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  • NGF - FINA710 - Endpoint Tables Struct

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NGF - FINA710 - Endpoint Tables Struct



Return the structure of a table entered.


Method used: GET
Any table: /api/gfin/v1/Tables/<table alias>/Struct


        Table Alias: Alias of the table that will be used for the structure.
Query parameters:







Fields for the structure






Json Object






struct of the returned fields


\\ *Example:* \\ *response* \


Bloco de código




            "field": "E1_CHAVENF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "NF key",
            "description": "Invoice key"




            "field": "E1_CTRBCO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "MCMV Contr",
            "description": "Minha Casa Minha Contract"




            "field": "E1_EC05CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 05",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 05"




            "field": "E1_EC05DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 05"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 05"
            "field": "E1_EC06CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 06",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 06"
            "field": "E1_EC06DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 06"
            "description": "Account. Ent. 


Debit 06"
            "field": "E1_EC07CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 07",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 07"
            "field": "E1_EC07DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 07"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 07"
            "field": "E1_EC08CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 08",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 08"
            "field": "E1_EC08DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 08"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 08"
            "field": "E1_EC09CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 09",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 09"
            "field": "E1_EC09DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 09"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 09"
            "field": "E1_FABOV",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FABOV Vl.",
            "description": "FABOV tax value"
            "field": "E1_FACS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FACS Vl.",
            "description": "FACS tax value"
            "field": "E1_INDPRO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Process Tp.",
            "description": "Process Type"
            "field": "E1_NUMPRO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Refer. Proc.",
            "description": "No. Referent. Proc."
            "field": "E1_PARCFAB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FABOV Inst.",
            "description": "FABOV tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFAC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FACS Inst.",
            "description": "FACS tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARTPDP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "TPDP Inst.",
            "description": "TPDP Inst."
            "field": "E1_PERLET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "School Year",
            "description": "School Year"
            "field": "E1_PRODUTO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Product",
            "description": "Product code for invoice"
            "field": "E1_TPDP",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "TPDP Vl.",
            "description": "TPDP Vl."
            "field": "E1_VLMINIS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Min ISS Vl",
            "description": "Apply ISS Min. Vl"
            "field": "E1_ACRESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Increase",
            "description": "Increase value"
            "field": "E1_ADM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Company",
            "description": "Credit card company"
            "field": "E1_AGECHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check branch",
            "description": "Settlement Check Branch"
            "field": "E1_AGECLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cust. branch",
            "description": "Customer branch"
            "field": "E1_AGEDEP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Depositary",
            "description": "Depositary Branch"
            "field": "E1_ANOBASE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Base year",
            "description": "Base year"
            "field": "E1_APLVLMN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Apply Vl.",
            "description": "Apply Minimum Value"
            "field": "E1_BAIXA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Post Dt",
            "description": "Date of Bill Posting"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 1",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 1"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 2",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 2"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 3",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 3"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 4",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 4"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 5",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 5"
            "field": "E1_BASECOF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Cof Base",
            "description": "Cofins Base ref. bill"
            "field": "E1_BASECSL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Csll Base",
            "description": "Csll Base ref. bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEINS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS Base",
            "description": "INSS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Tax Base",
            "description": "Taxes Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Base",
            "description": "ISS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEPIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "PIS Base",
            "description": "PIS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BCOCHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check Bank",
            "description": "Settlement Check Bank"
            "field": "E1_BCOCLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer Bank",
            "description": "Customer Bank"
            "field": "E1_BOLETO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Gener. bank slip",
            "description": "Generate bank slip for bill"
            "field": "E1_BTRISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Double Taxation",
            "description": "ISS CPOM Double Taxation"
            "field": "E1_CARTAO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Card No.",
            "description": "Credit card no."
            "field": "E1_CARTAUT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Authorization",
            "description": "CC Authorization"
            "field": "E1_CARTVAL",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Due date",
            "description": "CC due date"
            "field": "E1_CCC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Credit Cost C.",
            "description": "Credit Cost C."
            "field": "E1_CCD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Debit Cost C.",
            "description": "Debit C. Center"
            "field": "E1_CCUSTO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cost Center",
            "description": "Cost Center"
            "field": "E1_CDRETCS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CS With. Cd",
            "description": "CSLL Withholding Code"
            "field": "E1_CDRETIR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Inc. Tax With. Cd",
            "description": "Income Tax Withh. code"
            "field": "E1_CHQDEV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Returned Chk",
            "description": "Returned check"
            "field": "E1_CLASCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Classific.",
            "description": "Classification"
            "field": "E1_CLIENTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer",
            "description": "Customer Code"
            "field": "E1_CLVL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Value Class",
            "description": "Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CLVLCR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Vl. Cl",
            "description": "Credit Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CLVLDB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb. Vl. Cl.",
            "description": "Debit Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CNO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CNO Code",
            "description": "CNO Code"
            "field": "E1_CODBAR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Barcode",
            "description": "Barcode"
            "field": "E1_CODCOR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Broker cd",
            "description": "Broker code"
            "field": "E1_CODDIG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Typed Cd",
            "description": "Typed code"
            "field": "E1_CODEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Company/Grp",
            "description": "Company/Group"
            "field": "E1_CODIMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Real Est. Cd",
            "description": "Real Estate Code"
            "field": "E1_CODINT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Institution",
            "description": "Institution"
            "field": "E1_CODIRRF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Inc. Tax Cd",
            "description": "Income Tax Code"
            "field": "E1_CODISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Rate Cd",
            "description": "ISS Rate Code"
            "field": "E1_CODORCA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Quotation Code"
            "description": "Quotation Code"
            "field": "E1_CODRDA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "RDA Code",
            "description": "Service Network Code"
            "field": "E1_CODRET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PCC Withh. Cd",
            "description": "PCC Withholding Code"
            "field": "E1_CODSERV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Serv Code",
            "description": "ISS Service Code"
            "field": "E1_COFINS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "COFINS",
            "description": "COFINS Value"
            "field": "E1_COMIS1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 1 %",
            "description": "% of commission 1"
            "field": "E1_COMIS2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 2 %",
            "description": "% of commission 2"
            "field": "E1_COMIS3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 3 %",
            "description": "% of commission 3"
            "field": "E1_COMIS4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 4 %",
            "description": "% of commission 4"
            "field": "E1_COMIS5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 5 %",
            "description": "% of commission 5"
            "field": "E1_CONEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr.",
            "description": "Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_CONHTL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Hotel Account",
            "description": "Hotel Account Number"
            "field": "E1_CONTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Account No",
            "description": "Checking Account Number"
            "field": "E1_CONTRAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": Contract",
            "description": "Contract with bank"
            "field": "E1_CORREC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Correction",
            "description": "Correction Value"
            "field": "E1_CREDIT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Acct.",
            "description": "Credit Ledger Account"
            "field": "E1_CSLL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "CSLL",
            "description": "CSLL Value"
            "field": "E1_CTACHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check Account",
            "description": "Settlement Check Account"
            "field": "E1_CTACLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cust. Acct",
            "description": "Customer Account"
            "field": "E1_DATABOR",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Bordereau Dt",
            "description": "Bordereau date"
            "field": "E1_DATAEDI",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "EDI Date",
            "description": "EDI Generation Date"
            "field": "E1_DEBITO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb. Account",
            "description": "Debit Ledger Account"
            "field": "E1_DECRESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Decrease",
            "description": "Decrease value"
            "field": "E1_DESCFIN",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Financ. Disc.",
            "description": "Financial Discount"
            "field": "E1_DESCJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest Disc.",
            "description": "Interest Discount"
            "field": "E1_DESCON1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "1st range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCON2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "2nd range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCON3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "3rd range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCONT",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "Discount Granted"
            "field": "E1_DESDOBR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Breakdown",
            "description": "Breakdown"
            "field": "E1_DIACTB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Ledger Cd.",
            "description": "Ledger Code",
            "field": "E1_DIADESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Days for Disc.",
            "description": "Days for granting Discount"
            "field": "E1_DOCTEF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "NSU Number",
            "description": "NSU-SITEF Number"
            "field": "E1_DTACRED",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Date for cl",
            "description": "Date for clearance"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC1",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "2nd range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC2",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "3rd range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC3",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "1st range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTFATUR",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Invoicing Dt",
            "description": "Invoicing date"
            "field": "E1_DTVARIA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Last Var. Dt",
            "description": "Last variation date"
            "field": "E1_EMIS1",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Acctg. Dt.",
            "description": "Accounting Date"
            "field": "E1_EMISSAO",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Issue Dt.",
            "description": "Bill's issue date"
            "field": "E1_EMITCHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Chk Issuer",
            "description": "Check Issuer"
            "field": "E1_FAMAD",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FAMAD Vl",
            "description": "FAMAD value"
            "field": "E1_FATPREF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Pref.",
            "description": "Prefix of the generated invoice"
            "field": "E1_FATURA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice",
            "description": "Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_FETHAB",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FETHAB Vl",
            "description": "FETHAB Tax Amount"
            "field": "E1_FILDEB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Debit Brch",
            "description": "Debit Branch"
            "field": "E1_FILIAL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Branch",
            "description": "System Branch"
            "field": "E1_FILORIG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Branch",
            "description": "Source branch"
            "field": "E1_FLAGFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Flag",
            "description": "Flag for Invoices"
            "field": "E1_FLUXO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cash Flow",
            "description": "Cash Flow"
            "field": "E1_FMPEQ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FUMIPEQ Vl.",
            "description": "FUMIPEQ Tax Value"
            "field": "E1_FORMREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Paymt Method",
            "description": "Payment Method Code"
            "field": "E1_FORNISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Supp.",
            "description": "ISS Supplier"
            "field": "E1_FRETISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Withh. Met.",
            "description": "ISS withholding method"
            "field": "E1_HIST",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "History",
            "description": "Bill History"
            "field": "E1_IDAPLIC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Applied Matrix",
            "description": "Applied Matrix"
            "field": "E1_IDBOLET",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Bank Slip Id.",
            "description": "Bank Slip Id."
            "field": "E1_IDCNAB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cnab Id.",
            "description": "Cnab identifier"
            "field": "E1_IDENTEE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CEC Id.",
            "description": "Id. of the comp. btw portf"
            "field": "E1_IDLAN",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Entry No.",
            "description": "Entry No. in FLAN"
            "field": "E1_IDMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Trans.Id.",
            "description": "Transaction Id."
            "field": "E1_IMA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "IMA Value",
            "description": "IMA Tax Amount"
            "field": "E1_INDICE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Adjustment",
            "description": "Code of the Adjustment Table"
            "field": "E1_INSCRIC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Select.Pros. Reg.",
            "description": "Registration in Selection Process"
            "field": "E1_INSS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS",
            "description": "INSS Value"
            "field": "E1_INSTR1",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Prim.Inst.",
            "description": "CNAB Primary Instruction"
            "field": "E1_INSTR2",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Second.Inst.",
            "description": "CNAB Secondary Instruction"
            "field": "E1_IRRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc.Tax",
            "description": "Income Tax Value"
            "field": "E1_ISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS"
            "description": "ISS value"
            "field": "E1_ITEMC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred.Act.It.",
            "description": "Credit Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_ITEMCTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Accounting Item",
