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  • WSSINAL - Manaus Free Trade Zone (MATA950 - SIGAFAT)

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WSSINAL - Manaus Free Trade Zone (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
WSSINAL - Manaus Free Trade Zone (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

WSSINAL - System for internment of merchandise in Manaus Free Trade Zone

It enables the generation of file Web Service SINAL. This file enables the companies that sends merchandise to Manaus Free Trade Zone to anticipate the invoice statement, expediting the internment of merchandise in the incentive areas.


Image RemovedImportant:

The WSSINAL must be used only in operation with taxpayers located in the Trade Zone (states of AM, AC, AP, RO, or RR) and duly registered in Suframa. For each lot of merchandise shipped under these conditions, the file must be generated, binding the invoices part of the lot. The file must be imported in WSSINAL. If there is no critics, the PIN generation is available, which must be sent to the carrier with invoices and merchandise part of the process.


To whom it is applicable


To companies that send merchandise to Manaus Free Trade Zone.




To provide a system that expedite the information on invoices and merchandise sent to Manaus Free Trade Zone.


Delivery term






Manaus Free Trade Zone


Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)


The import is made directly by Suframa website, through option to access SINAL system, Sender module.


Version of the application supported by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority



Types of registers generated

The file is generated in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, according to specifications of the layout provided by Suframa, with information about invoices of the lot sent to a recipient in Manaus Free Trade Zone.

The file must have the following structure:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

- <lote nro="" versao_sw="" dtEmissao="">

    <lot information>


                <invoice number="" dtEmissao="" txZero=" " incent="">

                            <invoice information>

                            + <amounts>

                            + <Carriers>

                            + <gnre>

                            + <invoicing>

                            + <Taxsubstitution>

                            + <items>

                                       <items information>






Generating WSSINAL

1. Copy WSSINAL.INI configuration file for \SYSTEM directory.

2. In Normative Instructions, the routine description screen is displayed.

3. Click Parameters.

The routine parameters are displayed.

4. Check out the following data:

Initial Date ?

Enter the start date to process the Normative Instruction.

Final Date ?

Enter the end date to process the Normative Instruction.

Instr. Normative Instruction?

Enter the configuration file name, without the ".INI" extension. For this magnetic media, enter the WSSINAL.

File File?

Enter the file name to be generated.

Note: To import in WSSINAL, the file must have the SIN extension.

Example: 001062007.SIN

Destination Directory?

Indicate the directory name where the text file generated from the calculation is saved.

Example: C:\MP10\SYSTEM\.

Select Branch?

Inform if more than one branch must be selected to generate a file.

5. After confirming the data, the WSSINAL specific parameters are displayed. Enter the parameters according to the following:

Lot Number?

Enter invoice lot number which is being sent.

Note: The month and year of generation are added to this lot number.

Example: Entering 001, the generated number is 001062007.


Enter lot recipient, which must be in the Customer File.

Recipient Store?

Enter store of lot recipient.


Enter carrier responsible for merchandise transportation, which must be in the Carriers File in the system and also registered and regulated in Suframa.

Note: If the carrier is not entered, the filed is generated blank.


Enter WSSINAL or SINAL version used.

From NF?

Enter first invoice for filter (leave it blank to disregard field).

Until NF?

Enter final invoice for filter (leave it blank to disregard field).

Select Documents?

If the answer to this question is YES, a screen comes up to select documents that compose the lot to be generated.

Through Post Office?

If the answer for this question is YES, the recipient tax number is entered in the Carrier field.


Image RemovedImportant:

If the merchandise is sent through Post Office by air, the tax number in the field Carrier is of the recipient, which is the posting type carrier.
