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  • "Undue" Release or Blocking of Stock

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Verifications to be made when the system displays an undue blocking OR release of Stock


Microsiga Protheus®

Environment:SIGAFAT - Billing


Identify the reason why the Sales Order was unduly blocked (or unduly released) by Stock

Step by step:

Deck of Cards
id0. Instructions for resolution
label0. Instructions for resolution

Depending on which of the following two occurrences you have identified in your process, check the parameters and processes/fields required to solve your problem:

"Tab 1" for orders unduly released. (should have been blocked but weren't)
"Tab 2" for orders unduly blocked. (should have been released but weren't)
"Tab 3" if you check everything in the tabs pertaining your scenario but find no cause for the occurrence.

First, you need to validate whether the Order is Blocked due to lack of Balance in Stock. To do so, check routines "Stock Release [MATA455]" or "Stock and Credit Release [MATA456]" to see whether the caption of the item indicates Black Caption (Blocked – Stock):

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If you have any questions about the captions displayed in routines Sales Orders (MATA440) and Sales Order Release (MATA440), click here for more information.

  • Click "F4" to check the Available Balance, in field Quantity (C6_QTDVEN) of Sales Order (MATA410) as well as in routine Product Register (MATA010):

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idCusto Médio
label1. Order "unduly" RELEASED by stock

If the order is "Unduly" Released by Stock, check the following Parameters and Fields:


.F. - The balance allocated for Production Order is regarded as Available in Stock, which may generate Negative Balances even for Automatic Releases. Reference link: https://tdn.totvs.com/x/Iz6bEg
.T. - 
The balance allocated for Production Order is not regarded as Available in Stock


S - Generate stock blocking for products that control tracing or location.
N - Do not generate stock blocking

titleFields and Processes
  1. The TIO (Type of Inflow and Outflow) used in Sales Order (MATA410) has the field “Stock Upd.” (F4_ESTOQUE) set to “S-Yes”;
  2. Check whether the Stock Release was performed by option “Automatic”. If performed by option “Manual”, the system disregards the product balance in stock and Releases the Sales Order, leaving the product balance Negative.
  3. In TIO Register, field "By 3rd" (F4_SLDNPT): Indicates whether our balance held by third party can be used for dispatch. If the sales order lacks an Available Balance or has only a Partial Balance and field F4_SLDNPT is filled out as 1 - Available for Billing, the stock will not be blocked, because the system regards Our Balance as Held by Third Party to execute the billing.
    The Available Balance remains negative until the material returns from the third party, deducting the balance value.


1) If you have any questions regarding parameter MV_ESTNEG in Manual Release, click here.

2) To remove permissions for Manual Release of Stock, click here.

label2. Order "unduly" BLOCKED by stock

If the order is "Unduly" Blocked by Stock, check the following Parameters and Fields:

  • MV_AVALEST: This parameter defines the Stock Evaluation If it is set to content 3, all billings are Blocked by Stock, requiring Release routines to release them.

titleFields and processes

1. “WMS Blocking” (C9_BLWMS): Check whether the caption for this product , in the Stock Release routines, is Yellow (Blocked – WMS). This indicates a Blocking generated by module "Warehouse Management" (SIGAWMS), in which case you should contact the Support team of the module;

2. Warehouse” (C6_LOCAL): Check whether the Product has balance available in the warehouse entered in the Sales Order.

3.Release Type” (C5_TIPLIB): Check whether all items of Sales Order have Balances in Stock. If one of them does not and field “Release Type” (C5_TIPLIB) is set to “2 - By Order”, all other items will actually be Blocked by Stock.
Another example is whether the field "Release Type" (C5_TIPLIB) is set to “2 - By Order”, the item(s) have Balances in Stock and the Sales Order is Blocked by Credit. In this case the item(s) will be Blocked by Credit and Stock (even having Balances in Stock); 

4. "Reserved Qty" (B2_RESERVA): Check whether the Reserved Quantity of the Product is smaller than the Available Quantity. The reserved quantity is the quantity entered in Released Orders.
Click here to know more about it.

5. "3rd P. Qty H. by Us" (B2_QTNP): If this field contains any value, check whether it is greater than the "Available Qty". This Field contains the quantity from Third Parties Held by Us, a balance that cannot be sold, because it belongs to third parties.
This occurs when an Incoming Document (MATA103) is executed with a TIO (Type of Inflow and Outflow) that controls that which is Held by Third Parties (F4_PODER3) as "R-Remittance". To release this balance, first reverse it, then enter it with a TIO without control of that which is held by third parties.