            "description": "Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_ITEMD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Acct.Item",
            "description": "Debit Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_JURFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Leg Inv No.",
            "description": "Legal Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_JUROS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest",
            "description": "Interest Value"
            "field": "E1_LA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Entr.Id.",
            "description": "Entry Identifier"
            "field": "E1_LIDESCF",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Fin Disc Deadl.",
            "description": "Deadline for financ. disc."
            "field": "E1_LOJA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Store",
            "description": "Customer Store"
            "field": "E1_LOTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Accounting Batch",
            "description": "Accounting Batch"
            "field": "E1_LTCXA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cash Batch",
            "description": "Cash batch"
            "field": "E1_MATRIC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Registration Number",
            "description": "Registration Number"
            "field": "E1_MDBONI",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Bonus",
            "description": "Contract Bonus"
            "field": "E1_MDCONTR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contract No.",
            "description": Contract Number"
            "field": "E1_MDCRON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Timetab. No.",
            "description": "Timetable number"
            "field": "E1_MDDESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Discount",
            "description": "Contract Discount"
            "field": "E1_MDMULT",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Fine",
            "description": "Contract Fine"
            "field": "E1_MDPARCE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Installm. No.",
            "description": "Installment Number"
            "field": "E1_MDPLANI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Worksheet No.",
            "description": "Worksheet Number"
            "field": "E1_MDREVIS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Review",
            "description": "Contract Review"
            "field": "E1_MEDNUME",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Measur. No.",
            "description": "Measurement Number"
            "field": "E1_MESBASE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Base Month",
            "description": "Base Month"
            "field": "E1_MODSPB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Mod",
            "description": "Expected Receipt Mode"
            "field": "E1_MOEDA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency",
            "description": "Bill Currency"
            "field": "E1_MOTIVO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Reason",
            "description": "Reason for payment default"
            "field": "E1_MOTNEG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Negot Reason",
            "description": "Negotiation Reason"
            "field": "E1_MOVIMEN",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Last Transac".,
            "description": "Date of the last transaction"
            "field": "E1_MSEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Comp.",
            "description": "."
            "field": "E1_MSFIL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Branch",
            "description": "."
            "field": "E1_MULTA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine",
            "description": "Fine Value"
            "field": "E1_MULTDIA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine per Day",
            "description": "Fine per Day"
            "field": "E1_MULTNAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Mult. Nat.",
            "description": "Multiple natures per bill"
            "field": "E1_NATUREZ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Nature",
            "description": "Nature code"
            "field": "E1_NFELETR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Elect. Inv.",
            "description": "Electronic Invoice"
            "field": "E1_NODIA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Ledger Seq",
            "description": "Ledger Seq"
            "field": "E1_NOMCLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer Name",
            "description": "Customer's Short Name"
            "field": "E1_NOPER",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Trans.No.",
            "description": "Cash Trans No."
            "field": "E1_NRDOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Document No.",
            "description": "Document Number"
            "field": "E1_NSUTEF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "SITEF NSU",
            "description": "SITEF NSU Number"
            "field": "E1_NUM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bill No.",
            "description": "Bill Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMBCO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "No. in Bank",
            "description": "Bill No. in Bank"
            "field": "E1_NUMBOR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bordereau No.",
            "description": "Bordereau Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCART",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Card Number",
            "description": "Card Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contract No.",
            "description": "Contract Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCRD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Financ. contr.",
            "description": "Financing contract number"
            "field": "E1_NUMINSC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Regist. No.",
            "description": "Registration Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMLIQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Settlement No.",
            "description": "Settlement Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Transaction",
            "description": "Transaction of the day"
            "field": "E1_NUMNOTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice",
            "description": "Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMRA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "RA Number",
            "description": "Student's RA Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMSOL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Request No.",
            "description": "Transfer Request No."
            "field": "E1_OCORREN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Occurrence Cd",
            "description": "CNAB Occurrence Code"
            "field": "E1_OK",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Select.Id.",
            "description": "Selection Identifier"
            "field": "E1_OP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Production Ord.",
            "description": "Production Order"
            "field": "E1_ORDPAGO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Paym. Order",
            "description": "Payment Order"
            "field": "E1_ORIGEM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source",
            "description": "Bill source"
            "field": "E1_PARCCSS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CSS Inst.",
            "description": "Funrural installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCELA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Installment",
            "description": "Bill Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFAM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FAMAD inst.",
            "description": "FAMAD inst."
            "field": "E1_PARCFET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FETHAB inst.",
            "description": "FETHAB Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FUMIPEQ Inst.",
            "description": "Fumipeq Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCIMA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "IMA inst",
            "description": "IMA Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCIRF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Income Tax Inst",
            "description": "Income Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARTOT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Curr. Installm",
            "description": "Current Installment"
            "field": "E1_PEDIDO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": Order No.",
            "description": "Order Number"
            "field": "E1_PIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Pis/Pasep",
            "description": "PIS Value"
            "field": "E1_PLCOEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr.",
            "description": "Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_PLLOTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PLS Batch",
            "description": "PLS Batch Number"
            "field": "E1_PLNUCOB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Collection No.",
            "description": "Collection No."
            "field": "E1_PLOPELT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bat. Oper.",
            "description": "Payment Batch Operator"
            "field": "E1_PLTPCOE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr. Tp",
            "description": "Type of Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_PORCJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest Perc.",
            "description": "Daily Interest Percentage"
            "field": "E1_PORTADO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bearer",
            "description": "Bearer code"
            "field": "E1_PREFIXO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Prefix",
            "description": "Bill prefix"
            "field": "E1_PREFORI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Pref",
            "description": "Source Prefix"
            "field": "E1_PRINSS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS Prov",
            "description": "INSS Provision"
            "field": "E1_PRISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Prov",
            "description": "ISS Provision"
            "field": "E1_PROCEL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Sel. Proc.",
            "description": "Selection Process"
            "field": "E1_PROJETO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Project",
            "description": "Project Code"
            "field": "E1_PROJPMS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Proj. Apport.",
            "description": "Project Apportionment"
            "field": "E1_RATFIN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Fin. Apport",
            "description": "Financial Apportionment"
            "field": "E1_RECIBO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt No.",
            "description": "Receipt Number"
            "field": "E1_RELATO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sent Report",
            "description": "Sent in Report"
            "field": "E1_RETCNTR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Ret.",
            "description": "Contract Retention"
            "field": "E1_SABTCOF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "COF Bal. Disc",
            "description": "COFINS Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTCSL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "CSL Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "CSLL Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Income Tax Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "Income Tax Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTPIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "PIS Bal. Disc",
            "description": "PIS Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SALDO",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Balance",
            "description": "Balance Receivable"
            "field": "E1_SATBIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc. Tax Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "Income Tax Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SCORGP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "P.Org. PisCof",
            "description": "Calculate Pis/Cofins Publ. Org."
            "field": "E1_SDACRES",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Increas.Bal.",
            "description": "Increase Balance"
            "field": "E1_SDDECRE",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Decreas. Bal.",
            "description": "Decrease Balance"
            "field": "E1_SDOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Doc. Series",
            "description": "Tax Document Series"
            "field": "E1_SDOCREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Series",
            "description": "Receipt Series"
            "field": "E1_SEQBX",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Post Seq.",
            "description": "Post.Seq."
            "field": "E1_SERIE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Series",
            "description": "Invoice Series"
            "field": "E1_SERREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Series",
            "description": "Receipt Series"
            "field": "E1_SERVICO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Service Code",
            "description": "Service Code"
            "field": "E1_SITFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Stat.",
            "description": "Invoice Status"
            "field": "E1_SITUACA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Status",
            "description": "Bill status"
            "field": "E1_STATUS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Status",
            "description": "Status"
            "field": "E1_SUBCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Subcontract",
            "description": "Subcontract"
            "field": "E1_SUPERVI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Supervisor",
            "description": "Supervisor Code"
            "field": "E1_TCONHTL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Account Type",
            "description": "Account Type - Hotel"
            "field": "E1_TIPO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Type",
            "description": "Bill type"
            "field": "E1_TIPODES",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Discount Tp",
            "description": "Type of Discount"
            "field": "E1_TIPOFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Type",
            "description": "Invoice Type"
            "field": "E1_TIPOLIQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Settlem. Tp",
            "description": "Type generated for Settlement"
            "field": "E1_TIPREG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Record Tp.",
            "description": "Record Type"
            "field": "E1_TITPAI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PCC Parent Bill",
            "description": "Parent Bill of the P Taxes"
            "field": "E1_TPDESC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "F100 Disc.",
            "description": "F100 Discount"
            "field": "E1_TPESOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Service Tp.",
            "description": "Service type classific."
            "field": "E1_TRANSF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Transf.Doc",
            "description": "Transfer doc. number"
            "field": "E1_TURMA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Class",
            "description": "Class"
            "field": "E1_TXMDCOR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency Cor.Rt",
            "description": "Currency correction rate"
            "field": "E1_TXMOEDA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency rate",
            "description": "Currency rate"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 1",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 1"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 2",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 2"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 3",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 3"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 4",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 4"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 5",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 5"
            "field": "E1_VALJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Delinq.Fee",
            "description": "Daily Delinquency Fee"
            "field": "E1_VALLIQ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Post.Net Vl",
            "description": "Post Net Value"
            "field": "E1_VALOR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Bill Vl.",
            "description": "Bill value"
            "field": "E1_VARURV",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Variation Vl.",
            "description": "Value of the Calculated Variation"
            "field": "E1_VENCORI",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Orig Due Date",
            "description": "Original Due Date"
            "field": "E1_VENCREA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Actual due date",
            "description": "Bill's actual due date"
            "field": "E1_VENCTO",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Due date",
            "description": "Bill's due date"
            "field": "E1_VEND1",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 1",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 1"
            "field": "E1_VEND2",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 2",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 2"
            "field": "E1_VEND3",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 3",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 3"
            "field": "E1_VEND4",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 4",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 4"
            "field": "E1_VEND5",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 5",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 5"
            "field": "E1_VERCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contr. Version",
            "description": "Contract Version"
            "field": "E1_VERSUB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sub Version",
            "description": "Subcontract Version"
            "field": "E1_VLBOLP",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Punct.Grant",
            "description": "Punctuality Grant Value"
            "field": "E1_VLBOLSA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Grant Value",
            "description": "Grant Value"
            "field": "E1_VLCRUZ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "BRL Vl",
            "description": "Value in the national currency"
            "field": "E1_VLFIES",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fies Grant",
            "description": "FIES grant value"
            "field": "E1_VLMULTA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine Value",
            "description": "Fine Value in the Bank Slip"
            "field": "E1_VLRREAL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Actual Value",
            "description": "Bill's actual value"
            "field": "E1_VRETBIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISB Withh. Vl",
            "description": ISS Double Tax Withh. Vl."
            "field": "E1_VRETIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc. Tax. Wt.Vl",
            "description": "Income Tax Withh. Value"
            "field": "E1_VRETISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Withh. Vl",
            "description": "ISS Value Withheld"



