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Information Form for Determination of City Participation Index in the ICMS-GI Collection Amount

It generates the magnetic file to import the Model B Form (Information Form for Determination of City Participation Index in the ICMS-GI Collection Amount) of the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


To whom it is applicable


Companies subscribed in CGC/TE.




To make possible for Industry, Commerce and Services Taxpayers the Annual Information Forms Model B delivery due in the ICMS rules.




State: State of Rio Grande do Sul


Delivery Term


Often up to March 31st of the year subsequent to the base year.


Application provided by tax authorities


GMB 2012


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Version 6.5.3


Where to find it


Types of Records Created

Record Type 001 - Taxpayer Identification

For this record, information is generated according to the content of the program questions (explained later in this document), except for the fields State Registration and CNPJ, from the Company Register file.

Record Type 002 - General information of Simples Nacional

For this record, information is generated according to Simples Nacional generation.

Record Type 003 - Monthly Information of Simples Nacional

For this record, information is generated according to Simples Nacional generation.

Record Type 004 - Distributed Value of Simples Nacional

Record not featured.

Record Type 910 - Annex 1 - Producer

For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file. Only the purchase invoices of producers entering the following CFOPs are considered: 1.101/1.102/1.116/1.117/1.118/1.122/1.151/1.152/1.451. The invoice must also be registered either in the column Exempt or Others.

Check out the procedures to be adopted for this record:

  • In the Supplier Register, fill out the field Soc. Contr. (A2_TIPORUR) to define the supplier as a Producer;
  • In the Configurator environment, create the parameter MV_CODMGMB with the name of the field, in the Supplier Register, which contains the code of the city used to generate this record. Completion of this field is mandatory.

Record Type 941 - Annex 4 - Inflows from other states

For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file.

Record Type 942 - Annex 4 - Outflows from other states

For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file.

Record Type 950 - Annex 5 - Inflows and outflows

For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file.

Record Type 960 - Annex 6 - International operations and service provisions (details by country)

This record features the total of inflows and outflows (from the Tax Records file) by country code. For that matter, the field which indicates the client/supplier country must be informed in the parameter MV_PAIS. Records are generated, even when they are zeroed, to all countries featured in the Table of Countries of the Brazilian Finance Department layout, except for the record 311 (Brazil).

Record Type 990 - Notes

This record identifies all entries of the inflow fiscal codes 1.949, 2.949, 3.949; and outflows 5.949, 6.949 e 7.949 indicated, operation by operation, in the Form Model B.

Imports of Agricultural Producer Purchases

To import only agricultural producer purchase data, use the same layout as TR910 of Producer Annex 1, but including a prior header with the Base Year for related information. After the System generates the file, import it through the respective button in the Annex 1 screen.

Name of file:  IMPCOMPRUR.TXT


Has the Base Year referred to by the data.

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