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Sales Forecast (MATA700 - SIGACOM)
Sales Forecast (MATA700 - SIGACOM)

The sales forecast routine is a tool that helps companies to define the total amount produced and can also be used as basis to generate Production Orders using MRP.

The sales forecast lets PCP (Production Control and Planning) program the amount of product manufactured in an certain time frame, and quantifies the need for labor, material, and equipment.

It is used by companies that work with product storage (make to stock), that is, production against demand forecast.

The forecast can be a tool to assist companies to define total production amount, to elaborate sales goal to be met in a near future, gathering information on current market trends and records of history sales, those from periods similar to those in the past.

Sales Forecast by Product Categories.

Sales forecast can be created on product categories. Thus, the one responsible for planning the forecast is able to work by category, making the job easier, mostly for companies where each employee is responsible for different product categories or lines.

To use this functionality, it is necessary have ready the files Products Categories and Category Linking x Products. Refer to help function of these routines for further details on how to create products categories.


To add sales forecast:

1. In Sales Forecast, select Query.

The system displays add screen.

2. Fill out data according to help instructions.

3. Check data and confirm.

If there are products categories available, it is possible view the forecasts by category, in details, or add new forecasts.

4. For such, in the sales forecast maintenance window, click Categories.

The parameters window comes up to define timeframe of forecasts that user wishes to view.

The window lets user view all sales forecasts of each category, as well as check details related to products and from forecasts recently saved.

5. Click + of items displays in window left size, to check on details of forecast.

The option Forecast expedites the entry of new forecasts.

6. Clicking on Forecast, with cursor placed on a category linked to product(s) or group(s) of products, brings up a screen to enter new sales forecast for the category.

7. After entering all forecasts, the user may click Refresh to update data in the screen.

Related Features


  1. In Sales Forecast, select a sales forecast that is confirmed.
  2. Activate Other Actions, then, S&OP.

Integration between the Sales Forecast (MATA700) and information from S&OP are confirmed.

S&OP enables through XML file the estimation of production necessities based on sales history and campaigns that are captured from TOTVS product.

See Also