Bloco de código


    "struct": [
            "field": "E1_CHAVENF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "NF key",
            "description": "Invoice key"
            "field": "E1_CTRBCO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "MCMV Contr",
            "description": "Minha Casa Minha Contract"
            "field": "E1_EC05CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 05",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 05"
            "field": "E1_EC05DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 05"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 05"
            "field": "E1_EC06CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 06",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 06"
            "field": "E1_EC06DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 06"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 06"
            "field": "E1_EC07CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 07",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 07"
            "field": "E1_EC07DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 07"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 07"
            "field": "E1_EC08CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 08",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 08"
            "field": "E1_EC08DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 08"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 08"
            "field": "E1_EC09CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 09",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 09"
            "field": "E1_EC09DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 09"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 09"
            "field": "E1_FABOV",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FABOV Vl.",
            "description": "FABOV tax value"
            "field": "E1_FACS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FACS Vl.",
            "description": "FACS tax value"
            "field": "E1_INDPRO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Process Tp.",
            "description": "Process Type"
            "field": "E1_NUMPRO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Refer. Proc.",
            "description": "No. Referent. Proc."
            "field": "E1_PARCFAB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FABOV Inst.",
            "description": "FABOV tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFAC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FACS Inst.",
            "description": "FACS tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARTPDP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "TPDP Inst.",
            "description": "TPDP Inst."
            "field": "E1_PERLET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "School Year",
            "description": "School Year"
            "field": "E1_PRODUTO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Product",
            "description": "Product code for invoice"
            "field": "E1_TPDP",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "TPDP Vl.",
            "description": "TPDP Vl."
            "field": "E1_VLMINIS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Min ISS Vl",
            "description": "Apply ISS Min. Vl"
            "field": "E1_ACRESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Increase",
            "description": "Increase value"
            "field": "E1_ADM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Company",
            "description": "Credit card company"
            "field": "E1_AGECHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check branch",
            "description": "Settlement Check Branch"
            "field": "E1_AGECLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cust. branch",
            "description": "Customer branch"
            "field": "E1_AGEDEP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Depositary",
            "description": "Depositary Branch"
            "field": "E1_ANOBASE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Base year",
            "description": "Base year"
            "field": "E1_APLVLMN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Apply Vl.",
            "description": "Apply Minimum Value"
            "field": "E1_BAIXA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Post Dt",
            "description": "Date of Bill Posting"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 1",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 1"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 2",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 2"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 3",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 3"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 4",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 4"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 5",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 5"
            "field": "E1_BASECOF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Cof Base",
            "description": "Cofins Base ref. bill"
            "field": "E1_BASECSL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Csll Base",
            "description": "Csll Base ref. bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEINS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS Base",
            "description": "INSS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Tax Base",
            "description": "Taxes Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Base",
            "description": "ISS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEPIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "PIS Base",
            "description": "PIS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BCOCHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check Bank",
            "description": "Settlement Check Bank"
            "field": "E1_BCOCLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer Bank",
            "description": "Customer Bank"
            "field": "E1_BOLETO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Gener. bank slip",
            "description": "Generate bank slip for bill"
            "field": "E1_BTRISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Double Taxation",
            "description": "ISS CPOM Double Taxation"
            "field": "E1_CARTAO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Card No.",
            "description": "Credit card no."
            "field": "E1_CARTAUT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Authorization",
            "description": "CC Authorization"
            "field": "E1_CARTVAL",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Due date",
            "description": "CC due date"
            "field": "E1_CCC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Credit Cost C.",
            "description": "Credit Cost C."
            "field": "E1_CCD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Debit Cost C.",
            "description": "Debit C. Center"
            "field": "E1_CCUSTO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cost Center",
            "description": "Cost Center"
            "field": "E1_CDRETCS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CS With. Cd",
            "description": "CSLL Withholding Code"
            "field": "E1_CDRETIR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Inc. Tax With. Cd",
            "description": "Income Tax Withh. code"
            "field": "E1_CHQDEV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Returned Chk",
            "description": "Returned check"
            "field": "E1_CLASCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Classific.",
            "description": "Classification"
            "field": "E1_CLIENTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer",
            "description": "Customer Code"
            "field": "E1_CLVL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Value Class",
            "description": "Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CLVLCR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Vl. Cl",
            "description": "Credit Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CLVLDB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb. Vl. Cl.",
            "description": "Debit Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CNO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CNO Code",
            "description": "CNO Code"
            "field": "E1_CODBAR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Barcode",
            "description": "Barcode"
            "field": "E1_CODCOR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Broker cd",
            "description": "Broker code"
            "field": "E1_CODDIG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Typed Cd",
            "description": "Typed code"
            "field": "E1_CODEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Company/Grp",
            "description": "Company/Group"
            "field": "E1_CODIMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Real Est. Cd",
            "description": "Real Estate Code"
            "field": "E1_CODINT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Institution",
            "description": "Institution"
            "field": "E1_CODIRRF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Inc. Tax Cd",
            "description": "Income Tax Code"
            "field": "E1_CODISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Rate Cd",
            "description": "ISS Rate Code"
            "field": "E1_CODORCA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Quotation Code"
            "description": "Quotation Code"
            "field": "E1_CODRDA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "RDA Code",
            "description": "Service Network Code"
            "field": "E1_CODRET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PCC Withh. Cd",
            "description": "PCC Withholding Code"
            "field": "E1_CODSERV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Serv Code",
            "description": "ISS Service Code"
            "field": "E1_COFINS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "COFINS",
            "description": "COFINS Value"
            "field": "E1_COMIS1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 1 %",
            "description": "% of commission 1"
            "field": "E1_COMIS2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 2 %",
            "description": "% of commission 2"
            "field": "E1_COMIS3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 3 %",
            "description": "% of commission 3"
            "field": "E1_COMIS4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 4 %",
            "description": "% of commission 4"
            "field": "E1_COMIS5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 5 %",
            "description": "% of commission 5"
            "field": "E1_CONEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr.",
            "description": "Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_CONHTL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Hotel Account",
            "description": "Hotel Account Number"
            "field": "E1_CONTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Account No",
            "description": "Checking Account Number"
            "field": "E1_CONTRAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": Contract",
            "description": "Contract with bank"
            "field": "E1_CORREC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Correction",
            "description": "Correction Value"
            "field": "E1_CREDIT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Acct.",
            "description": "Credit Ledger Account"
            "field": "E1_CSLL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "CSLL",
            "description": "CSLL Value"
            "field": "E1_CTACHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check Account",
            "description": "Settlement Check Account"
            "field": "E1_CTACLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cust. Acct",
            "description": "Customer Account"
            "field": "E1_DATABOR",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Bordereau Dt",
            "description": "Bordereau date"
            "field": "E1_DATAEDI",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "EDI Date",
            "description": "EDI Generation Date"
            "field": "E1_DEBITO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb. Account",
            "description": "Debit Ledger Account"
            "field": "E1_DECRESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Decrease",
            "description": "Decrease value"
            "field": "E1_DESCFIN",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Financ. Disc.",
            "description": "Financial Discount"
            "field": "E1_DESCJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest Disc.",
            "description": "Interest Discount"
            "field": "E1_DESCON1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "1st range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCON2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "2nd range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCON3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "3rd range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCONT",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "Discount Granted"
            "field": "E1_DESDOBR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Breakdown",
            "description": "Breakdown"
            "field": "E1_DIACTB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Ledger Cd.",
            "description": "Ledger Code",
            "field": "E1_DIADESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Days for Disc.",
            "description": "Days for granting Discount"
            "field": "E1_DOCTEF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "NSU Number",
            "description": "NSU-SITEF Number"
            "field": "E1_DTACRED",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Date for cl",
            "description": "Date for clearance"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC1",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "2nd range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC2",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "3rd range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC3",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "1st range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTFATUR",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Invoicing Dt",
            "description": "Invoicing date"
            "field": "E1_DTVARIA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Last Var. Dt",
            "description": "Last variation date"
            "field": "E1_EMIS1",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Acctg. Dt.",
            "description": "Accounting Date"
            "field": "E1_EMISSAO",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Issue Dt.",
            "description": "Bill's issue date"
            "field": "E1_EMITCHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Chk Issuer",
            "description": "Check Issuer"
            "field": "E1_FAMAD",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FAMAD Vl",
            "description": "FAMAD value"
            "field": "E1_FATPREF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Pref.",
            "description": "Prefix of the generated invoice"
            "field": "E1_FATURA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice",
            "description": "Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_FETHAB",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FETHAB Vl",
            "description": "FETHAB Tax Amount"
            "field": "E1_FILDEB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Debit Brch",
            "description": "Debit Branch"
            "field": "E1_FILIAL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Branch",
            "description": "System Branch"
            "field": "E1_FILORIG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Branch",
            "description": "Source branch"
            "field": "E1_FLAGFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Flag",
            "description": "Flag for Invoices"
            "field": "E1_FLUXO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cash Flow",
            "description": "Cash Flow"
            "field": "E1_FMPEQ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FUMIPEQ Vl.",
            "description": "FUMIPEQ Tax Value"
            "field": "E1_FORMREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Paymt Method",
            "description": "Payment Method Code"
            "field": "E1_FORNISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Supp.",
            "description": "ISS Supplier"
            "field": "E1_FRETISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Withh. Met.",
            "description": "ISS withholding method"
            "field": "E1_HIST",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "History",
            "description": "Bill History"
            "field": "E1_IDAPLIC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Applied Matrix",
            "description": "Applied Matrix"
            "field": "E1_IDBOLET",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Bank Slip Id.",
            "description": "Bank Slip Id."
            "field": "E1_IDCNAB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cnab Id.",
            "description": "Cnab identifier"
            "field": "E1_IDENTEE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CEC Id.",
            "description": "Id. of the comp. btw portf"
            "field": "E1_IDLAN",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Entry No.",
            "description": "Entry No. in FLAN"
            "field": "E1_IDMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Trans.Id.",
            "description": "Transaction Id."
            "field": "E1_IMA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "IMA Value",
            "description": "IMA Tax Amount"
            "field": "E1_INDICE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Adjustment",
            "description": "Code of the Adjustment Table"
            "field": "E1_INSCRIC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Select.Pros. Reg.",
            "description": "Registration in Selection Process"
            "field": "E1_INSS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS",
            "description": "INSS Value"
            "field": "E1_INSTR1",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Prim.Inst.",
            "description": "CNAB Primary Instruction"
            "field": "E1_INSTR2",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Second.Inst.",
            "description": "CNAB Secondary Instruction"
            "field": "E1_IRRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc.Tax",
            "description": "Income Tax Value"
            "field": "E1_ISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS"
            "description": "ISS value"
            "field": "E1_ITEMC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred.Act.It.",
            "description": "Credit Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_ITEMCTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Accounting Item",
            "description": "Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_ITEMD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Acct.Item",
            "description": "Debit Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_JURFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Leg Inv No.",
            "description": "Legal Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_JUROS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest",
            "description": "Interest Value"
            "field": "E1_LA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Entr.Id.",
            "description": "Entry Identifier"
            "field": "E1_LIDESCF",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Fin Disc Deadl.",
            "description": "Deadline for financ. disc."
            "field": "E1_LOJA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Store",
            "description": "Customer Store"
            "field": "E1_LOTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Accounting Batch",
            "description": "Accounting Batch"
            "field": "E1_LTCXA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cash Batch",
            "description": "Cash batch"
            "field": "E1_MATRIC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Registration Number",
            "description": "Registration Number"
            "field": "E1_MDBONI",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Bonus",
            "description": "Contract Bonus"
            "field": "E1_MDCONTR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contract No.",
            "description": Contract Number"
            "field": "E1_MDCRON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Timetab. No.",
            "description": "Timetable number"
            "field": "E1_MDDESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Discount",
            "description": "Contract Discount"
            "field": "E1_MDMULT",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Fine",
            "description": "Contract Fine"
            "field": "E1_MDPARCE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Installm. No.",
            "description": "Installment Number"
            "field": "E1_MDPLANI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Worksheet No.",
            "description": "Worksheet Number"
            "field": "E1_MDREVIS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Review",
            "description": "Contract Review"
            "field": "E1_MEDNUME",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Measur. No.",
            "description": "Measurement Number"
            "field": "E1_MESBASE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Base Month",
            "description": "Base Month"
            "field": "E1_MODSPB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Mod",
            "description": "Expected Receipt Mode"
            "field": "E1_MOEDA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency",
            "description": "Bill Currency"
            "field": "E1_MOTIVO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Reason",
            "description": "Reason for payment default"
            "field": "E1_MOTNEG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Negot Reason",
            "description": "Negotiation Reason"
            "field": "E1_MOVIMEN",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Last Transac".,
            "description": "Date of the last transaction"
            "field": "E1_MSEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Comp.",
            "description": "."
            "field": "E1_MSFIL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Branch",
            "description": "."
            "field": "E1_MULTA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine",
            "description": "Fine Value"
            "field": "E1_MULTDIA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine per Day",
            "description": "Fine per Day"
            "field": "E1_MULTNAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Mult. Nat.",
            "description": "Multiple natures per bill"
            "field": "E1_NATUREZ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Nature",
            "description": "Nature code"
            "field": "E1_NFELETR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Elect. Inv.",
            "description": "Electronic Invoice"
            "field": "E1_NODIA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Ledger Seq",
            "description": "Ledger Seq"
            "field": "E1_NOMCLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer Name",
            "description": "Customer's Short Name"
            "field": "E1_NOPER",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Trans.No.",
            "description": "Cash Trans No."
            "field": "E1_NRDOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Document No.",
            "description": "Document Number"
            "field": "E1_NSUTEF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "SITEF NSU",
            "description": "SITEF NSU Number"
            "field": "E1_NUM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bill No.",
            "description": "Bill Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMBCO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "No. in Bank",
            "description": "Bill No. in Bank"
            "field": "E1_NUMBOR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bordereau No.",
            "description": "Bordereau Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCART",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Card Number",
            "description": "Card Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contract No.",
            "description": "Contract Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCRD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Financ. contr.",
            "description": "Financing contract number"
            "field": "E1_NUMINSC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Regist. No.",
            "description": "Registration Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMLIQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Settlement No.",
            "description": "Settlement Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Transaction",
            "description": "Transaction of the day"
            "field": "E1_NUMNOTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice",
            "description": "Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMRA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "RA Number",
            "description": "Student's RA Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMSOL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Request No.",
            "description": "Transfer Request No."
            "field": "E1_OCORREN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Occurrence Cd",
            "description": "CNAB Occurrence Code"
            "field": "E1_OK",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Select.Id.",
            "description": "Selection Identifier"
            "field": "E1_OP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Production Ord.",
            "description": "Production Order"
            "field": "E1_ORDPAGO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Paym. Order",
            "description": "Payment Order"
            "field": "E1_ORIGEM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source",
            "description": "Bill source"
            "field": "E1_PARCCSS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CSS Inst.",
            "description": "Funrural installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCELA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Installment",
            "description": "Bill Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFAM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FAMAD inst.",
            "description": "FAMAD inst."
            "field": "E1_PARCFET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FETHAB inst.",
            "description": "FETHAB Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FUMIPEQ Inst.",
            "description": "Fumipeq Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCIMA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "IMA inst",
            "description": "IMA Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCIRF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Income Tax Inst",
            "description": "Income Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARTOT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Curr. Installm",
            "description": "Current Installment"
            "field": "E1_PEDIDO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": Order No.",
            "description": "Order Number"
            "field": "E1_PIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Pis/Pasep",
            "description": "PIS Value"
            "field": "E1_PLCOEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr.",
            "description": "Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_PLLOTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PLS Batch",
            "description": "PLS Batch Number"
            "field": "E1_PLNUCOB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Collection No.",
            "description": "Collection No."
            "field": "E1_PLOPELT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bat. Oper.",
            "description": "Payment Batch Operator"
            "field": "E1_PLTPCOE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr. Tp",
            "description": "Type of Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_PORCJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest Perc.",
            "description": "Daily Interest Percentage"
            "field": "E1_PORTADO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bearer",
            "description": "Bearer code"
            "field": "E1_PREFIXO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Prefix",
            "description": "Bill prefix"
            "field": "E1_PREFORI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Pref",
            "description": "Source Prefix"
            "field": "E1_PRINSS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS Prov",
            "description": "INSS Provision"
            "field": "E1_PRISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Prov",
            "description": "ISS Provision"
            "field": "E1_PROCEL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Sel. Proc.",
            "description": "Selection Process"
            "field": "E1_PROJETO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Project",
            "description": "Project Code"
            "field": "E1_PROJPMS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Proj. Apport.",
            "description": "Project Apportionment"
            "field": "E1_RATFIN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Fin. Apport",
            "description": "Financial Apportionment"
            "field": "E1_RECIBO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt No.",
            "description": "Receipt Number"
            "field": "E1_RELATO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sent Report",
            "description": "Sent in Report"
            "field": "E1_RETCNTR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Ret.",
            "description": "Contract Retention"
            "field": "E1_SABTCOF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "COF Bal. Disc",
            "description": "COFINS Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTCSL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "CSL Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "CSLL Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Income Tax Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "Income Tax Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTPIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "PIS Bal. Disc",
            "description": "PIS Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SALDO",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Balance",
            "description": "Balance Receivable"
            "field": "E1_SATBIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc. Tax Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "Income Tax Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SCORGP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "P.Org. PisCof",
            "description": "Calculate Pis/Cofins Publ. Org."
            "field": "E1_SDACRES",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Increas.Bal.",
            "description": "Increase Balance"
            "field": "E1_SDDECRE",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Decreas. Bal.",
            "description": "Decrease Balance"
            "field": "E1_SDOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Doc. Series",
            "description": "Tax Document Series"
            "field": "E1_SDOCREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Series",
            "description": "Receipt Series"
            "field": "E1_SEQBX",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Post Seq.",
            "description": "Post.Seq."
            "field": "E1_SERIE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Series",
            "description": "Invoice Series"
            "field": "E1_SERREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Series",
            "description": "Receipt Series"
            "field": "E1_SERVICO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Service Code",
            "description": "Service Code"
            "field": "E1_SITFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Stat.",
            "description": "Invoice Status"
            "field": "E1_SITUACA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Status",
            "description": "Bill status"
            "field": "E1_STATUS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Status",
            "description": "Status"
            "field": "E1_SUBCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Subcontract",
            "description": "Subcontract"
            "field": "E1_SUPERVI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Supervisor",
            "description": "Supervisor Code"
            "field": "E1_TCONHTL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Account Type",
            "description": "Account Type - Hotel"
            "field": "E1_TIPO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Type",
            "description": "Bill type"
            "field": "E1_TIPODES",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Discount Tp",
            "description": "Type of Discount"
            "field": "E1_TIPOFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Type",
            "description": "Invoice Type"
            "field": "E1_TIPOLIQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Settlem. Tp",
            "description": "Type generated for Settlement"
            "field": "E1_TIPREG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Record Tp.",
            "description": "Record Type"
            "field": "E1_TITPAI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PCC Parent Bill",
            "description": "Parent Bill of the P Taxes"
            "field": "E1_TPDESC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "F100 Disc.",
            "description": "F100 Discount"
            "field": "E1_TPESOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Service Tp.",
            "description": "Service type classific."
            "field": "E1_TRANSF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Transf.Doc",
            "description": "Transfer doc. number"
            "field": "E1_TURMA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Class",
            "description": "Class"
            "field": "E1_TXMDCOR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency Cor.Rt",
            "description": "Currency correction rate"
            "field": "E1_TXMOEDA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency rate",
            "description": "Currency rate"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 1",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 1"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 2",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 2"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 3",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 3"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 4",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 4"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 5",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 5"
            "field": "E1_VALJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Delinq.Fee",
            "description": "Daily Delinquency Fee"
            "field": "E1_VALLIQ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Post.Net Vl",
            "description": "Post Net Value"
            "field": "E1_VALOR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Bill Vl.",
            "description": "Bill value"
            "field": "E1_VARURV",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Variation Vl.",
            "description": "Value of the Calculated Variation"
            "field": "E1_VENCORI",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Orig Due Date",
            "description": "Original Due Date"
            "field": "E1_VENCREA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Actual due date",
            "description": "Bill's actual due date"
            "field": "E1_VENCTO",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Due date",
            "description": "Bill's due date"
            "field": "E1_VEND1",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 1",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 1"
            "field": "E1_VEND2",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 2",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 2"
            "field": "E1_VEND3",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 3",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 3"
            "field": "E1_VEND4",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 4",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 4"
            "field": "E1_VEND5",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 5",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 5"
            "field": "E1_VERCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contr. Version",
            "description": "Contract Version"
            "field": "E1_VERSUB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sub Version",
            "description": "Subcontract Version"
            "field": "E1_VLBOLP",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Punct.Grant",
            "description": "Punctuality Grant Value"
            "field": "E1_VLBOLSA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Grant Value",
            "description": "Grant Value"
            "field": "E1_VLCRUZ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "BRL Vl",
            "description": "Value in the national currency"
            "field": "E1_VLFIES",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fies Grant",
            "description": "FIES grant value"
            "field": "E1_VLMULTA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine Value",
            "description": "Fine Value in the Bank Slip"
            "field": "E1_VLRREAL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Actual Value",
            "description": "Bill's actual value"
            "field": "E1_VRETBIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISB Withh. Vl",
            "description": ISS Double Tax Withh. Vl."
            "field": "E1_VRETIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc. Tax. Wt.Vl",
            "description": "Income Tax Withh. Value"
            "field": "E1_VRETISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Withh. Vl",
            "description": "ISS Value Withheld"


