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ISS Mais Fácil - Nova Iguaçu RJ (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
ISS Mais Fácil - Nova Iguaçu RJ (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

This routine allows generation of file to import to ISS Fácil, in the City Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro. ISS - Fácil is a monthly declaration of any kind of services rendered or taken. The program available in the system contains information uniquely referred to the Tax Records environment.


To whom it is applicable


This system must be used by all service providers and acquirers, either by principles of public or private law, enrolled within the city of Nova Iguaçu, for statement and payment, according to Complementary Law nr. 014, of December 14, 2005 and Decree nr. 7,330, of March 4, 2006.




ISS + Fácil is a software that allows to replace manual procedures for ISS statement and payment with an integrated management system, providing an easy, fast, safe and comfortable way to state the tax on services


Delivery Term


Pursuant to Decree nr. 7,330/2006, ISS tax base must be calculated monthly, observing accrual basis of service rendering, even for taxpayers under estimate regime.

ISS Próprio, a Service Provider liability, is due on 15th day of the month following the month in which the service was provided.




Municipal - Nova Iguaçu - Rio de Janeiro


Application provided by tax authorities


ISS + fácil


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find it





Liability to bookkeeping and present Monthly Service Statement to City Tax Authorities, through ISS + Fácil was enforced by Complementary Law no. 014, of December 14, 2005 and ruled by Decree no. 7,330, of March 04, 2006

Types of Generated Records

Record Type H - Taxpayer Identification

The information is generated according to the filling of the program parameters Company City Registration Number and Version.

Record Type E - Invoices Issued

This register is based on service invoices included in the Tax Records table (outflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  • It is considered the period entered in the first question screen, indicating Start Date and End Date.
  • It is considered the CFOPs starting by a number greater than or equal to 5 (five);
  • Tax document series is entered according to the configuration of the parameter MV_SERFNI;
  • The tax document model is always entered with blank spaces, according to entered in the ISS + Fácil Data Import Guide;
  • The documents canceled are presented with zeroed values.


Record Type D - Deduction of Materials from the Issued Invoice of Civil Construction

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Records table (outflow documents), according to some restrictions.


Image RemovedImportant:

For correct generation of this record, it is necessary that the releases of notes for deduction in the system are made according to the Newsletter FIS-FAT-COM - Deductions of ISS calculation base - Civil Construction. For reference, access the Customer Portal.


Record Type R - Invoices Received

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Records table (inflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  • It is considered the period entered in the first question screen, indicating Start Date and End Date;
  • CFOPs starting by a number lower than five are considered.
  • Tax document series is entered according to the configuration of the parameter MV_SERFNI;
  • The tax document model is always entered with blank spaces, according to entered in the ISS + Fácil Data Import Guide.

Image RemovedImportant:

For the records of invoices issued and received consider the information if the supplier / customer is opting the National Simple, you must create the fields A1_SIMPNAC and A2_SIMPNAC. This addition can be manual, according to this bulletin, or using the compatibility tool UPDFIS.
