in the Taxpayers General File of State of Espírito Santo Finance Secretariat.




To validate and transfer the ICMS declarations of the Finance Secretariat of the State of Espírito Santo.


Delivery Term


Monthly - until the 12th day of each month.




State – Espírito Santo


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


Version 2010


Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority



Legislation contemplated



1.090 R of 2002

1.608 R of 2006

Types of Records Created

Record 1 - Initial Record

It indicates the magnetic file start.

Record 2 - Main register of DIEF

Each DIEF (Regular or Estimate System) document must have a main register. This register is generated based on the ICMS calculation in the period determined.

Record 3 - Costs and Expenses of DIEF

Each DIEF (Regular or Estimate System) document must have a Costs and Expenses register, below the record type 2. This register is generated through the filling of parameter Costs and Expenses Register.

Record 4 - DIEF Expiration Dates

Each DIEF (Regular or Estimate System) document must have an Expiration Date register, below the record type 3. This register is generated based on SF6 Table (Payment Forms) to identify the Revenue Code and its expirations.

Record 5 - DIEF Operation Summary

Each DIEF (Regular or Estimate System) document can have several registers of this type, one for each group of CFOPs (example: for purchases of the state: purchases, transferences, etc.), according to the filling of parameter DIEF Operation Summary.

Record A - Main register of raw coffee transaction declaration

Each coffee declaration must have a main record. This record is generated if the taxpayer has (inflow and outflow) coffee transactions besides if the raw coffee transaction (Raw Coffee Transaction Declaration = YES) is mentioned in the routine wizard, and if the non-transaction of rural producer (Generates Rural Prod. Trans. = NO) is indicated in the group Required information to generate DIEF-ES.

Record B - Raw coffee transaction

Each coffee declaration can have several registers type B. The transaction records (inflows and outflows) of a certain period must be under the corresponding register A. This record is only generated if the raw coffee transaction (Raw Coffee Transaction Declaration = YES) is mentioned in the routine wizard, and if the non-transaction of rural producer (Generates Rural Prod. Trans. = NO) is indicated in the group Required information to generate DIEF-ES.

The record is generated based on coffee transaction and identified through Product Group and the division per CFOPs of each type of coffee transaction (by filling out the fields of the routine wizard, in the group Raw Coffee Transaction Register.

Note: The amount of sacks for generation of this register is limited to 9.999 (amount of items in the invoice), according to the layout available. After import in the validator program, information regarding the CSIC number and the certificate value must be filled out manually.

Record I - Transport

DIEF declarations (only regular system) with transaction related to transport must have a register type I for each municipality. When the transaction starts out of the state, the value is detailed in the municipality where the company headquarters is located.

Record J - Communication

DIEF declarations (only regular system) with transaction related to communication must have a register type J for each municipality. When the transaction starts out of the state, the value is detailed in the municipality where the company headquarters is located.

Record K - Municipality change

Each DIEF document (regular or estimated system) may have several records of this type, one for each line of the Operation Summary chart. Only values of operations carried out in the origin municipality of the establishment are generated.

Record N - Stock

Each DIEF document (regular or estimated system) must have a stock register with the initial and final values of the previous year's stock.

Record D - Final Record

It must be the last file register.

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