    "struct": [
            "field": "E1_CHAVENF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "NF key",
            "description": "Invoice key"
            "field": "E1_CTRBCO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "MCMV Contr",
            "description": "Minha Casa Minha Contract"
            "field": "E1_EC05CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 05",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 05"
            "field": "E1_EC05DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 05"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 05"
            "field": "E1_EC06CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 06",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 06"
            "field": "E1_EC06DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 06"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 06"
            "field": "E1_EC07CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 07",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 07"
            "field": "E1_EC07DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 07"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 07"
            "field": "E1_EC08CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 08",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 08"
            "field": "E1_EC08DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 08"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 08"
            "field": "E1_EC09CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 09",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 09"
            "field": "E1_EC09DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 09"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 09"
            "field": "E1_FABOV",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FABOV Vl.",
            "description": "FABOV tax value"
            "field": "E1_FACS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FACS Vl.",
            "description": "FACS tax value"
            "field": "E1_INDPRO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Process Tp.",
            "description": "Process Type"
            "field": "E1_NUMPRO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Refer. Proc.",
            "description": "No. Referent. Proc."
            "field": "E1_PARCFAB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FABOV Inst.",
            "description": "FABOV tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFAC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FACS Inst.",
            "description": "FACS tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARTPDP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "TPDP Inst.",
            "description": "TPDP Inst."
            "field": "E1_PERLET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "School Year",
            "description": "School Year"
            "field": "E1_PRODUTO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Product",
            "description": "Product code for invoice"
            "field": "E1_TPDP",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "TPDP Vl.",
            "description": "TPDP Vl."
            "field": "E1_VLMINIS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Min ISS Vl",
            "description": "Apply ISS Min. Vl"
            "field": "E1_ACRESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Increase",
            "description": "Increase value"
            "field": "E1_ADM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Company",
            "description": "Credit card company"
            "field": "E1_AGECHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check branch",
            "description": "Settlement Check Branch"
            "field": "E1_AGECLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cust. branch",
            "description": "Customer branch"
            "field": "E1_AGEDEP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Depositary",
            "description": "Depositary Branch"
            "field": "E1_ANOBASE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Base year",
            "description": "Base year"
            "field": "E1_APLVLMN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Apply Vl.",
            "description": "Apply Minimum Value"
            "field": "E1_BAIXA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Post Dt",
            "description": "Date of Bill Posting"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 1",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 1"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 2",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 2"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 3",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 3"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 4",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 4"
            "field": "E1_BASCOM5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 5",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 5"
            "field": "E1_BASECOF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Cof Base",
            "description": "Cofins Base ref. bill"
            "field": "E1_BASECSL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Csll Base",
            "description": "Csll Base ref. bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEINS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS Base",
            "description": "INSS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Tax Base",
            "description": "Taxes Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Base",
            "description": "ISS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BASEPIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "PIS Base",
            "description": "PIS Base Ref. Bill"
            "field": "E1_BCOCHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check Bank",
            "description": "Settlement Check Bank"
            "field": "E1_BCOCLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer Bank",
            "description": "Customer Bank"
            "field": "E1_BOLETO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Gener. bank slip",
            "description": "Generate bank slip for bill"
            "field": "E1_BTRISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Double Taxation",
            "description": "ISS CPOM Double Taxation"
            "field": "E1_CARTAO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Card No.",
            "description": "Credit card no."
            "field": "E1_CARTAUT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Authorization",
            "description": "CC Authorization"
            "field": "E1_CARTVAL",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Due date",
            "description": "CC due date"
            "field": "E1_CCC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Credit Cost C.",
            "description": "Credit Cost C."
            "field": "E1_CCD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Debit Cost C.",
            "description": "Debit C. Center"
            "field": "E1_CCUSTO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cost Center",
            "description": "Cost Center"
            "field": "E1_CDRETCS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CS With. Cd",
            "description": "CSLL Withholding Code"
            "field": "E1_CDRETIR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Inc. Tax With. Cd",
            "description": "Income Tax Withh. code"
            "field": "E1_CHQDEV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Returned Chk",
            "description": "Returned check"
            "field": "E1_CLASCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Classific.",
            "description": "Classification"
            "field": "E1_CLIENTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer",
            "description": "Customer Code"
            "field": "E1_CLVL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Value Class",
            "description": "Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CLVLCR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Vl. Cl",
            "description": "Credit Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CLVLDB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb. Vl. Cl.",
            "description": "Debit Value Class"
            "field": "E1_CNO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CNO Code",
            "description": "CNO Code"
            "field": "E1_CODBAR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Barcode",
            "description": "Barcode"
            "field": "E1_CODCOR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Broker cd",
            "description": "Broker code"
            "field": "E1_CODDIG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Typed Cd",
            "description": "Typed code"
            "field": "E1_CODEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Company/Grp",
            "description": "Company/Group"
            "field": "E1_CODIMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Real Est. Cd",
            "description": "Real Estate Code"
            "field": "E1_CODINT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Institution",
            "description": "Institution"
            "field": "E1_CODIRRF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Inc. Tax Cd",
            "description": "Income Tax Code"
            "field": "E1_CODISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Rate Cd",
            "description": "ISS Rate Code"
            "field": "E1_CODORCA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Quotation Code"
            "description": "Quotation Code"
            "field": "E1_CODRDA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "RDA Code",
            "description": "Service Network Code"
            "field": "E1_CODRET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PCC Withh. Cd",
            "description": "PCC Withholding Code"
            "field": "E1_CODSERV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Serv Code",
            "description": "ISS Service Code"
            "field": "E1_COFINS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "COFINS",
            "description": "COFINS Value"
            "field": "E1_COMIS1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 1 %",
            "description": "% of commission 1"
            "field": "E1_COMIS2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 2 %",
            "description": "% of commission 2"
            "field": "E1_COMIS3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 3 %",
            "description": "% of commission 3"
            "field": "E1_COMIS4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 4 %",
            "description": "% of commission 4"
            "field": "E1_COMIS5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 5 %",
            "description": "% of commission 5"
            "field": "E1_CONEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr.",
            "description": "Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_CONHTL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Hotel Account",
            "description": "Hotel Account Number"
            "field": "E1_CONTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Account No",
            "description": "Checking Account Number"
            "field": "E1_CONTRAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": Contract",
            "description": "Contract with bank"
            "field": "E1_CORREC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Correction",
            "description": "Correction Value"
            "field": "E1_CREDIT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Acct.",
            "description": "Credit Ledger Account"
            "field": "E1_CSLL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "CSLL",
            "description": "CSLL Value"
            "field": "E1_CTACHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check Account",
            "description": "Settlement Check Account"
            "field": "E1_CTACLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cust. Acct",
            "description": "Customer Account"
            "field": "E1_DATABOR",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Bordereau Dt",
            "description": "Bordereau date"
            "field": "E1_DATAEDI",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "EDI Date",
            "description": "EDI Generation Date"
            "field": "E1_DEBITO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb. Account",
            "description": "Debit Ledger Account"
            "field": "E1_DECRESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Decrease",
            "description": "Decrease value"
            "field": "E1_DESCFIN",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Financ. Disc.",
            "description": "Financial Discount"
            "field": "E1_DESCJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest Disc.",
            "description": "Interest Discount"
            "field": "E1_DESCON1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "1st range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCON2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "2nd range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCON3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "3rd range Discount Value"
            "field": "E1_DESCONT",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "Discount Granted"
            "field": "E1_DESDOBR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Breakdown",
            "description": "Breakdown"
            "field": "E1_DIACTB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Ledger Cd.",
            "description": "Ledger Code",
            "field": "E1_DIADESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Days for Disc.",
            "description": "Days for granting Discount"
            "field": "E1_DOCTEF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "NSU Number",
            "description": "NSU-SITEF Number"
            "field": "E1_DTACRED",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Date for cl",
            "description": "Date for clearance"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC1",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "2nd range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC2",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "3rd range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTDESC3",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "1st range discount date"
            "field": "E1_DTFATUR",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Invoicing Dt",
            "description": "Invoicing date"
            "field": "E1_DTVARIA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Last Var. Dt",
            "description": "Last variation date"
            "field": "E1_EMIS1",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Acctg. Dt.",
            "description": "Accounting Date"
            "field": "E1_EMISSAO",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Issue Dt.",
            "description": "Bill's issue date"
            "field": "E1_EMITCHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Chk Issuer",
            "description": "Check Issuer"
            "field": "E1_FAMAD",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FAMAD Vl",
            "description": "FAMAD value"
            "field": "E1_FATPREF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Pref.",
            "description": "Prefix of the generated invoice"
            "field": "E1_FATURA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice",
            "description": "Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_FETHAB",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FETHAB Vl",
            "description": "FETHAB Tax Amount"
            "field": "E1_FILDEB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Debit Brch",
            "description": "Debit Branch"
            "field": "E1_FILIAL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Branch",
            "description": "System Branch"
            "field": "E1_FILORIG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Branch",
            "description": "Source branch"
            "field": "E1_FLAGFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Flag",
            "description": "Flag for Invoices"
            "field": "E1_FLUXO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cash Flow",
            "description": "Cash Flow"
            "field": "E1_FMPEQ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FUMIPEQ Vl.",
            "description": "FUMIPEQ Tax Value"
            "field": "E1_FORMREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Paymt Method",
            "description": "Payment Method Code"
            "field": "E1_FORNISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Supp.",
            "description": "ISS Supplier"
            "field": "E1_FRETISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Withh. Met.",
            "description": "ISS withholding method"
            "field": "E1_HIST",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "History",
            "description": "Bill History"
            "field": "E1_IDAPLIC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Applied Matrix",
            "description": "Applied Matrix"
            "field": "E1_IDBOLET",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Bank Slip Id.",
            "description": "Bank Slip Id."
            "field": "E1_IDCNAB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cnab Id.",
            "description": "Cnab identifier"
            "field": "E1_IDENTEE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CEC Id.",
            "description": "Id. of the comp. btw portf"
            "field": "E1_IDLAN",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Entry No.",
            "description": "Entry No. in FLAN"
            "field": "E1_IDMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Trans.Id.",
            "description": "Transaction Id."
            "field": "E1_IMA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "IMA Value",
            "description": "IMA Tax Amount"
            "field": "E1_INDICE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Adjustment",
            "description": "Code of the Adjustment Table"
            "field": "E1_INSCRIC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Select.Pros. Reg.",
            "description": "Registration in Selection Process"
            "field": "E1_INSS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS",
            "description": "INSS Value"
            "field": "E1_INSTR1",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Prim.Inst.",
            "description": "CNAB Primary Instruction"
            "field": "E1_INSTR2",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Second.Inst.",
            "description": "CNAB Secondary Instruction"
            "field": "E1_IRRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc.Tax",
            "description": "Income Tax Value"
            "field": "E1_ISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS"
            "description": "ISS value"
            "field": "E1_ITEMC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred.Act.It.",
            "description": "Credit Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_ITEMCTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Accounting Item",
            "description": "Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_ITEMD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Acct.Item",
            "description": "Debit Accounting Item"
            "field": "E1_JURFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Leg Inv No.",
