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This routine enables the magnetic file generation for importing DIEF – State of Santa Catarina Economic-Tax Information Declaration.


To whom it is applicable


To taxpayers who performed economic-tax operations in the year prior to the declaration delivery.




To validate and transfer the Economic-Tax Information Declaration to the State of Santa Catarina Finance Secretariat.




State: State of Santa Catarina


Delivery Term


Annual - On 30/04


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find it


General Notes

  • The initial inventories values refer to the last day of the year prior to the base year and the final inventories values refer to the last day of the base year.
  • The magnetic file generated does not consider the cents, according to DIEF guide. Occasional rounding errors may occur when validating the file and they must be manually adjusted in the .txt file the user generated, according to State of Santa Catarina Finance Secretariat view.

Types of Records Created

Record Type 10 - Accountant Identification

The information referred to this record is generated according to the parameters entered by the user, in the Accountant Information chart.

Record Type 12 - Taxpayer Identification

The information referring to this record is generated according to current data in the Company Register and parameters entered by the user, in Establishment and Legal Responsible Information chart.

Record Type 13 - Identification of Person Legally Responsible

The information referring to this record is generated according to current data in the Company Register and parameters entered by the user, in Information of the Establishment and Person Legally Responsible chart.

Record Type 21 - Initial Information

The information referring to this record is generated according to current data in the Company Register and parameters entered by the user, in Initial Information chart.

Record Type 22 - DIEF Values

The information referring to this record is generated according to data saved in ICMS Calculation, Tax Records, CIAP Reversal, Initial Balances and parameters configured in the charts Information on the Balance - ASSETS and LIABILITIES and Income Statement and Details of Expenses.

Record Type 23 - Gross Income Calculation - Microenterprise

The information of this record is generated according to the parameters configured in the Initial Information chart.

Record Type 31 - Annex 1

The information of this record is generated automatically, according to data from Tax Records.

Record Type 32 - Annex 2 - Inflow / Outflow of Goods, Assets and/or Service Acquisition

The information of this chart is generated automatically according to data of Tax Records (SF3).

Record Type 33 - Annex 3 - Annual Statement of ICMS Calculation Tax Records

The information of this chart is generated automatically according to data of Tax Records (SF3).
