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  • Post List Report (FINR190) - Concept of the Original Value Column

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Post List Report (FINR190) - Concept of the Original Value Column





The concept of the Original Value column in the Post List (FINR190) report is to:

Display the value of the bill converted to the selected currency in the report's print parameters;

The Value (E2_VALOR) conversion is performed using the Date and the Rates of each post for the bill;

That way, the Total Posted Value can be the same as the Original Value, if they have the same quotation.


Bill for USD 10,000.00 with a rate of BRL 2.00. Image Removed

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This bill was posted twice: Once with the same rate as in the addition, and a second time with the rate at BRL 3.00 to generate monetary correction. Image Removed

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Therefore, when printing the Post List (FINR190) report, we will have: Image Removed

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In the above example, we can highlight that the content of the Original Value column corresponds to the Bill Value, USD 10,000.00, converted to the report display currency according to the Conversion Rate used in the post; therefore:

In the first record, we performed a post for USD 5,000.00 with a Conversion Rate of BRL 2.00. Therefore, the total posted is BRL 10,000.00. Since the posting was made with the BRL 2.00 rate, the Original Value column displays BRL 20,000.00.

In the second record, we performed a post for USD 5,000.00 with a conversion rate of BRL 3.00. Therefore, the total posted is BRL 15,000.00. Since the posting was made with the BRL 3.00 rate, the Original Value column displays BRL 30,000.00.

That way, we keep the equivalence for the post value.