6. "Held by 3rd P." (F4_PODER3): If the order is a Balance Return from Third Parties, check whether the TIO of the Sales Order (MATA410) has the field "Held by 3rd P." (F4_PODER3) filled out as “D-Return”.

Click here to know more.

7. Trace” (B1_RASTRO): Enter whether the product has Batch control. If so, check whether a Balance Available for the Batch is registered in field “Batch” (C6_LOTECTL or C9_LOTECTL). You can view the balance in routine “Batch Maintenance” (MATA390). The Batch must be:

    • Within Validity;
    • With Available Balance;
    • Creation Date equal to or before the Current Date.

8. Addr. Contr.” (B1_LOCALIZ): Indicates whether the product controls Addressing. If so, check whether a balance is available for the Address entered in field “Address” (C6_LOCALIZ), you can view the balance in routine “Product Addressing” (MATA265). You can check the quantity not addressed in field “Qty N. Addr.” (B2_NAOCLAS);


MessagesA455LIBMAN / A450LIBMAN - Manual stock release not allowed

The Help A455libman only occurs if the product release has tracing and/or location, in which case the system does not allow stock release (MATA455).
Products with Batch Control (field “Trace” (B1_RASTRO)) or Address Control (field “Addr. Contr.” (B1_LOCALIZ)) cannot be manually released, because this release type generates a negative balance, which would compromise the integrity of tracing configured in the Product.
These products are related to the physical balance tables (SB2), batch control (SB8), location control (SBF), etc., which may cause balance integrity errors.
There must be a Balance Available for the release to be executed only in Automatic mode, using the FEFO (First Expired, First Out) concept.
You can also manually enter the Batch/Sub-Batch you want in the Sales Order (MATA410) through fields "Batch" (C6_LOTECTL) and Sub-Batch (C6_NUMLOTE), before the Automatic Stock Analysis.
To select the Batch and Address, you need to evaluate the Operation of function "New Release" in routine Stock Release (MATA455).

titleFor Your Information

By viewing the records from Table SC9 of the system, through routine "Generic Queries " (EDAPP), you can check the cause of Stock Blocking in the contents of field “Stock Blocking” (C9_BLEST).
Click here to know more.

idInformações para envio
label3. Information to be sent for analysis if no cause is identified

If, after checking the parameters and processes in the documentation pertaining your situation, you still have not found the error, submit the following for analysis:

1 - Screenshot of general product balance (Find the product in routine "Products [MATA010]" and press "F4" above the item that blocks or not):

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2 - Content of parameters:


3 - Content of fields (TES):

  • F4_PODER3 of TIO of sales order (C6_TES)
  • F4_DUPLIC of TIO of sales order (C6_TES)
  • F4_ESTOQUE of TIO of sales order (C6_TES)
  • F4_SLDNPT of TIO of sales order (C6_TES)

4 - Content of items for sales order release:

  • C9_BLWMS
  • C9_BLEST

5 - Content of product balance fields:

  • B2_QTNP
  • C6_LOCAL

6 - Content of field release type of sales order:


7 - Enter the process verification:

  • Check whether the Stock Release was performed by option “Automatic”. If performed by option “Manual”, the system disregards the product balance in stock and Releases the Sales Order, leaving the product balance Negative.

8 - If the product has an address or batch:

  • Trace” (B1_RASTRO): Enter whether the product has Batch control. If so, check whether a Balance Available for the Batch is registered in field “Batch” (C6_LOTECTL or C9_LOTECTL). You can view the balance in routine “Batch Maintenance” (MATA390). The Batch must be:
    A - Within validity
    B - With available balance
    C - Creation date equal to or before the current date.

  • Contr.” (B1_LOCALIZ): Indicates whether the product controls Addressing. If so, check whether a balance is available for the Address entered in field “Address” (C6_LOCALIZ), you can view the balance in routine “Product Addressing” (MATA265). You can check the quantity not addressed in field “Qty N. Addr.” (B2_NAOCLAS);
This may interest you:

Releases / Blocking of Sales Order: https://tdn.totvs.com/x/RjS4Ew 

"Undue" Credit Blocking / Release: "Undue" Credit Blocking OR Release

Configurations for Stock Blocking / Analysis: https://tdn.totvs.com/x/fcIYIQ