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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Speaking of downloading folder or document...

This feature allows you to download folders and documents that are posted in the document document browsing structure. The user , and aims to facilitate the downloading of small volumes of these files. 


  • Permissions:The user must have permission to download and the folder or the document must allow to have its content downloaded.


  • These settings are found in the properties of the folder or document: Download and printing column of the Security tab – to allow or deny the user to download – and the Allow download and printing? option of the Inherited properties tab (for folders) and of the General information tab (for documents).
  • Volume space: The Fluig volume must be twice the size of the documents that will be downloaded.
  • Document type: Some types of documents that can be posted cannot be downloaded, such as articles, forms, external documents. In this case, the Download option is not displayed. 

This feature is not indicated for downloading large volumes of documents, since there may be download inconsistencies (i.e. some documents may be affected and not downloaded, compromising document hierarchy).

Although forms and reports cannot be downloaded, the Eclipse platform can be used based on the item instructions:

Image Removed


Deck of Cards
labelRequest download

Image Added

labelWarning message

Image Added

labelNotification received

Image Added

Download a specific folder


The folder cannot be downloaded if the My documents folder is disabled in the platform’s Parameters.

01. Access the location where the folder is posted.


03. Click on Ok, got it in the confirmation message that appears.


After confirmation, the platform generates a compressed file made available in the authenticated user’s My documents folder as soon as compression is complete. This file is named after the original folder that was obtained.

All existing documents and subfolders will be included, except:

  • Forms and form records;
  • Documents which the authenticated user is not allowed to download;
  • Documents that do not allow downloading and printing
When the download of a folder is requested, all of its content is downloaded, including sub-folders and their content
  • .

04. Go to the root folder of the document browsing, and then to the My documents folder.


You can also access the downloaded folder from the notification received in Notifications.

05. View the contents of the compressed folder.


The compressed file is created with the same name as the folder.

If the authenticated user does not have permission to download one or more of the documents in the folder, they will not be in the document package generated. The same happens for any documents that do not allow download: they also will not be in the package generated.


downloaded content.

Download a specific document


It is only possible to download a document when the field Allows Download and Printing? is checked in document properties. If the document has a watermark set in its properties, it must be downloaded via the Download option in document viewing.

01. Find and access the folder of the document you wish to download.



By clicking on this option, if there is no default directory for downloaded documents, it is necessary to inform the location where the file must be stored in the window that opens.

Documents with attachments are compressed and downloaded in .zip format, maintaining all document components (main document and attachments). The platform downloads the document with the main file name, not the name defined in the platform.The Download option is also available in the More menu, located in the action bar in the action bar at the top of the window and in the Document actions menu, located in the top right corner of the document view window The file is named after the main file, not the description defined on the platform.

Download several documents or folders


The folder cannot be downloaded if the My documents folder is disabled in the platform’s Parameters.

01. Find the folder that contains the documents and/or folders you wish to download.
