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NF-em - Joinville SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
NF-em - Joinville SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

This routine allows generation of XML file to import, through the website, the Electronic Invoice of the City of Joinville. (


To whom it is applicable


All individuals or legal entities, taxpayer of tax on service of any nature (ISSQN), located in the City of Joinville.




Generate pre-formatted magnetic file to import Joinville Electronic ISS.




Municipal - Joinville - SC.


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find the application provided by tax authorities






Decree No. 15,007 from November 25, 2008.


1. In Tax Records module, option Miscellaneous/Magnetic Files/Normative Instructions (MATA950), configure routine parameters according to the following instruction:

Start Date?

Enter the initial date for processing the Normative Instruction.

End Date?

Enter the final date for processing the Normative Instruction.

Normative Instruction?

Enter the Normative Instruction to be processed: ISSJOINV.

Target File?

Enter the destination file name where the information is generated. Example: ISSJOINV.XML


Indicate the directory name where the text file generated from the calculation is saved. Example: C:\ISSJOINV\.

Select Branches?

Indicate if the branches to be processed are selected. If you select No, only the current branch is considered; if you select Yes, a screen is displayed for you to select branches to be considered.

2. After confirming the parameters, ISSJOINV specific parameters are displayed

Lot Number?

Enter the RPS Lot number to be sent.

Enter the record function

Enter if the record function is Add, Edit or Cancel.


Image RemovedImportant:       

If you choose Cancel, only cancelled RPS are considered.

3. Check parameters and confirm them.
