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  • Generating the DPI - GO (MATA950 - SIGAFIN)

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Generating the DPI - GO (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Generating the DPI - GO (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

To generate the DPI - Goias:

1. In Normative Instructions, the routine description is displayed.

2. Click Parameters.

The routine parameters are displayed.

3. Fill out data according to field help

4. Observe the following parameters:

Initial Date / Final Date

Enter the calculation period to be considered.

Instr. Normative Instruction

Enter configuration file to be used without the .INI extension. For this magnetic mean, enter the DPIGO.

File Destination File

There is no need to enter it. The routine creates files with specific names, as described below:


File name






CFOP Transaction




Other Credits




Debt Reversal




Other Debts




Credit Reversal




Main Obligations




Initial Data




Import Data




Complementary IPM Data




Outflow of Goods, Assets and/or Service Acquisitions




Inflow of Goods, Assets and/or Service Acquisitions




Initial and Final Inventory


Enter the directory's name where the text file created from the calculation is saved.

Note: The directory must be previously created.

5. Check the data and confirm.

The system displays a new screen, with the DPI specific parameters.

All the data must be correctly completed, so that, at the moment of importing in the validator software, there be no errors in the INFINI.TXT -Initial Data file.

6. To complete the following fields, place the cursor on the field and pressEnter.

Cash Availability at the Beginning of the Period

Input the value available in cash at the beginning of the period, which is the sum of the Cash and Banking Turnover Account balances.

Cash Availability at the End of the Period

Input the value available in cash at the end of the period, which is the sum of the Cash and Banking Turnover Account balances.

Number of Employees at the Beginning of the Period

Enter the number of employees existing in the business at the beginning of the period, according to employee registry or book.

Number of Employees at the End of the Period

Enter the number of employees existing in the business at the end of the period, according to employee registry or book.

Taxpayer Bookkeeping Type

Enter the bookkeeping type for the tax payer, which can be: 1 - Fiscal or 2 - Accounting.

LRE Book Number

Enter the number of the Inflow Record Book. This data is used in the Import Data Record.

LRE Sheet Number

Enter the Inflow Tax Records sheet number. This data is used in the Import Data Record.

Petroleum/Energy Related CFOPs

Enter the CFOP numbers used for the ICMS charged for Petroleum/Energy, in case the company uses it. Example of filling up: 1201 / 1209 / 1660 / 1664 / 5251 / 5258 / 5657...

Accountant E-mail

Enter the e-mail of the accountant responsible for the taxpayer.

Accountant Telephone Number

Enter the telephone number of the accountant responsible for the taxpayer.

Court Deposit

Enter the value the taxpayer has in court deposits, if any.

Taxpayer E-mail

Enter the taxpayer's contact e-mail.

Taxpayer Phone Number

Enter the taxpayer's contact phone number.

Has used the Tax Benefit conditioned to the PROTEGE contribution in the period.

Enter whether the taxpayer has used tax benefits in the period, as long as they are conditioned to the PROTEGE contribution (Fundo Social do Estado de Goias - social fund of the State of Goias).
