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Speaking of datasets...


Datasets are components that allow standardizing access to information from locations external to the platform, such as applications and databases. High-performance datasets have a data storage cache obtained externally, which aims to reduce the number of accesses to external data services, that is, it creates a copy of the data structure within the platform for query, enhancing the performance of the datasets developed on the platform. Therefore, the data is queried on the platform itself, preventing access to data in the external provider system in every request.


titleStay tuned for more info!

Refer to the technical documentation to learn more about dataset development.

Displaying datasets


01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check Development container and click Datasets.



It is possible to search for a specific dataset through the Search field located on the upper right corner of the window, or use the Filter button to select datasets that will be returned.

Filtering datasets


01. Click the Filter button located on the upper right corner of the window.



The selected types of datasets will be listed.

New simple dataset


01. Click New Dataset, and click Simple.



If you do not have any registered services, simply go to the Services menu in the General tab of the Control Panel to create a new one.

05. When you select the SOAP, REST, or JDBC services, the fill-in options will appear differently from one to the other. Fill in the fields according to the selected service.

Deck of Cards

When selecting the SOAP service type, complete the following fields:

Selecting the magnifying glass icon will allow you to select one of the available operations. The operations will be listed by Name and PortType (ColleagueService).

To set up
In the settings of the selected operation, Properties, SOAP Headers and Return Processing can be configured.



  • Basic Authentication - Select whether or not to authenticate. You can define a user name and password.
  • SSL - enable when soap service requires use of ssl.
  • Disable Chunking - disable sending the entire soap envelope.
  • List SOAP messages - enable to show the sending and receiving messages in the log.

Dataset keys

Allows setting the keys to be used during offline synchronization, in order to avoid duplicate records from each synchronization.

SOAP Headers

Allows you to add a header.

Treatment Return

  • Extract Result: Allows you to select this option to extract a report in xml format and include a tag.

Fill in the parameters as required:

-Null or Variable (When Null is selected, the Value field is automatically dispensed).

-WKCompany or WKUser (Will be displayed when the assignment field is selected as Variable).


When selecting the REST service type, complete the following fields:

Selecting the magnifying glass icon will allow you to select one of the available operations. The operations will be listed by Name, Method (GET), and API.

To set up
In the settings of the selected operation, the Properties, Headers and Return.



  • SSL - enable when soap service requires use of ssl.
  • List messages - enable to show the sending and receiving messages in the log.
  • Response time - enable to display the time the request waits for the response.

Dataset keys

Allows setting the keys to be used during offline synchronization, in order to avoid duplicate records from each synchronization.

Allows you to add a header.

Treatment Return

  • Extract Result: Allows you to select this option to extract a report in JSON format and include a path

Click Save to complete the configuration.

Fill in the parameters as required:

-Null or Variable (When Null is selected, the Value field is automatically dispensed).

-WKCompany or WKUser (Will be displayed when the assignment field is selected as Variable).


When selecting the JDBC service type, complete the following fields:

Selecting the magnifying glass icon will allow you to select one of the available tables. The operations will be listed by Name and Type (Table, VIew or Synonym).

To set up
In the selected table settings, you can configure some properties such as:

  • Limit Result - Enable to limit the number of records returned.
  • Key field for the table - Allows to select a key field for the table, being: limit or offset.

Click Save to complete the creation.

Fill in the fields as requested:

Filters - Allows you to add filters to the fields.


To create filters, you need to configure some information. Are they:

Lets you select one of the available operations: AND, OR or NOT.

Initial value
Set an initial value. Ex: 1

Final value
Define an end value. Ex: 3

Use Like
Search for content, not exact, but that contains part of the value informed. Just select Yes or No.

  • Return - Allow or not to return a value. Just press Yes or No.
  • Sort - allows you to sort the fields in ascending or descending order.

06. Click Save.

New advanced dataset


01. Click New Dataset, and click Advanced.



This adds a new advanced dataset record and opens the screen to edit the dataset source code. The source code will be saved as draft before the authenticated user clicks Save. Changes to the source code are only applied to the dataset after the user completes all changes and clicks the Post button. Refer to the technical documentation available here to learn more about building advanced datasets.

Enable offline dataset on mobile


01. Click the edit icon in the Offline mobile column, represented by the pencil symbol.



New data created on mobile devices when using the offline mode is only available for query on other forms after the mobile application is synchronized with the fluig Fluig server. For more information about this process, go to the step Configuring dataset synchronization on this page.


For Internal datasets, this option is not editable. They are only viewed as default, Internal.


Import dataset



01. Click the edit icon, represented by the pencil symbol, located in the Synchronization column Import.

02.   Click On to enable it.

03. Click Synchronize now


When clicking this option, the dataset data written on the platform are synchronized with the corresponding data from the external system.

It is only possible to enable data synchronization for datasets developed on the platform. When enabling synchronization, it is carried out according to the schedule created in Task Scheduler. For information on how to define the synchronization frequency, see the alternative path Edit scheduling

04. Click Off to disable it.

05. Click Save.

06. Click Close.


This option can only be edited for Generated Datasets. Internal Datasets are viewed as default.

View synchronization information

01. Click the information icon in the Last synchronization column.

02. View the information on the last data synchronization of the dataset.

03. Click Close to go back to the main window


This option can only be edited for Generated Datasets.

Edit synchronization scheduling

01. Click the horizontal bars icon, located in the Options column.

02. Click Edit scheduling.

03. In the Scheduling settings window, change the information of your choosing


For additional information on the fields, see Task Scheduler.

04. Click Confirm.


To view the next scheduled synchronization, simply keep an eye on the Next synchronization column, which shows the exact date and time of the next synchronization.

This option can only be edited for Generated Datasets.

Display code

01. Click the horizontal bars icon, located in the Options column.

02. Click Display code.

03. View the javascript source code of the developed dataset.

04. Click Close

Delete dataset

01. Click the horizontal bars icon, located in the Options column.

02. Click Delete dataset.

03. In the pop-up message, click Delete


When clicking this option, all data contained in the dataset is deleted.

This option can only be edited for Generated Datasets

Querying dataset

01. Click Query, represented by the magnifying glass icon, located in the Options column.

02. View dataset data.

03. Click Close.

Edit dataset

01. Click Edit dataset, represented by the pencil icon, located in the Options column.

02. Make the necessary changes.

03. Click Save.


Select the server to which the dataset will be imported.


The server must be properly registered as detailed in the Servers item. The dataset will only be successfully imported if the selected server has a update 1.6.5 (Liquid) or higher.

If there is already a dataset with the same code imported from another server, the platform will show a warning message, and the user must confirm in order to create a new version with the deployment of the imported dataset.

03. Click Import.

Export dataset


01. Select the datasets to be exported.

02. Click Export.

03. Select the server to which the dataset will be exported.


The server must be properly registered as detailed in the Servers item. The dataset will only be successfully imported if the selected server has a update 1.6.5 (Liquid) or higher.

04. Click Export.

Configure access permission in the dataset


The Control Panel Permissions feature allows you to define users, roles, or groups that will have access to Internal datasets. For more details, go to Permission features in APIs, datasets and webservices.

Dataset synchronization


Synchronization features are available in a specific screen, which can be accessed by clicking the link in the Synchronization column. Refer to the Dataset synchronization page to learn more about this feature.

More dataset actions


Datasets contain several specific actions, which may be checked by clicking the Horizontal bars icon in the More actions column. Refer to the More dataset actions page to learn more about these features.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the Liquid (1.6.4 - Waterdrop5) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.