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SAFT PT - PTG (MATA950 - SIGAFIS) - Obsoleto
SAFT PT - PTG (MATA950 - SIGAFIS) - Obsoleto

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Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes

The SAFT-PT is a file in format XML that enables the export of a pre-defined group of records in a legible and regular way that is independent of the used program.

This definition was performed to the OCDE level, and the Portuguese version is target of some adjustments to the simplification made by DGCI, with the collaboration of ASSOFT.

The main purpose is the creation of a standard working basis to the services of tax inspection that, regardless of the software in the record base and procedure of records target of analysis, allow the payment and procedure of taxes in a simple and plain reading, due to its standard format.

This file availability requirement is applied to economic activities beginning January 1st 2008 for all subjected to IRC, that perform a commercial, industrial, or farming activity, and that organize its accounting with automated resources, according to ordinance no. 321-A/2007 from March 26th.

The data generation for this file happens in two different stages. In the first phase, the export records are the ones relevant to the Accountant and Invoicing. In the second phase (to be defined) contemplates the export of the following records: Salaries, Inventory and Costs.


1. In Normative Instructions, the routine description screen is displayed. Fill out the parameters:

Initial Date ?

Enter the initial date for processing of the magnetic file.

Final Date ?

Enter the final date for processing of the magnetic file.


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If Initial Date and Final Date present a one-month range, statement is considered Monthly.

Example: 5/1/08 to 5/31/08

If Initial Date and Final Date present a three-month range, statement is considered Quarterly. When Quarterly, only months (01 to 03) or (04 to 06) or (07 to 09) or (10 to 12) are accepted. Example: 1/1/08 to 3/31/08 or 4/1/08 to 6/30/08 or 7/1/08 to 9/30/08 or 10/1/08 to 12/31/08

Normative Instruction?

Enter the configuration file name, without the ".INI" extension. For this magnetic medium, enter: SAFT-PT.

Target File?

Enter the name and file extension to be generated.

Example: SAFT.xml


Enter the directory's name where the text file created is saved. Example: C\IESDA\.

Select Branches?

Indicate whether you want to select the branches to be processed. When entering No, only the current branch is considered; when selecting Yes, the system displays a screen in which you must select branches to be considered. Select branches to be processed, if necessary and confirm.

2. Check parameters and confirm them.

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