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of multiple posting...

Multiple posting is a feature that allows several documents and/or folders to be posted with a single action. Performed via drag-and-drop or with a ZIP file containing the folders or documents to be published.



For large volumes of documents, we recommend the use of Document taxonomy, which can help organize and sort files properly. Refer to the Document taxonomy page for more details.

Multiple publication without a description file


01. Go to the location where the folder will be created.



The compressed file must contain fewer than 600 files or the documents will not be uploaded. It must also comply with the size limit set in the “Maximum web upload size” field of the Parameters resource in the Control Panel.


09. Enter information for all documents to be published.

For more information, see Add document - advanced

Version control
Version control method applied to the document. Available options:

Create new review: when selected, this option determines that all changes made will result in a new reviewed version of the current document. It is normally used when the document has a slight change. As you choose this option, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date will be changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new review.Create new version: when selected, this option determines that all changes made will result in a new document version. It is normally used when the document has a substantial change in content. As you choose this option, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date will be changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new version.Maintain current version: when selected, the current document version is maintained. It is used when the current document is no longer valid and it is necessary to replace all of the current content with new, updated content. If the document requires approval, the document's previous content continue to be displayed until the new version/review is approved. This option is only displayed when the option "Create compulsory version/review" is not checked when creating the document.  As you choose the “Maintain review” option, the contents of the document can be changed and the date that the original version was created can be maintained, without creating a new version of the document.

Allows download and printing?
When checked, this option determines that the documents allow their content to be downloaded and printed by users who have permission to do so, i.e., the Download and printing option under the document's Security tab is checked for a user or a group to which the user belongs.

Update properties of a controlled copy?
When checked, this option updates information in the document properties, which is required to print the controlled copy of the documents.

Use internal viewer?
When checked, this option determines that the documents will be displayed in the platform's internal viewer. In multiple posting, this option only applies to PDF files or images that do not require conversion.


Most of the information requested in this tab is common in all documents, so it can be checked in the Document properties documentation.

10. Click on Next.

11. Define the security criteria for the documents being posted.


For more information about the procedure, see Define security criteria for folder or for document

12. Click on Save.


After saving, the directory structure will be published on the platform.

Multiple publication with a description file


To perform this action, a description file must be created with DAT extension. Refer to Create description file to learn more about how to create description files.

01. Go to the location where the folder will be created.



The compressed file must contain fewer than 600 files or the documents will not be uploaded. It must also comply with the size limit set in the “Maximum web upload size” field of the Parameters resource in the Control Panel.


07. In the Description file column, select the description file for the postImage RemovedStep-by-step instructions


08. Define other requested information.


10. Link the information defined in the description file to the information requested when posting documents.  See image


In addition to the types of information available, you can also use the Ignore option to keep the information in the column from being added to the respective document.

11. Click on Next.

12. Enter the other information requested.


If a description file is used, only the information not defined in the file can be configured. Such information will be valid for all documents to be published. Refer to the item Multiple publication without a description filedocumentation Document properties for field details.

13. Click on Next.



For more information about the procedure, see Define security criteria for folder or for document

15. Click on Save.


After saving, the directory structure will be published on the platform.

Create description file


The description file is used when multiple documents are being posted, and each file has specific properties. This file must be created in a text editor of your choice and saved using the DAT extension (for example, description.dat) See image


Please note: 

  • The first value must always be the file name. If it is inside a folder, the directory path must be entered using “\”.
  • All columns must have tab spacing. If the user tries to separate the columns with the spacebar, the system will only consider the value in the same column.
  • Only the ‘name’ and ‘date’ fields are mandatory.
  • Each spacing (Tab) can be a new column of these types: description, keywords, additional comments, version/review description, version/review, expiration date, author, controlled copy property. Except for the first value (file name), there is no required order for the remaining columns, because they may be related on the screen as shown in the item Multiple posting with a description file.
  • The description file must not contain accents and/or special characters, as discussed in this FAQ.
  • There is no limitation on the number of characters for the name and description of new documents included via multiple posts using a description file.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid as of the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.