            "description": "Legal Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_JUROS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest",
            "description": "Interest Value"
            "field": "E1_LA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Entr.Id.",
            "description": "Entry Identifier"
            "field": "E1_LIDESCF",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Fin Disc Deadl.",
            "description": "Deadline for financ. disc."
            "field": "E1_LOJA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Store",
            "description": "Customer Store"
            "field": "E1_LOTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Accounting Batch",
            "description": "Accounting Batch"
            "field": "E1_LTCXA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cash Batch",
            "description": "Cash batch"
            "field": "E1_MATRIC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Registration Number",
            "description": "Registration Number"
            "field": "E1_MDBONI",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Bonus",
            "description": "Contract Bonus"
            "field": "E1_MDCONTR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contract No.",
            "description": Contract Number"
            "field": "E1_MDCRON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Timetab. No.",
            "description": "Timetable number"
            "field": "E1_MDDESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Discount",
            "description": "Contract Discount"
            "field": "E1_MDMULT",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Fine",
            "description": "Contract Fine"
            "field": "E1_MDPARCE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Installm. No.",
            "description": "Installment Number"
            "field": "E1_MDPLANI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Worksheet No.",
            "description": "Worksheet Number"
            "field": "E1_MDREVIS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Review",
            "description": "Contract Review"
            "field": "E1_MEDNUME",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Measur. No.",
            "description": "Measurement Number"
            "field": "E1_MESBASE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Base Month",
            "description": "Base Month"
            "field": "E1_MODSPB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Mod",
            "description": "Expected Receipt Mode"
            "field": "E1_MOEDA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency",
            "description": "Bill Currency"
            "field": "E1_MOTIVO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Reason",
            "description": "Reason for payment default"
            "field": "E1_MOTNEG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Negot Reason",
            "description": "Negotiation Reason"
            "field": "E1_MOVIMEN",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Last Transac".,
            "description": "Date of the last transaction"
            "field": "E1_MSEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Comp.",
            "description": "."
            "field": "E1_MSFIL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Branch",
            "description": "."
            "field": "E1_MULTA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine",
            "description": "Fine Value"
            "field": "E1_MULTDIA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine per Day",
            "description": "Fine per Day"
            "field": "E1_MULTNAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Mult. Nat.",
            "description": "Multiple natures per bill"
            "field": "E1_NATUREZ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Nature",
            "description": "Nature code"
            "field": "E1_NFELETR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Elect. Inv.",
            "description": "Electronic Invoice"
            "field": "E1_NODIA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Ledger Seq",
            "description": "Ledger Seq"
            "field": "E1_NOMCLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer Name",
            "description": "Customer's Short Name"
            "field": "E1_NOPER",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Trans.No.",
            "description": "Cash Trans No."
            "field": "E1_NRDOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Document No.",
            "description": "Document Number"
            "field": "E1_NSUTEF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "SITEF NSU",
            "description": "SITEF NSU Number"
            "field": "E1_NUM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bill No.",
            "description": "Bill Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMBCO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "No. in Bank",
            "description": "Bill No. in Bank"
            "field": "E1_NUMBOR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bordereau No.",
            "description": "Bordereau Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCART",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Card Number",
            "description": "Card Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contract No.",
            "description": "Contract Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMCRD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Financ. contr.",
            "description": "Financing contract number"
            "field": "E1_NUMINSC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Regist. No.",
            "description": "Registration Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMLIQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Settlement No.",
            "description": "Settlement Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Transaction",
            "description": "Transaction of the day"
            "field": "E1_NUMNOTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice",
            "description": "Invoice Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMRA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "RA Number",
            "description": "Student's RA Number"
            "field": "E1_NUMSOL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Request No.",
            "description": "Transfer Request No."
            "field": "E1_OCORREN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Occurrence Cd",
            "description": "CNAB Occurrence Code"
            "field": "E1_OK",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Select.Id.",
            "description": "Selection Identifier"
            "field": "E1_OP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Production Ord.",
            "description": "Production Order"
            "field": "E1_ORDPAGO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Paym. Order",
            "description": "Payment Order"
            "field": "E1_ORIGEM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source",
            "description": "Bill source"
            "field": "E1_PARCCSS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CSS Inst.",
            "description": "Funrural installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCELA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Installment",
            "description": "Bill Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFAM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FAMAD inst.",
            "description": "FAMAD inst."
            "field": "E1_PARCFET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FETHAB inst.",
            "description": "FETHAB Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCFMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FUMIPEQ Inst.",
            "description": "Fumipeq Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCIMA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "IMA inst",
            "description": "IMA Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARCIRF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Income Tax Inst",
            "description": "Income Tax Installment"
            "field": "E1_PARTOT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Curr. Installm",
            "description": "Current Installment"
            "field": "E1_PEDIDO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": Order No.",
            "description": "Order Number"
            "field": "E1_PIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Pis/Pasep",
            "description": "PIS Value"
            "field": "E1_PLCOEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr.",
            "description": "Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_PLLOTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PLS Batch",
            "description": "PLS Batch Number"
            "field": "E1_PLNUCOB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Collection No.",
            "description": "Collection No."
            "field": "E1_PLOPELT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bat. Oper.",
            "description": "Payment Batch Operator"
            "field": "E1_PLTPCOE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr. Tp",
            "description": "Type of Company Contract"
            "field": "E1_PORCJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest Perc.",
            "description": "Daily Interest Percentage"
            "field": "E1_PORTADO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bearer",
            "description": "Bearer code"
            "field": "E1_PREFIXO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Prefix",
            "description": "Bill prefix"
            "field": "E1_PREFORI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Pref",
            "description": "Source Prefix"
            "field": "E1_PRINSS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS Prov",
            "description": "INSS Provision"
            "field": "E1_PRISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Prov",
            "description": "ISS Provision"
            "field": "E1_PROCEL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Sel. Proc.",
            "description": "Selection Process"
            "field": "E1_PROJETO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Project",
            "description": "Project Code"
            "field": "E1_PROJPMS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Proj. Apport.",
            "description": "Project Apportionment"
            "field": "E1_RATFIN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Fin. Apport",
            "description": "Financial Apportionment"
            "field": "E1_RECIBO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt No.",
            "description": "Receipt Number"
            "field": "E1_RELATO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sent Report",
            "description": "Sent in Report"
            "field": "E1_RETCNTR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Ret.",
            "description": "Contract Retention"
            "field": "E1_SABTCOF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "COF Bal. Disc",
            "description": "COFINS Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTCSL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "CSL Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "CSLL Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Income Tax Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "Income Tax Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SABTPIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "PIS Bal. Disc",
            "description": "PIS Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SALDO",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Balance",
            "description": "Balance Receivable"
            "field": "E1_SATBIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc. Tax Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "Income Tax Balance to Discount"
            "field": "E1_SCORGP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "P.Org. PisCof",
            "description": "Calculate Pis/Cofins Publ. Org."
            "field": "E1_SDACRES",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Increas.Bal.",
            "description": "Increase Balance"
            "field": "E1_SDDECRE",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Decreas. Bal.",
            "description": "Decrease Balance"
            "field": "E1_SDOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Doc. Series",
            "description": "Tax Document Series"
            "field": "E1_SDOCREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Series",
            "description": "Receipt Series"
            "field": "E1_SEQBX",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Post Seq.",
            "description": "Post.Seq."
            "field": "E1_SERIE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Series",
            "description": "Invoice Series"
            "field": "E1_SERREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Series",
            "description": "Receipt Series"
            "field": "E1_SERVICO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Service Code",
            "description": "Service Code"
            "field": "E1_SITFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Stat.",
            "description": "Invoice Status"
            "field": "E1_SITUACA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Status",
            "description": "Bill status"
            "field": "E1_STATUS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Status",
            "description": "Status"
            "field": "E1_SUBCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Subcontract",
            "description": "Subcontract"
            "field": "E1_SUPERVI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Supervisor",
            "description": "Supervisor Code"
            "field": "E1_TCONHTL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Account Type",
            "description": "Account Type - Hotel"
            "field": "E1_TIPO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Type",
            "description": "Bill type"
            "field": "E1_TIPODES",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Discount Tp",
            "description": "Type of Discount"
            "field": "E1_TIPOFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Type",
            "description": "Invoice Type"
            "field": "E1_TIPOLIQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Settlem. Tp",
            "description": "Type generated for Settlement"
            "field": "E1_TIPREG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Record Tp.",
            "description": "Record Type"
            "field": "E1_TITPAI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PCC Parent Bill",
            "description": "Parent Bill of the P Taxes"
            "field": "E1_TPDESC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "F100 Disc.",
            "description": "F100 Discount"
            "field": "E1_TPESOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Service Tp.",
            "description": "Service type classific."
            "field": "E1_TRANSF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Transf.Doc",
            "description": "Transfer doc. number"
            "field": "E1_TURMA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Class",
            "description": "Class"
            "field": "E1_TXMDCOR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency Cor.Rt",
            "description": "Currency correction rate"
            "field": "E1_TXMOEDA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency rate",
            "description": "Currency rate"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 1",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 1"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 2",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 2"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 3",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 3"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 4",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 4"
            "field": "E1_VALCOM5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 5",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 5"
            "field": "E1_VALJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Delinq.Fee",
            "description": "Daily Delinquency Fee"
            "field": "E1_VALLIQ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Post.Net Vl",
            "description": "Post Net Value"
            "field": "E1_VALOR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Bill Vl.",
            "description": "Bill value"
            "field": "E1_VARURV",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Variation Vl.",
            "description": "Value of the Calculated Variation"
            "field": "E1_VENCORI",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Orig Due Date",
            "description": "Original Due Date"
            "field": "E1_VENCREA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Actual due date",
            "description": "Bill's actual due date"
            "field": "E1_VENCTO",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Due date",
            "description": "Bill's due date"
            "field": "E1_VEND1",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 1",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 1"
            "field": "E1_VEND2",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 2",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 2"
            "field": "E1_VEND3",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 3",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 3"
            "field": "E1_VEND4",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 4",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 4"
            "field": "E1_VEND5",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 5",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 5"
            "field": "E1_VERCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contr. Version",
            "description": "Contract Version"
            "field": "E1_VERSUB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sub Version",
            "description": "Subcontract Version"
            "field": "E1_VLBOLP",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Punct.Grant",
            "description": "Punctuality Grant Value"
            "field": "E1_VLBOLSA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Grant Value",
            "description": "Grant Value"
            "field": "E1_VLCRUZ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "BRL Vl",
            "description": "Value in the national currency"
            "field": "E1_VLFIES",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fies Grant",
            "description": "FIES grant value"
            "field": "E1_VLMULTA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine Value",
            "description": "Fine Value in the Bank Slip"
            "field": "E1_VLRREAL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Actual Value",
            "description": "Bill's actual value"
            "field": "E1_VRETBIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISB Withh. Vl",
            "description": ISS Double Tax Withh. Vl."
            "field": "E1_VRETIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc. Tax. Wt.Vl",
            "description": "Income Tax Withh. Value"
            "field": "E1_VRETISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Withh. Vl",
            "description": "ISS Value Withheld"


