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Banks (MATA070 - SIGAFIN)
Banks (MATA070 - SIGAFIN)

This register enables to add banks, bank tellers and collectors the company works with. The current accounts must be individually registered, even if they belong to the same bank.

The Bank register exists in all Microsiga Protheus® financial transactions and it is extremely important to control the cash flow, bordereau issue and manual and automatic bills write-off.

The bank balances are updated whenever the write-off payable and receivable take place in the Financials module and in the banking transactions.

The system enables the banking accounts to be blocked, preventing certain transactions from using the current bank. When the current account is blocked for the transactions, a screen is displayed notifying the user.

This control is possible in the following routines:

  • Inclusion of Advance Collection;
  • Inclusion of Advance Payment;
  • Transfer and Bordereau (Accounts Receivable);
  • Bordereau (Accounts Payable);
  • Write-off in Accounts Receivable (Normal, Batch, Automatic);
  • Write-off in Accounts Payable (Normal, Batch, Automatic);
  • Bank Transactions (Manual, Transfers, etc.);
  • Checks Generation (Join, Check w/o Bills and Counter checks).

Current accounts are flagged in the routine maintenance window by the following caption:

Image Removed - Current account released for transactions

Image Removed - Current account blocked for transactions

Specific Concepts

IF V117If the Schedule routine and the Adapter EAI are configured, it is possible to integrate TIN (TOTVS Real Estate Enterprising) and Protheus to send and receive XML files, according to the XSD ractified by TOTVS®.END

Integration with RM

This routine has the functionality of integration with RM Classis Net.

For technical details on Implementation and Use Procedures, Table Synchronization between Bases, and Parameterization for Generation, refer to the Guide of Protheus x Classis Integration, available at TDN Portal.

See also information about Education Management.


To add banks:

1. In Banks, select Add.

2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3. Fields identified with (*) must be completed.

4. The fields Branch No. and Account No. do not accept special characters, only alphanumeric characters.

Check the main fields in the topic Main Fields/Controls.

5. In Related Actions the following options are available:

    • Calculator;
    • Spool;
    • Prints Registration;
    • WalkThru;
    • Environment;
    • Mashups;
    • Help;
    • HTML Form;
    • ECM Form;

6. Check data and confirm the inclusion.

See Also
