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Electronic Record of Tax Documents

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This routine enables the text file generation by using the REDFSE.ini configuration file. This file has data of invoices model 1 or 1-A, issued per period.

According to Decree 546/2011 dated September 26th, 2011 from Sergipe, you must perform the REDT for models 1 or 1-A.


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Tax Vouchers are not estimated as they are generated through ECF, neither invoice Model 2, estimated in Decree 556/2011.


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Filling out parameter MV_SERIE: SSS-DDD/SSS-DDD

  • SSS: Tax document series in Microsiga Protheus®, with three digits. If the series to be indicated is smaller than 3 digits, fill out the spaces in blank;
  • DDD: Series that must be sent in the text file with 3 digits. As the TD-REDF validator accepts only numbers, the completion must follow this rule:

Single Series - Fill out 000.

Separate configuration groups - Use hifen “-“.

Example: UNI-000/XXX-111 or A  -000.

The series used must be numeric, according to definition of layout. If the series is not valid, the magnetic file import is rejected.