    "struct": [
            "field": "E1_CHAVENF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "NF key",
            "description": "Invoice key"
            "field": "E1_CTRBCO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "MCMV Contr",
            "description": "Minha Casa Minha Contract"
            "field": "E1_EC05CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 05",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 05"
            "field": "E1_EC05DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 05"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 05"


            "field": "E1_EC06CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 06",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 06"




            "field": "E1_EC06DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 06"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 06"




            "field": "E1_EC07CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 07",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 07"




            "field": "E1_EC07DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 07"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 07"




            "field": "E1_EC08CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 08",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 08"




            "field": "E1_EC08DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 08"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 08"




            "field": "E1_EC09CR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Ent. 09",
            "description": "Account. Ent. Credit 09"




            "field": "E1_EC09DB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Ent. 09"
            "description": "Account. Ent. Debit 09"




            "field": "E1_FABOV",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FABOV Vl.",
            "description": "FABOV tax value"




            "field": "E1_FACS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FACS Vl.",
            "description": "FACS tax value"




            "field": "E1_INDPRO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Process Tp.",
            "description": "Process Type"




            "field": "E1_NUMPRO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Refer. Proc.",
            "description": "No. Referent. Proc."




            "field": "E1_PARCFAB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FABOV Inst.",
            "description": "FABOV tax Installment"




            "field": "E1_PARCFAC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FACS Inst.",
            "description": "FACS tax Installment"




            "field": "E1_PARTPDP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "TPDP Inst.",
            "description": "TPDP Inst."




            "field": "E1_PERLET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "School Year",
            "description": "School Year"




            "field": "E1_PRODUTO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Product",
            "description": "Product code for invoice"




            "field": "E1_TPDP",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "TPDP Vl.",
            "description": "TPDP Vl."




