Páginas filhas
  • Product Grid Interface (OMSA010 - SIGAFAT)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Thus, you do not have to register the same product several times just because its features may vary. Just register the main product and its features, such as: color, model, etc. That enables Microsiga Protheus to automatically generate the registration of variable products.

Image ModifiedImportant:

To use the feature Product Grid, you must configure parameter MV_GRADE = T.

Use of Product Grid in Sale Price List

  • Select Price List and create a price list for a grid reference product.
  • To check the application of price list, select Sales Orders and add a sales order for a product (full code) related to the family grid. Enter the list code in the order header.


See Also