            "field": "E1_VLMINIS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Min ISS Vl",
            "description": "Apply ISS Min. Vl"




            "field": "E1_ACRESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Increase",
            "description": "Increase value"




            "field": "E1_ADM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Company",
            "description": "Credit card company"




            "field": "E1_AGECHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check branch",
            "description": "Settlement Check Branch"




            "field": "E1_AGECLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cust. branch",
            "description": "Customer branch"




            "field": "E1_AGEDEP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Depositary",
            "description": "Depositary Branch"




            "field": "E1_ANOBASE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Base year",
            "description": "Base year"




            "field": "E1_APLVLMN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Apply Vl.",
            "description": "Apply Minimum Value"




            "field": "E1_BAIXA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Post Dt",
            "description": "Date of Bill Posting"




            "field": "E1_BASCOM1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 1",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 1"




            "field": "E1_BASCOM2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 2",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 2"




            "field": "E1_BASCOM3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 3",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 3"




            "field": "E1_BASCOM4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 4",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 4"




            "field": "E1_BASCOM5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis. Base 5",
            "description": "Base of Salesp. Commis. 5"




            "field": "E1_BASECOF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Cof Base",
            "description": "Cofins Base ref. bill"




            "field": "E1_BASECSL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Csll Base",
            "description": "Csll Base ref. bill"




            "field": "E1_BASEINS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS Base",
            "description": "INSS Base Ref. Bill"




            "field": "E1_BASEIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Tax Base",
            "description": "Taxes Base Ref. Bill"




            "field": "E1_BASEISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Base",
            "description": "ISS Base Ref. Bill"




            "field": "E1_BASEPIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "PIS Base",
            "description": "PIS Base Ref. Bill"




            "field": "E1_BCOCHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check Bank",
            "description": "Settlement Check Bank"




            "field": "E1_BCOCLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer Bank",
            "description": "Customer Bank"




            "field": "E1_BOLETO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Gener. bank slip",
            "description": "Generate bank slip for bill"




            "field": "E1_BTRISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Double Taxation",
            "description": "ISS CPOM Double Taxation"




            "field": "E1_CARTAO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Card No.",
            "description": "Credit card no."




            "field": "E1_CARTAUT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Authorization",
            "description": "CC Authorization"




            "field": "E1_CARTVAL",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Due date",
            "description": "CC due date"




            "field": "E1_CCC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Credit Cost C.",
            "description": "Credit Cost C."




            "field": "E1_CCD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Debit Cost C.",
            "description": "Debit C. Center"




            "field": "E1_CCUSTO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cost Center",
            "description": "Cost Center"




            "field": "E1_CDRETCS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CS With. Cd",
            "description": "CSLL Withholding Code"




            "field": "E1_CDRETIR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Inc. Tax With. Cd",
            "description": "Income Tax Withh. code"




            "field": "E1_CHQDEV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Returned Chk",
            "description": "Returned check"




            "field": "E1_CLASCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Classific.",
            "description": "Classification"




            "field": "E1_CLIENTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer",
            "description": "Customer Code"




            "field": "E1_CLVL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Value Class",
            "description": "Value Class"




            "field": "E1_CLVLCR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Vl. Cl",
            "description": "Credit Value Class"




            "field": "E1_CLVLDB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb. Vl. Cl.",
            "description": "Debit Value Class"




            "field": "E1_CNO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CNO Code",
            "description": "CNO Code"




            "field": "E1_CODBAR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Barcode",
            "description": "Barcode"




            "field": "E1_CODCOR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Broker cd",
            "description": "Broker code"




            "field": "E1_CODDIG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Typed Cd",
            "description": "Typed code"




            "field": "E1_CODEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Company/Grp",
            "description": "Company/Group"




            "field": "E1_CODIMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Real Est. Cd",
            "description": "Real Estate Code"




            "field": "E1_CODINT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Institution",
            "description": "Institution"




            "field": "E1_CODIRRF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Inc. Tax Cd",
            "description": "Income Tax Code"




            "field": "E1_CODISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Rate Cd",
            "description": "ISS Rate Code"




            "field": "E1_CODORCA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Quotation Code"
            "description": "Quotation Code"




            "field": "E1_CODRDA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "RDA Code",
            "description": "Service Network Code"




            "field": "E1_CODRET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PCC Withh. Cd",
            "description": "PCC Withholding Code"




            "field": "E1_CODSERV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Serv Code",
            "description": "ISS Service Code"




            "field": "E1_COFINS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "COFINS",
            "description": "COFINS Value"




            "field": "E1_COMIS1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 1 %",
            "description": "% of commission 1"




            "field": "E1_COMIS2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 2 %",
            "description": "% of commission 2"




            "field": "E1_COMIS3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 3 %",
            "description": "% of commission 3"




            "field": "E1_COMIS4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 4 %",
            "description": "% of commission 4"




            "field": "E1_COMIS5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commiss. 5 %",
            "description": "% of commission 5"




            "field": "E1_CONEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr.",
            "description": "Company Contract"




            "field": "E1_CONHTL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Hotel Account",
            "description": "Hotel Account Number"




            "field": "E1_CONTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Account No",
            "description": "Checking Account Number"




            "field": "E1_CONTRAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": Contract",
            "description": "Contract with bank"




            "field": "E1_CORREC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Correction",
            "description": "Correction Value"




            "field": "E1_CREDIT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred. Acct.",
            "description": "Credit Ledger Account"




            "field": "E1_CSLL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "CSLL",
            "description": "CSLL Value"




            "field": "E1_CTACHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Check Account",
            "description": "Settlement Check Account"




            "field": "E1_CTACLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cust. Acct",
            "description": "Customer Account"




            "field": "E1_DATABOR",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Bordereau Dt",
            "description": "Bordereau date"




            "field": "E1_DATAEDI",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "EDI Date",
            "description": "EDI Generation Date"




            "field": "E1_DEBITO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb. Account",
            "description": "Debit Ledger Account"




            "field": "E1_DECRESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Decrease",
            "description": "Decrease value"




            "field": "E1_DESCFIN",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Financ. Disc.",
            "description": "Financial Discount"




            "field": "E1_DESCJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest Disc.",
            "description": "Interest Discount"




            "field": "E1_DESCON1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "1st range Discount Value"




            "field": "E1_DESCON2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "2nd range Discount Value"




            "field": "E1_DESCON3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "3rd range Discount Value"




            "field": "E1_DESCONT",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Discount",
            "description": "Discount Granted"




            "field": "E1_DESDOBR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Breakdown",
            "description": "Breakdown"




            "field": "E1_DIACTB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Ledger Cd.",
            "description": "Ledger Code",




            "field": "E1_DIADESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Days for Disc.",
            "description": "Days for granting Discount"




            "field": "E1_DOCTEF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "NSU Number",
            "description": "NSU-SITEF Number"




            "field": "E1_DTACRED",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Date for cl",
            "description": "Date for clearance"




            "field": "E1_DTDESC1",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "2nd range discount date"




            "field": "E1_DTDESC2",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "3rd range discount date"




            "field": "E1_DTDESC3",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Discount Dt",
            "description": "1st range discount date"




            "field": "E1_DTFATUR",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Invoicing Dt",
            "description": "Invoicing date"




            "field": "E1_DTVARIA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Last Var. Dt",
            "description": "Last variation date"




            "field": "E1_EMIS1",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Acctg. Dt.",
            "description": "Accounting Date"




            "field": "E1_EMISSAO",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Issue Dt.",
            "description": "Bill's issue date"




            "field": "E1_EMITCHQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Chk Issuer",
            "description": "Check Issuer"




            "field": "E1_FAMAD",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FAMAD Vl",
            "description": "FAMAD value"




            "field": "E1_FATPREF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Pref.",
            "description": "Prefix of the generated invoice"




            "field": "E1_FATURA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice",
            "description": "Invoice Number"




            "field": "E1_FETHAB",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FETHAB Vl",
            "description": "FETHAB Tax Amount"




            "field": "E1_FILDEB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Debit Brch",
            "description": "Debit Branch"




            "field": "E1_FILIAL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Branch",
            "description": "System Branch"




            "field": "E1_FILORIG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Branch",
            "description": "Source branch"




            "field": "E1_FLAGFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Flag",
            "description": "Flag for Invoices"




            "field": "E1_FLUXO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cash Flow",
            "description": "Cash Flow"




            "field": "E1_FMPEQ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "FUMIPEQ Vl.",
            "description": "FUMIPEQ Tax Value"




            "field": "E1_FORMREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Paymt Method",
            "description": "Payment Method Code"




            "field": "E1_FORNISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Supp.",
            "description": "ISS Supplier"




            "field": "E1_FRETISS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "ISS Withh. Met.",
            "description": "ISS withholding method"




            "field": "E1_HIST",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "History",
            "description": "Bill History"




            "field": "E1_IDAPLIC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Applied Matrix",
            "description": "Applied Matrix"




            "field": "E1_IDBOLET",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Bank Slip Id.",
            "description": "Bank Slip Id."




            "field": "E1_IDCNAB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cnab Id.",
            "description": "Cnab identifier"




            "field": "E1_IDENTEE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CEC Id.",
            "description": "Id. of the comp. btw portf"




            "field": "E1_IDLAN",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Entry No.",
            "description": "Entry No. in FLAN"




            "field": "E1_IDMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Trans.Id.",
            "description": "Transaction Id."




            "field": "E1_IMA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "IMA Value",
            "description": "IMA Tax Amount"




            "field": "E1_INDICE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Adjustment",
            "description": "Code of the Adjustment Table"




            "field": "E1_INSCRIC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Select.Pros. Reg.",
            "description": "Registration in Selection Process"




            "field": "E1_INSS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS",
            "description": "INSS Value"




            "field": "E1_INSTR1",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Prim.Inst.",
            "description": "CNAB Primary Instruction"




            "field": "E1_INSTR2",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Second.Inst.",
            "description": "CNAB Secondary Instruction"




            "field": "E1_IRRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc.Tax",
            "description": "Income Tax Value"




            "field": "E1_ISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS"
            "description": "ISS value"




            "field": "E1_ITEMC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cred.Act.It.",
            "description": "Credit Accounting Item"




            "field": "E1_ITEMCTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Accounting Item",
            "description": "Accounting Item"




            "field": "E1_ITEMD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Deb.Acct.Item",
            "description": "Debit Accounting Item"




            "field": "E1_JURFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Leg Inv No.",
            "description": "Legal Invoice Number"




            "field": "E1_JUROS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest",
            "description": "Interest Value"




            "field": "E1_LA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Entr.Id.",
            "description": "Entry Identifier"




            "field": "E1_LIDESCF",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Fin Disc Deadl.",
            "description": "Deadline for financ. disc."




            "field": "E1_LOJA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Store",
            "description": "Customer Store"




            "field": "E1_LOTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Accounting Batch",
            "description": "Accounting Batch"




            "field": "E1_LTCXA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Cash Batch",
            "description": "Cash batch"




            "field": "E1_MATRIC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Registration Number",
            "description": "Registration Number"




            "field": "E1_MDBONI",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Bonus",
            "description": "Contract Bonus"




            "field": "E1_MDCONTR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contract No.",
            "description": Contract Number"




            "field": "E1_MDCRON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Timetab. No.",
            "description": "Timetable number"




            "field": "E1_MDDESC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Discount",
            "description": "Contract Discount"




            "field": "E1_MDMULT",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Fine",
            "description": "Contract Fine"




            "field": "E1_MDPARCE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Installm. No.",
            "description": "Installment Number"




            "field": "E1_MDPLANI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Worksheet No.",
            "description": "Worksheet Number"




            "field": "E1_MDREVIS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Review",
            "description": "Contract Review"




            "field": "E1_MEDNUME",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Measur. No.",
            "description": "Measurement Number"




            "field": "E1_MESBASE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Base Month",
            "description": "Base Month"




            "field": "E1_MODSPB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Mod",
            "description": "Expected Receipt Mode"




            "field": "E1_MOEDA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency",
            "description": "Bill Currency"




            "field": "E1_MOTIVO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Reason",
            "description": "Reason for payment default"




            "field": "E1_MOTNEG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Negot Reason",
            "description": "Negotiation Reason"




            "field": "E1_MOVIMEN",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Last Transac".,
            "description": "Date of the last transaction"




            "field": "E1_MSEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Comp.",
            "description": "."




            "field": "E1_MSFIL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Branch",
            "description": "."




            "field": "E1_MULTA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine",
            "description": "Fine Value"




            "field": "E1_MULTDIA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine per Day",
            "description": "Fine per Day"




            "field": "E1_MULTNAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Mult. Nat.",
            "description": "Multiple natures per bill"




            "field": "E1_NATUREZ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Nature",
            "description": "Nature code"




            "field": "E1_NFELETR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Elect. Inv.",
            "description": "Electronic Invoice"




            "field": "E1_NODIA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Ledger Seq",
            "description": "Ledger Seq"




            "field": "E1_NOMCLI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Customer Name",
            "description": "Customer's Short Name"




            "field": "E1_NOPER",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Trans.No.",
            "description": "Cash Trans No."




            "field": "E1_NRDOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Document No.",
            "description": "Document Number"




            "field": "E1_NSUTEF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "SITEF NSU",
            "description": "SITEF NSU Number"




            "field": "E1_NUM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bill No.",
            "description": "Bill Number"




            "field": "E1_NUMBCO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "No. in Bank",
            "description": "Bill No. in Bank"




            "field": "E1_NUMBOR",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bordereau No.",
            "description": "Bordereau Number"




            "field": "E1_NUMCART",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Card Number",
            "description": "Card Number"




            "field": "E1_NUMCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contract No.",
            "description": "Contract Number"




            "field": "E1_NUMCRD",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Financ. contr.",
            "description": "Financing contract number"




            "field": "E1_NUMINSC",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Regist. No.",
            "description": "Registration Number"




            "field": "E1_NUMLIQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Settlement No.",
            "description": "Settlement Number"




            "field": "E1_NUMMOV",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Transaction",
            "description": "Transaction of the day"




            "field": "E1_NUMNOTA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice",
            "description": "Invoice Number"




            "field": "E1_NUMRA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "RA Number",
            "description": "Student's RA Number"




            "field": "E1_NUMSOL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Request No.",
            "description": "Transfer Request No."




            "field": "E1_OCORREN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Occurrence Cd",
            "description": "CNAB Occurrence Code"




            "field": "E1_OK",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Select.Id.",
            "description": "Selection Identifier"




            "field": "E1_OP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Production Ord.",
            "description": "Production Order"




            "field": "E1_ORDPAGO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Paym. Order",
            "description": "Payment Order"




            "field": "E1_ORIGEM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source",
            "description": "Bill source"




            "field": "E1_PARCCSS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "CSS Inst.",
            "description": "Funrural installment"




            "field": "E1_PARCELA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Installment",
            "description": "Bill Installment"




            "field": "E1_PARCFAM",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FAMAD inst.",
            "description": "FAMAD inst."




            "field": "E1_PARCFET",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FETHAB inst.",
            "description": "FETHAB Tax Installment"




            "field": "E1_PARCFMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "FUMIPEQ Inst.",
            "description": "Fumipeq Tax Installment"




            "field": "E1_PARCIMA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "IMA inst",
            "description": "IMA Tax Installment"




            "field": "E1_PARCIRF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Income Tax Inst",
            "description": "Income Tax Installment"




            "field": "E1_PARTOT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Curr. Installm",
            "description": "Current Installment"




            "field": "E1_PEDIDO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": Order No.",
            "description": "Order Number"




            "field": "E1_PIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Pis/Pasep",
            "description": "PIS Value"




            "field": "E1_PLCOEMP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr.",
            "description": "Company Contract"




            "field": "E1_PLLOTE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PLS Batch",
            "description": "PLS Batch Number"




            "field": "E1_PLNUCOB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Collection No.",
            "description": "Collection No."




            "field": "E1_PLOPELT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bat. Oper.",
            "description": "Payment Batch Operator"




            "field": "E1_PLTPCOE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Comp. Contr. Tp",
            "description": "Type of Company Contract"




            "field": "E1_PORCJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Interest Perc.",
            "description": "Daily Interest Percentage"




            "field": "E1_PORTADO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Bearer",
            "description": "Bearer code"




            "field": "E1_PREFIXO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Prefix",
            "description": "Bill prefix"




            "field": "E1_PREFORI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Source Pref",
            "description": "Source Prefix"




            "field": "E1_PRINSS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "INSS Prov",
            "description": "INSS Provision"




            "field": "E1_PRISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Prov",
            "description": "ISS Provision"




            "field": "E1_PROCEL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Sel. Proc.",
            "description": "Selection Process"




            "field": "E1_PROJETO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Project",
            "description": "Project Code"




            "field": "E1_PROJPMS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Proj. Apport.",
            "description": "Project Apportionment"




            "field": "E1_RATFIN",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Fin. Apport",
            "description": "Financial Apportionment"




            "field": "E1_RECIBO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt No.",
            "description": "Receipt Number"




            "field": "E1_RELATO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sent Report",
            "description": "Sent in Report"




            "field": "E1_RETCNTR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Ctr Ret.",
            "description": "Contract Retention"




            "field": "E1_SABTCOF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "COF Bal. Disc",
            "description": "COFINS Balance to Discount"




            "field": "E1_SABTCSL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "CSL Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "CSLL Balance to Discount"




            "field": "E1_SABTIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Income Tax Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "Income Tax Balance to Discount"




            "field": "E1_SABTPIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "PIS Bal. Disc",
            "description": "PIS Balance to Discount"




            "field": "E1_SALDO",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Balance",
            "description": "Balance Receivable"




            "field": "E1_SATBIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc. Tax Bal. Disc.",
            "description": "Income Tax Balance to Discount"




            "field": "E1_SCORGP",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "P.Org. PisCof",
            "description": "Calculate Pis/Cofins Publ. Org."




            "field": "E1_SDACRES",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Increas.Bal.",
            "description": "Increase Balance"




            "field": "E1_SDDECRE",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Decreas. Bal.",
            "description": "Decrease Balance"




            "field": "E1_SDOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Doc. Series",
            "description": "Tax Document Series"




            "field": "E1_SDOCREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Series",
            "description": "Receipt Series"




            "field": "E1_SEQBX",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Post Seq.",
            "description": "Post.Seq."




            "field": "E1_SERIE",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Series",
            "description": "Invoice Series"




            "field": "E1_SERREC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Receipt Series",
            "description": "Receipt Series"




            "field": "E1_SERVICO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Service Code",
            "description": "Service Code"




            "field": "E1_SITFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Stat.",
            "description": "Invoice Status"




            "field": "E1_SITUACA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Status",
            "description": "Bill status"




            "field": "E1_STATUS",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Status",
            "description": "Status"




            "field": "E1_SUBCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Subcontract",
            "description": "Subcontract"




            "field": "E1_SUPERVI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Supervisor",
            "description": "Supervisor Code"




            "field": "E1_TCONHTL",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Account Type",
            "description": "Account Type - Hotel"




            "field": "E1_TIPO",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Type",
            "description": "Bill type"




            "field": "E1_TIPODES",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Discount Tp",
            "description": "Type of Discount"




            "field": "E1_TIPOFAT",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Invoice Type",
            "description": "Invoice Type"




            "field": "E1_TIPOLIQ",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Settlem. Tp",
            "description": "Type generated for Settlement"




            "field": "E1_TIPREG",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Record Tp.",
            "description": "Record Type"




            "field": "E1_TITPAI",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "PCC Parent Bill",
            "description": "Parent Bill of the P Taxes"




            "field": "E1_TPDESC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "F100 Disc.",
            "description": "F100 Discount"




            "field": "E1_TPESOC",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Service Tp.",
            "description": "Service type classific."




            "field": "E1_TRANSF",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Transf.Doc",
            "description": "Transfer doc. number"




            "field": "E1_TURMA",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Class",
            "description": "Class"




            "field": "E1_TXMDCOR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency Cor.Rt",
            "description": "Currency correction rate"




            "field": "E1_TXMOEDA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Currency rate",
            "description": "Currency rate"




            "field": "E1_VALCOM1",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 1",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 1"




            "field": "E1_VALCOM2",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 2",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 2"




            "field": "E1_VALCOM3",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 3",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 3"




            "field": "E1_VALCOM4",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 4",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 4"




            "field": "E1_VALCOM5",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Commis.Vl. 5",
            "description": "Sales commiss. vl. 5"




            "field": "E1_VALJUR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Delinq.Fee",
            "description": "Daily Delinquency Fee"




            "field": "E1_VALLIQ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Post.Net Vl",
            "description": "Post Net Value"




            "field": "E1_VALOR",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Bill Vl.",
            "description": "Bill value"




            "field": "E1_VARURV",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Variation Vl.",
            "description": "Value of the Calculated Variation"




            "field": "E1_VENCORI",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Orig Due Date",
            "description": "Original Due Date"




            "field": "E1_VENCREA",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Actual due date",
            "description": "Bill's actual due date"




            "field": "E1_VENCTO",
            "type": "D",
            "title": "Due date",
            "description": "Bill's due date"




            "field": "E1_VEND1",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 1",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 1"




            "field": "E1_VEND2",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 2",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 2"




            "field": "E1_VEND3",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 3",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 3"




            "field": "E1_VEND4",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 4",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 4"




            "field": "E1_VEND5",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sales Rep. 5",
            "description": "Code of Sales Rep. 5"




            "field": "E1_VERCON",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Contr. Version",
            "description": "Contract Version"




            "field": "E1_VERSUB",
            "type": "C",
            "title": "Sub Version",
            "description": "Subcontract Version"




            "field": "E1_VLBOLP",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Punct.Grant",
            "description": "Punctuality Grant Value"




            "field": "E1_VLBOLSA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Grant Value",
            "description": "Grant Value"




            "field": "E1_VLCRUZ",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "BRL Vl",
            "description": "Value in the national currency"




            "field": "E1_VLFIES",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fies Grant",
            "description": "FIES grant value"




            "field": "E1_VLMULTA",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Fine Value",
            "description": "Fine Value in the Bank Slip"




            "field": "E1_VLRREAL",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Actual Value",
            "description": "Bill's actual value"




            "field": "E1_VRETBIS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISB Withh. Vl",
            "description": ISS Double Tax Withh. Vl."




            "field": "E1_VRETIRF",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "Inc. Tax. Wt.Vl",
            "description": "Income Tax Withh. Value"




            "field": "E1_VRETISS",
            "type": "N",
            "title": "ISS Withh. Vl",
            "description": "ISS Value Withheld"





